old light morning light

Chapter 212 "21"


Vertigo... Vertigo?
"Uh ho!"


"Uh, uh oh..."

Panting...I can't breathe, it seems that my whole body hurts!
How long have I been lying here...

My hands and feet... It seems that they are still there.


what just happened...

On the face, something?

blood... flesh and blood...

minced meat!


no, not me...

Inhale gently, inhale gently, it seems that all my parts seem to be intact...

I still have feeling in my hands and feet, no, not me!
Heidi... Livre?

Sit... sit up!

Yes, yes, just now, I was still calling Heidi's name, hoping to cheer her up...

"Ha ha……"

My body is still intact, everything is still intact!
It's over there, a pothole was blown out of the ground not far away over there!
I see, the dense crowd... the crowd helped us block such an explosion.

There is a thick human wall between us and the landing point of the bomb, so we were just thrown out by the impact of the explosion!


It seems that I can slowly hear those loud screams, and it seems that the ears are not damaged...

Surrounded by people lying on the ground, they looked like dead bodies, and there were some...broken flesh and blood...


Damn it, my chest really hurts like this!
It's been so many times, but I still can't accept it calmly after seeing something like this...



Ah, the dull pain in the chest has become more obvious. It should be injured by the shock wave of the explosion just now?

His lower body was suppressed, he...

His right hand seemed to have been severely grazed by something, and the broken muscle tissue was still oozing blood.


I wanted to slap his face, but at this moment I found that there was still a wound on his chest, and it seemed that something else had been pierced into it...

Fragment it.

So, maybe he helped me block the fragments flying from a certain direction...

And the flesh and blood on my face may have come from the broken body in front of me.

"Heng Shali, the broken body...cough cough!"

"A broken body doesn't mean anything, may your complete soul rest in peace, and always want to ascend to Heaven, and prosper your homeland..."

I am not a fanatical believer in the Imperial Church, but at this moment I am willing to give my last thanks to the only passage I know of the Book of Rest.

Sorry, I can't really memorize too many of these, so, thank you...

The lucky person slowly laid the unfortunate person flat on the ground, and the blood-soaked blood on the chest flashed the last gleam of luster in the sunlight, and finally fell into darkness as the body lay flat.


The two girls in front of me lay quietly behind me, holding hands tightly even though they were affected by the bomb shock.


Fortunately, it seems that the bodies of the two are considered complete, and there are no obvious traumas except for some bruises and small scratches.

But I can't directly turn their bodies to check their backs, so I can only slap Livre's face a little harder, but fortunately, it seems that both of their chests are still heaving.

It should have been simply bombed, or fell unconscious.

"Livre, Livre!"

I don't know how much strength I should use to slap and call her, and to be honest, I can't feel how strong my hands are now.

It should have been injured just now, and obvious pain came from the shoulder from time to time.



Good morning?
You look at this confused little eyes, how helpless?
"Okay, okay, come on, can you still hear me?"

"Lin Man... you?"

Well, this guy nodded, if he can still hear it, he should skip those meaningless game dialogue texts!

"Shh, don't be nervous, you listen to me now."

"I don't know how much you remember, but we were attacked by unknown people on campus now. We were shot nearby when we were escaping, and we were blown up!"


This, don't be fooled by the bombing, right?
"Hey, Livre, can you understand what I'm saying?"


Uh huh, can you change the word... Tsk!

"Can you stand up now?"

"stand up……"

"Yes, stand up!"

I don't dare to lift her too hard, if there is a fracture or contusion, it will be troublesome...

"Listen, Heidi's condition is obviously much worse than yours..."


After hearing Heidi's name again, Li Fuer's eyes that were originally a little slack seemed to be a little focused.

"Heidi, yes, Heidi!"

"Listen, we're going to take her away right now..."

"Take it away, take it away..."

Li Fuer repeated my words, but slowly stood upside down, but seemed to have no strength left.

It's good that I can still stand up, then I just need to find a way to take Heidi...

"Where are we... going?"

