old light morning light

Chapter 234 "43"

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Alliance Navy Teaching Fleet, Equipment and Manufacturing Test No. 20 Base, Carrier Aviation Research Institute.

There were noisy and noisy mechanical sounds one after another, which was quite lively.

"Gate No. 23, right main wing fracture defect, 1-26, 7-[-]!"

Rather than saying it is a research institute, I feel that the scene in front of me is more like an assembly workshop.

Ground support vehicles were dragging parts that looked like wreckage all over the place, and people wearing weird-colored reflective vests were also running all over the place.

There are obviously markings on the ground and signs projected by holographic projections, but it's just so confusing here.

"Ding! Dang!"

They even installed the secondary forging hammer directly on the mast of the top beam, and the aviation car that was here before has been dismantled to an unknown location.

"Don't be surprised, these people who are in a hurry are all students like you."

Kalinin patted my shoulder from behind and pointed towards the crowd standing in a row not far away to receive lectures.

Indeed, those who were not already wearing various light pollution reflective vests were wearing cadet uniforms.

"This is the repair area of ​​the entire facility. In order to ensure the quality of teaching, many truly battle-damaged carrier-based aircraft and other equipment will be sent here to serve as temporary teaching aids."

Real battle damage, so the junk piled all over the venue and scattered everywhere are all battle damage equipment?
"So where did all the battle damage come from?"

"Do you think we and the Empire are really trying to maintain peace now?"

So, no right?

The viscous liquid flowing out of the ground glowed with a deep and bright light under the still sufficient light, mixed and entangled... wailing.

I couldn't tell whether this was magnetic fluid, structural stabilizing fluid, some kind of engine oil, or... the driver's blood.

"...Area 14, main engine overhaul..."

People wearing reflective vests ran past in groups, and no one cared whether they stepped on these miserable liquids.

Yes, they are just students, just flowers in the ivory tower and greenhouse.

"Okay, let's go."

Violent ablation, the body structure was completely blown to pieces, the fate of this sad small weapon was almost doomed when it was produced.

"We can't get around the partition in front, so we can only climb up to the high platform from the side stairs and then go in."

There is a huge number 21 marked on the wall, and neatly arranged pipelines cover almost half of the wall. Following Kalinin's direction, you can see a set of stairs built with a metal frame on the far side.

Just looking at the height with the naked eye gives people the following impression:
"I shouldn't have climbed it"

of this illusion.

Well, one look at this guy's eyes showed that there was really nothing he could do.

"Kudden, kudden..."

Although this steel staircase has thoughtfully repaired handrails, it may be due to the material. The handrails connected to the stairs should be made of more active metal to form a primary battery, and have been severely corroded.

Just like this, if you hold it up with your hands, you will have a rough friction feeling and a lot of embroidery dust.

"Kudden, kudden..."

People can't help but worry about the reliability of this ladder that has been in disrepair for a long time. It may turn into a "heaven's road" accidentally.

Kalinin seemed much more calm, and some figures were seen swaying and wandering on the stairs on the other side. It shouldn't be a big problem.

Let's try to hold on to something, at least I can catch it immediately and won't fall directly.

But what if... the entire ladder collapses? How should I deal with it?

But fortunately, I climbed up smoothly in the end.

It is still a large factory, with many areas separated by striped tape on the ground. What is different from the workshop downstairs is that where many machines and damaged parts are placed, now there are vivid fighter planes parked.

Mk.2 Canopy, the star carrier-based aircraft of the Alliance Navy, but Type 2 Canopy is the ground model of the low-Earth orbit defense force, the so-called Air Force.


I can even see a thick missile hanging from the canopy closest to me, but unfortunately I can't tell the model of this missile.

"This is the central preparation area. Fighters that have completed preparations here will enter the release area through the isolation doors on both sides."

"The front part is still buried deep underground. Although this part is also underground, it is not very far from the ground."

Kalinin looked around pretendingly, and then started walking.


The colleagues coming and going looked more capable than the students below just now, and the queues seemed more orderly.

The orange embroidered ribbon shows that they are ground/deck service personnel. As for the letters and symbols on the vests, I don’t know what they mean. I guess it’s a specific division of labor or something?
"Let's go to F3."

