old light morning light

Chapter 199 "8"

Chapter 199 "Eight"

"Don't be so curious, it's not a good thing to inquire too much."

Although the people there didn't interfere too much, and even said they cared about us, Kalinin seemed to be dissatisfied with my behavior of looking around.


Information, why at this time...

"You can also look at the terminal, but you are not allowed to take pictures or use other methods to record all the information here."

Maybe he was worried that I would continue to peep around, but Kalinin didn't criticize me too much for taking out the terminal, he just reminded me lightly.

[Have you woken up, how do you feel now, have you left any sequelae like amnesia? 】

Strange news, this is... Ethelyn?

How could she have... Oh, when I used my terminal to contact her father, I added a contact person.

[Woke up, and there is no strange sequelae. What I hurt is not the brain. Why are you worried that I have such sequelae? 】

【And how did you know I was awake? 】

[Your treatment bill has been sent to me, it should be that the treatment has ended, right? 】

【Is there no sequelae? That's great~】

【Funny expression】

Treatment bill?
Speaking of which, I have to thank this guy, after all, he saved my life, right?
【May I ask how much this bill cost you? 】

After a long time, I still deleted the words of thanks, and posted such a text inexplicably, what are you doing, Lin Man?

Is it so difficult, why can't we simply say "thank you"?

【Why, are you still planning to return it to me? 】

[Not much, just take it as compensation for me leaving without saying goodbye? 】

【cute expression】

Hmph, still using this expression, he is really just a child...

Not much... How do I vaguely remember the tone of the two nurses' discussion, as if it was not as light as this guy said?
Or is it really not a big money for others?
【All right……】

"Stop smirking, you're going to hit the wall if you keep going straight like this!"

Stupid... giggle?

Kalinin reminded me with a strange tone that it was time to turn left.

"I don't understand you young people, you are carrying a terminal and giggling every day, and you are still raising a paper wife... right?"

"It's better to find a real wife than a paper wife..."

Where did the aunt of the neighborhood committee come from?
"Let me declare first, I'm not a paper man's wife, and I don't have the habit of raising paper man's wives!"

"People cannot be generalized!"

Where did he learn the term "paper man's wife"?
[I still have some things here, so let's do this first? 】

I didn't pay attention to it just now, but now I feel like I'm heading deep into this facility, maybe I'm about to reach my destination?
I'd better say goodbye to her first...

[Is that so, you have to start working immediately after waking up? 】

What soul torture...?
[Then you should pay attention to rest, don't be too tired? 】

【understood. 】

【And... thank you! 】

How dishonest.

Even through the terminal, I can't thank others calmly. Is she a brat, or am I a brat who hasn't grown up...


【You're welcome~】

【cute expression】


"Tsk tsk tsk..."

What are you doing, this guy looked at me with a smirk on his face, what do you mean?
"It's the second time I smirked at the screen!"

What the hell, how can anyone keep staring at other people's expressions?

"Are you afraid that you have a crush on me?"


"Won't you just keep staring at my face all the way?"

"Stop being narcissistic, do you know how obvious it is to move your unchanging expression for thousands of years?"

"Laugh, you are ten years younger, do you know that?"

Smile, ten years old, right?


"Ten years younger, I'm still in my teens."

"You'd better say ten years old."


The environment around the talking and laughing room seemed to be getting worse and worse. The gray walls looked like they were in disrepair due to insufficient lighting, and there was even seepage dripping from the top of the passage.

I can't confirm whether the hideously extending lines on the wall are cracks... When did I come to such a place.

It looks like another building, regardless of the structural design or appearance, it is even older.

"This is a former underground facility. After it was abandoned by them, it was used by some intelligence agencies of the alliance."

Seemingly seeing my question, Kalinin stopped and explained to me.

There are even some slogans sprayed with white spray paint on the walls.

"Work hard to overcome difficulties."

There is a sense of historical beauty that is not well spoken.


"Oh, what a rare visitor."