"Miss Heidi?"


Damn, I promise I've used a lot of strength, but this guy still doesn't move, this is really troublesome.

Then I can only try to pick her up and let Livr follow me.

It doesn't matter where you go, at least don't stay in such an open area anymore!

"I'm sorry, Miss Noble..."

Well, fortunately, it's not as heavy as I imagined...

Now I don't care if she has potential internal injuries, and I can only hope for the advanced medical technology and your family's strong capital strength...and your luck, Miss Heidi.

"Hmm...go, where?"

"Follow me, quick!"

But Li Fuer just stared at me blankly, even though I had already run several steps away.


Her movements were so stiff just now, perhaps most of her actions were based on intuition and partial subconscious reactions.

"Follow me!"


Why are you disobedient, why are you disobedient!

"Listen to me, follow me!!!"


Alas, finally, slowly leaning over, it's really a headache...

"Go! Follow me!!!"

It felt like I was about to scream, and even the tinnitus that had already calmed down climbed to my ears for a while.

But now I can't take care of so much, I have to take them back to the mess I chose...


In fact, I am already a little overwhelmed. To be precise, I am just a laborer, not a real soldier or an athlete.

After all, I'm just an ordinary person with a slightly stronger physique.

Want to get into the alleys of these buildings?

It seems that this is the warehouse area, which should be used to store the consumables that need to be consumed in the teaching area, or to store some equipment that is not needed temporarily or that has been eliminated and replaced.

Warehouse district... Warehouse district again.

This reminds me of some not-so-good memories, and my intuition tells me that I shouldn't go any deeper, but... turn around and run back now?
Heh, I don't have that physical strength anymore!

That's it, no matter what happens here, I won't worry about where a shell flies, where a few cold shots are fired, and so on.

Damn it, I couldn't pull out my gun right away while holding her like this, but I was afraid that I would be discouraged after putting her down, and I can't guarantee that I can pick her up again in this state...

Interference with communication should be temporary, as long as the naval guards control the situation, it should be able to recover again.


It’s no good, if you go on like this, your physical strength will be exhausted beyond the limit, and you won’t be able to recover in a short time. If you encounter any sudden problems, it will be troublesome.

Here you go, just pick a room that doesn't look like much.

It's locked... I'll fuck you!
"Bang! Crack!"

Fortunately, there is still the strength to kick the door open. This kind of access control managed by a unified card is more fragile than imagined.

Dust, no one has been here for a long time, there are many crates and some old combined desks, and the outer panels of some crates look decayed.

Okay, let me put you down first... hey!

Fortunately, I have already lost my strength and almost threw you out, so you just slump on this seat first, and let's talk about whether it is gray or not.

As for Liv...you, tears?
are you crying

"L... Livr?"

The girl in front of me stood silently at the door, the crystal tears on her face couldn't stop falling, but she didn't answer my call.

Forgive a heartless bastard like me, who felt depressed and suffocated for a moment when he saw such a picture.

"Come in first, we'll hide in here."

Is it because I yelled at her so rudely just now?


Sorry, I didn't mean to...

He opened his mouth, but found that the words in his heart were stuck in his throat.

Instinctively wanting to make moral excuses, but in the end seeing the falling tears, he could only gently reach out his hand, wanting to lead her into the room.

Although I was ready to use a little more force, to my surprise she was surprisingly light.

She didn't resist my hand with extra force, but followed me into the room with sobs.

"Okay, you sit and rest here with Miss Heidi first, I have other things to do first..."

Before I could finish my sentence, Livre, who I put on another seat, suddenly grabbed my hand.

Still afraid...

"Don't worry, I won't leave here, I have to deal with the door and close it first, so as not to cause trouble..."

I tried to keep my tone as light as possible, so as not to irritate the slightly miserable girl in front of me again.

There are still important things to do right now. At that time, I can push some heavy objects to block the door, at least not to be kicked open like just now.

"and also……"

No, I'll be overwhelmed with guilt if I don't speak up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you just now..."

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