old light morning light

Chapter 225 "34"

Yes, as you can see, not all coincidences in the world can lead to beautiful encounters.

Chance encounter, beauty...well, okay, although I don't want to admit it subjectively, but the objective fact is that she is indeed a beauty. All these elements have been gathered together. According to the routines of those online novels, it is almost like a couple. They both took care of the key to returning home.

But, unfortunately, there is only darkness in front of me, endless darkness.

What should I do now?

Tama, who had just rushed in, was looking at me standing in the living room at a loss. He didn't even understand what was happening and seemed at a loss.

"Yes... I'm sorry!"

For now, let’s try to apologize first, right?

After I apologized again, some trembling and sharp shouts came back immediately.

"Why did you bring him in again? Didn't I tell you to get out of here!!!"

It can be heard that Le Manni is furious at the moment. It is definitely because she was accidentally seen by me... Actually, she didn't see anything?

Although she did not wear a bath towel properly, at least most of her body was covered. Speaking of which, I didn't even see any sensitive parts?

Yes, it is obvious that she is too sensitive... Although saying this is a bit like getting an advantage and being obedient, what else can I do?

"Cousin, I..."

"Stop talking and kill him!!!"

Are you crying?
This desperate cry, it's like my body has been defiled...Eh?

What did she just yell?
Kill...kill me?
You just look at me like this and I don’t know what to say?

You don't really want to kill me, do you?

Four eyes flashed back and forth. It seemed that not only I was confused, but Tama also couldn't understand. Oh, I was wrong, he never understood what happened?
"I promise, I didn't see anything I shouldn't have seen!"

I immediately raised my hands to express an oath, which can also be understood as harmless surrender.


Tama tried to shout softly, but apart from the faint sobbing, the air was uncomfortably quiet.


Don't look at me like that. Will you believe me when I say that I am also a victim?
"I happened to bump into your cousin coming out of the shower, but I swear she was wrapped in a towel and I didn't see anything!"


"I promise, I swear, I really didn't see anything. She just screamed and shrank back immediately!"

But, tsk tsk!
The scream she just made sounded really interesting...?
what am i thinking

"How about I avoid it first? Being so frozen here is not an option, right?"

Seeing Tama who was even more confused than me, although he was of no use at all now, at least leaving after I said this to him would not be considered as running away.

And I said it so loudly, Le Manni inside should be able to hear it.

That's okay. I didn't dare to hide in my room before. It must be the closed room, and I am the only one with the access control here.

These small boxes on the ground are probably my belongings too, they look like packages.


It did open.

Tama had already walked into the test door and turned around to look at me, as if he was also waiting for me to close the door.

Alas, I have a headache. It seems that this time I came at the wrong time...


The room looked a bit stingy, with only one bed, a table with a wall cabinet and two floor-to-ceiling cabinets.

Ah, but thinking about it, this doesn't seem any worse than my stay in the Imperial Navy's facility. No matter how the suite outside is, at least this is a genuine single room.

Come to think of it, I am still just a student. With such a configuration, in the empire, at least the treatment that only an officer can enjoy.

It's a pity that this chair doesn't feel very comfortable to sit on. You have to sit so deep to reach the backrest. As far as chairs are concerned, I think the Empire has won.

When I open the curtains, the bright sunshine outside can shine on the tabletop. It seems that the orientation of my room is still very good.

As for these four iron boxes... they don't seem to be made of iron. They don't feel particularly cold to the touch, and they are also very light. They seem to be made of some kind of thin aluminum alloy.

There is also a sign on it that looks like a card reading area. Does it mean that I need to swipe my student ID card before I can open it?



Sure enough...are all express delivery boxes so high-tech now?

The cost of this kind of box is not low, and it also has this kind of device embedded in it. Although the safety is guaranteed, I think it is still unnecessary.

Isn't it still a cardboard box inside if you don't open it?
are you crazy?

Matryoshka, right?

The packaging box has the logo of the Alliance Navy printed on it. This largest box should be my freshman gift package, right?
These are school uniforms, two thin sets and two thick ones, then a men's dress and an industrial uniform, two campus guides and a standard tool box.This is the uniform of the Alliance Navy. It looks like a simplified version of the navy uniform with a lighter color. As for this industrial uniform, although it looks weird, it has a buckle on the waist for installing a power pack, and the lining is also used Sheet metal was reinforced.