A gloomy voice came from the depths of the passage, and the conduction through this passage made the call sound extraordinarily weird.

"Why do you have free time after being promoted? Why do you want to visit this place today?"

"I'll bring the Sufferer to visit, isn't there any problem?"

"Bitter Lord?"

"Yes, isn't the reason why he looks like this now is that a few holes were opened in this kid's body?"

"Oh, hehe, is this the kid?"

As if they knew each other, Kalinin, who had stopped to introduce me, led me further into the depths. Gradually, I could see the owner of the voice clearly.

A skinny old man of some age is sitting on a recliner, shaking an old-fashioned hand-cranked radio, seemingly not intending to hear any sound, but just taking the cranking handle as a pure pastime .

"It looks like a short-lived man."

After hearing that I was the sufferer, the eyes that had been closed all the time opened slightly, glanced around me, and then closed them without any pleasure.

But... Although I admit that I'm not proficient in Alliance language, and I'm not that smart, what he just said was "short-lived man", right?
Kalinin shook his head at me. Even though I suddenly wanted to say something, I should keep silent under the current situation.

At least it seems that Kalinin has shown considerable respect for him, so I can't help it, and I can't have any unruly behavior.

"Haha, I'm still in front of you, so don't speak so harshly."

He opened one eye and looked at me again, and seemed to find that I was still so quiet without any change in expression. The thin old man who was half lying down sat up this time and opened the other eye.

Although I really want to scold him for playing tricks, but this situation...

"Hehe, well, let's go."

Although the old man's face is sallow, it still has some luster, and his thinness is not the kind of malnutrition. Maybe it's just because of his small frame and simple thinness?
At least he sat up and looked me in the eye.

After his nod of approval, Kalinin nodded to me again, motioning for me to follow him into the deeper part of the tunnel.

"You, you also know the rules, go straight, come back straight."

"Yes, as ordered."

A slow voice came from behind, and Kalinin immediately responded.

Go straight, come back straight, behave... What kind of rules are these?
But he fully agreed and expressed his willingness to follow, and I have no interest in asking more.

The best way right now is to follow him honestly, even if all of these are weird.

The strange attitude of the skinny old man is completely like... as if he is on guard for something, and this strange rule, there is no fork in this passage, right?
"Old Mr. Coft, it's just this temper, so don't take it to heart."

But since you took the initiative to speak, it's another matter.

"This old Mr. Coft, who is he? How can he move a recliner and lie in this weird tunnel by himself?"

"Who is it..."

"Don't believe me when you tell me. In fact, I'm not so clear about his origin."

After pondering for a while, Kalinin looked back with some trepidation, as if checking whether the people behind him had followed.

"Coffett is just called by other people, so gradually everyone calls him by that. His real name may have been forgotten long ago."

"I used to hold an important position in the Federation Army, but I don't know why I quit the army after the Federation disintegrated."

"Some people say that he was seriously injured in the war, while others say that he was given a secret order. Anyway, there are different opinions and there is no definite news."

"It came back to our field of vision after the alliance agreement was signed and established. We only know that he also held an important position in the alliance navy in the early days."

"As for what position it is, it's unclear."

Having said that, Kalinin looked back again and lowered his volume.

"Later, I heard that he died accidentally during an operation, and disappeared for many years. It wasn't until the alliance's intelligence agency took over here a few years ago that he reappeared as a gatekeeper."

"As for why he wants to stay here, and why he wants to be the gatekeeper, no one can say clearly."

"You can also see that although he has a weird temper and bad words, he is still a person who can communicate, and basically... I don't know about other people, but I don't make things difficult for me."

Having said that, Kalinin spread his hands. I know that for people like them, the unknown is always the most terrifying, so I can only face this old man with this respectful attitude.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Then what happened to the rules he just said?"

"Hey, when I was brought here by someone on behalf of me for the first time, that's what he explained to that person. As for what it means and why, I don't have a place to figure it out."

Good guy, Monk Zhang Er can't figure it out for a long time, right...

(End of this chapter)

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