old light morning light

Chapter 196 "5"

Chapter 196 "Five"

"What I heard told me that there was a department ban record that was tampered with, and after a series of technical restorations, it could match his characteristics."

"Fingerprints can also be forged. As for the so-called witness records..."

"Unfortunately, what I know is limited to this. Of course, you can only judge for yourself whether you believe it or not."

"Then do you believe it?"

"I believe... right?"

It is necessary to blurt out this feeling, but immediately hesitate after thinking about it.

If I am too firm, it may show my feet, so even if my eyes dodge, it will be regarded as a reasonable behavior.

"Hmph, what else can I do, the information I have now is limited to this, and I can't judge the authenticity..."

Since it is clear that part of his information overlaps here, and in view of his attitude, I should be aware of it at this moment, and it is time to ask a counter-question.

"Did you already know something?"

"It's absolutely impossible for you to bring me here just to pretend to put pressure on me. You must already know some definite news!"

"Use honorifics, kid."

There is no resistance to my reaction at all, not even a frown, which proves that everything I have done so far has been reasonable to him.

He just patted my thigh lightly, and appropriately diverted my conversation.


"I thought we Lin Man were the kind of young people who have no temper. I always wanted to boast that there are really not many young people who are as calm and calm as you."

The person in front of me looked at me with mocking eyes, which made me unclear for a moment which attitude was his true attitude towards me.

Be cautious, be cautious in your words and deeds.

"What we know is that Wang Zhilan did return to school with the hunting team. We found his digital visa from the team's travel documents."

"The last time the permission was granted was a little later than when the team returned to school, and the place where it was logged in was..."

Speaking of this, Kalinin glanced at me abruptly, as if something was involved that I shouldn't know.

"Seventh Induction and Magnetic Spill Laboratory."

Seventh...induction and what laboratory?

Magnetic overflow?

Please forgive me that my Union language has not yet reached the point where I can use it freely. Although I think it is quite powerful to be able to use it to such a degree, it is really a challenge for me to be able to understand this long vocabulary with umlauts and upgrades all at once. It's hard.

"So there is indeed such an access control record?"

"How should I put it, there are some differences between digital visas and access control records."

"After investigating the team leader at that time, we can know that he was deliberately hidden when he returned through my request. That's why the unsuspecting teammates claimed that he had disappeared before returning."

"My claim?"

"The reason?"

Kalinin didn't answer directly, but shook his head helplessly.


Their intelligence is actually quite advanced, and this guy also said that there is a difference between digital visas and access control, which means that maybe the two pieces of information are not on the same line?
If I can find the intersection of the two clues, maybe I can push forward again... Why am I so concerned about this matter?
And wait, I...

Isn't it just to help Kalinin investigate this information... In fact, it is to help the brothers investigate, but why have I kept it hidden until now?

Shouldn't I just break the news to him?
I am resisting him.

What am I... worried about?
What am I afraid of?
I always feel that all this is no longer so real, what is wrong with me?

"Oh, by the way, this week's adaptability assessment, you..."

"Aptitude assessment?"

If I remember correctly, where did I hear this term?

It seems... is used to distinguish between majors, right?

"If you want me to complete any prerequisites, you...you can just ask."

I remember that he seemed to give me the impression that he could help me arrange it, but it doesn't matter, as long as I express my opinion now, he will still agree.

Isn't his purpose of proposing this now is to arrest me as a coolie again?


"Remember, what I told you before, you need to take some measures to strengthen your life safety."

Don't start a new topic casually, hey!
Kalinin smacked his lips, and then brought up a new topic. This kind of rapid topic switching really made me very uncomfortable.

"Well, you did say so."

It seemed to be that time in the ward, and at the same time, because I couldn't control my emotions, I showed an excessive sense of boredom towards him.

"You kid is also very strange. You will always be involved in some magical things inexplicably."

"What is called……"

"Would you believe me if I said that many accidents were not arranged or designed by me?"