By the way, should I take a shower before trying on clothes?
The way I look now, I feel like if I touch my face with my hands, it will turn into dust.

Forget it, there are still three boxes left, let’s take a look at what’s in them first.

Let’s look at the smallest one first.



Why did you fart in this box?

Is this an air bag?

Science, this is too scientific. You can use professional tools to inflate the box through the hole outside the box. There is a film inside the box wall that can swell up as a buffer after inflating.

That big box before, eh, seems to have one too. After the film is deflated, it will automatically retract and stick to the inner wall.

The texture doesn't feel like rubber to the touch, just like the big box just now. If it wasn't inflated, it would be really hard to find the film without paying attention. This is too scientific.

Three small boxes, one of which was decorated with brocade.

Union Navy Bronze Achievement Medal.

Oh, it turned out to be that medal. It seems that what they said is true.

Lying quietly in the small box was a dark copper-colored six-pointed star medal, with the word "victory" in the Alliance language engraved on the front and an embossed image of a battleship wrapped in a ribbon.

I couldn't tell what kind of warship it was, but it seemed to be a small ship that fit the size of a bronze medal.

There is also a copy of the medal in the same color as the medal ribbon, which can be worn on the breast clip of the uniform.

"Rewards are given to brave soldiers who fought bravely in battle and achieved results."

There is also a paper certificate.

"B-177F87E2, Awarded to: Augusta Linman, FB-23 for his gallant combat at Gondolier."

My name is engraved on the back of the medal in a strange font.

Tsk tsk, so handsome!

How old are you, yet you are still holding this medal and dangling it on your chest like a child?

Oh, what are you afraid of? No one else will see it here. It doesn’t matter if you are childish. According to someone, this is the heart of an innocent child...

Damn, the curtains are not closed!
You probably weren’t seen by the people in the building in front of you just now, right?

An embarrassment that shot straight into my soul made me shiver and I calmed down instantly.

You should just close it again after opening it. The medal is too small and you can't see it clearly. But if you see a big boy crazily pinching his chest and twisting around like he's on drugs, this...

Damn it, just thinking about it like this makes me feel like there is no room for me in this school!
Damn damn it!

Alas, if I had known earlier, I would have acted more mature. At least I was so arrogant, right?
Now I can only hope that no one saw my crazy look just now, and my cold and handsome persona is about to collapse... It seems that my current appearance has actually collapsed?
It’s nothing, nothing, it has collapsed a long time ago... woo woo!
These two small boxes should be some kind of medals, but they look obviously not as exquisite as the small box just now.

Union Navy Meritorious Service Medal
Bronze Service Medal
The two medals were made of an unknown type of metal and looked like cheap handicrafts stamped using molds.

"Awarded to the crew of a ship who has accomplished an outstanding mission."

"The Alliance Navy thanks you for your contribution."

There are only two short lines of description in total. Although there is a hero strategy in each box, this kind of single-color hero strategy does not have a pendant, so it is not as good-looking as the victory strategy.

It always feels like playing a game when talking about it. This can be regarded as completing three achievements at once.

There are rare achievements, there are historical achievements, and of course there are general achievements like this, right?

This package seems to contain some food and nutritional supplements.

From - Institute of Nutrition and Biology, Alliance Navy III Air and Space University?

It seemed to be some food distributed by the school to all new students, but it all seemed to be cans and the like, as well as some medicines.

Fortified synthetic vitamins, hormone supplements, active enzyme modulators...even disposable syringes?

It's all a mess, and it always feels like it's not something serious. It seems like this calcium tablet only looks normal.


Where can I find bitter and bitter calcium tablets? ? ?

As for this last box of packages, it seems to be a bit heavy after weighing it. I don’t know what it might be.

Strange, why is the red light flashing?
Can't open?

Isn't it my thing?
Why are they put in a pile with my things?
There are no labels or anything like that on it, it's just a solid metal box.


Couldn't it be Le Manni's things? She made a mistake in picking them up and piled them up with mine?
Thinking about it, this probability is quite high, but...how should I solve the problem outside?

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