Kalinin quickly interrupted what I wanted to say, then turned to look at me and said it with an extremely serious expression.

"I know that maybe one or two times can be called an accident, but until now you have even been shot, so I don't expect you to believe me..."

"You can keep your questions and doubts about me, but please don't deliberately..."

Don't... deliberately... what?
Speaking of this, Kalinin suddenly fell silent. It didn't feel like a sudden silence, but rather like he said something embarrassing, and he gradually stopped and just felt it.

Well, it probably means nothing more than telling me not to deliberately hostile to him. Many accidents are really just a million coincidences.

Alright alright……

Now that he has already said that, and the look in this look is indeed quite embarrassing, maybe it is somewhat embarrassing, or there is indeed something unspeakable.

Even if I don't trust him so much anymore, I can only temporarily be held back by this bitter scene.

Right now, I'm still not sure what this guy's intentions are. His silence is probably waiting for me to make a statement, so let's move on to the topic first.

"Oh, you've already said that... That accident can be called an accident, there must be a coincidence in it."

And since he himself said that he can keep doubting, then I'll just say it sincerely.

"It's okay, as you said, I will reserve independent opinions if I have doubts, but overall I still believe you."


I have expressed my position like this, so it should be more in line with his psychological expectations, right?

How to deal with these old things in interpersonal relationships has to be so deliberate, it's really frustrating...

"It would be great if that's the case."

I can't tell that this old guy's acting skills are still so explosive, he doesn't even want to suppress it for a while...

"Then I'll just say it straight, I hope you can join the selection team for the new hunting."

Kalinin blinked and looked around.

"On the one hand, the team has the weaving of the operational reserve team, on the other hand, it can facilitate your investigation, and finally allows you to carry low-level defensive weapons."

Action Reserve...

As if he was afraid that I would refuse to interrupt, Kalinin quickly spit out all these benefits.

"You can also get considerable action points, which can also make up for your lack of adaptability assessment to a certain extent."

"You can speak slowly, I don't mean to interrupt you."

"Well...you always emphasized the danger before, so I'm going to find a way to allow you to legally carry some weapons."

"At the same time, you can take into account the benefits of graduation and earning action points. Originally, you shouldn't have this opportunity, but I didn't expect Xiluen to help you make a certified victory."

"You should know the gold content of this result. You have broken through the record of obtaining the result as a preparatory student who has not been officially listed so far."

"So even if I agree to this errand, it's still my own luck, right?"

"Don't worry, you have to know that the action group E3 belongs to the reserve team at the level, and often enjoys relatively free time control, and the main purpose of training is to select to participate in the hunting competition."

"You have to know that the reason why the scouts of the student union are showing off their power is that the members of the action team enjoy certain privileges."

"Can enjoy the treatment of an action team, but don't need to perform field work or other tasks like a real action team, and can be reasonably equipped with weapons, isn't it..."

Kalinin blinked quickly, as if hinting at me.

Although what he said sounds very exciting, but in fact, don't care about other things. If I can't be good at hunting, and I rely on relationships to get in, I guess the road ahead will be very difficult. difficult to walk.

Although the people around you are not that good on the surface, but you all know it well, right? It is difficult for me to guarantee how my mentality will change in this environment.

"But there is actually a problem. I am not interested in the so-called hunting sport..."

"And don't worry, no one will have any hard demands on you. If you are willing to study theoretically, you can switch the focus of life at any time."

As if it had been rehearsed, he resisted my question before I even fully expressed it.

Like I'm ready to prevaricate like this.

"The only flaw is that you can't earn a lot of action points, but in fact the main purpose is to bring you the title of an action group, which allows you to legally assemble weapons on campus."

"They have already cleared the relationship for you, and my task is to get you done."


What are they... oh, if you are talking about the group of "predecessors" who beat my little leather whip together in the water prison, then I probably expected it too.

Rather than saying that this is for my own good, it is better to say that this is an established fact that they have negotiated and reached.

(End of this chapter)

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