Kalinin headed towards the huge isolation door with white F3 printed on our right front, and then motioned for me to follow.

"Didi!" A weird vehicle with only one chassis slipped by dragging a fat bomb. From time to time, the same vehicle floated by carrying a bunch of vested minions.

But it always gives me the illusion that all the lines on the ground are drawn in vain.

They did not follow the instructions on the ground when driving, and almost half of the parked carrier-based aircraft was parked outside the box, which highlighted a sense of randomness.

"There are not so many requirements on the ground. Everyone adheres to the principle of convenience for themselves and everyone else, so it seems more casual."

Seeing me staring straight at the fighter plane with almost its entire fuselage parked outside the aircraft stand, Kalinin also explained to me.

As for its aircraft bay, it is filled with medium-sized long-distance shipping containers from Changyun Cargo.

"It's nice to be casual."

If there was such a mess in the previous empire's facility, if nothing else, the pilots of that plane would have to fight you because you had tarnished their so-called glory.

Yes, speaking of it, the Imperial Navy feels that a carrier-based aircraft loaded with bombs parked squarely on its own aircraft is a very honorable and correct thing to do.

And I have to mention the so-called chivalry.

I couldn't understand it at all at the time, but now after seeing what the Alliance did, I realized that the Empire was indeed stronger.

At least it seems to me that the combat effectiveness may be higher...

The huge gate with F3 printed on it was tightly closed, but fortunately, when I got to the foot of it, I discovered that the gate on the right side still had a small door open for people to enter and exit.

It seems to be just enough to allow a small car with only a chassis to pass through without opening the gate.

Heavy carrier aircraft launch tube.

Unlike warships where every inch of land is at a premium, the ground facilities have an almost unlimited energy supply. This is common in the Empire but rare in the Alliance. The orbital launch tubes only retain the forward mount. Although half of the launch traffic is lost, But there is no need to worry about damage to the carrier-based aircraft if it hangs upside down for a long time.

Although the space on the ground facilities is spacious and you can do whatever you want, after all, there is still gravity on the ground, and the damage to the carrier-based aircraft and orbits will be much more serious when hanging upside down than in the starry sky.

But then again, when we escaped last time, the empire's ground facilities still retained the upside-down launch capability.

I just walked with Kalinin. I didn't know how far I had walked since I entered this facility. I felt soreness in my waist again, which indicated that my new organs were feeling a serious load again.

I have to climb stairs and walk everywhere again, and I don’t know how much longer I have to walk. It’s really not working anymore and I think I should take a proper rest.


Ah, you really don’t give me face.

"This is the Long Sword C we are riding this time. You should have already taken lessons in piloting carrier-based aircraft and traffic boats, right?"

Long Sword C sounds familiar, it looks like a bomber, right?
"Well, it's easy to learn to drive..."

"As long as you have learned it, there is no big difference!"


Kalinin directly handed over a card, which seemed to be an activation key or something like that.

"Some units have the authority to launch independent attacks and can legally launch attacks even in the absence of naval combat orders."

"So you don't have to worry about being intercepted."

Maybe seeing my hesitant expression, Kalinin patted my shoulder and comforted me, but... I'm not worried about this!
"You drive, and I'll pilot for you."

While he was talking, Kalinin had already jumped onto the aileron by stepping on the protruding part of the belly of the plane, and reached out his hand to me to help me.

His movements were unusually skillful and graceful, but speaking of this, this guy must have just stepped on the outer edge of the radiant panel. Is this a place where he can step hard?
But since he already plays like this, I will imitate him...


Damn it, you almost fell to death. That thing was quite smooth. If I hadn’t grabbed the water channel on the aileron quickly, I would have died!
Could this old dog look like an elder?
In a two-seater aircraft, Kalinin reached the second position with ease and even took out two helmets from the cargo hold at the back.

Is this your home?

"You're stunned, why are you still sitting?"

...Okay, where did this old dog learn this trick? Suddenly he is quite humorous... That's weird!

This sense of dissonance is going to explode, okay?
It's a sad scene again. Although I have played it in the "game" several times, actually sitting in front of these instruments and controllers still makes me a little confused.

"Can you do it?"

There was also a light mocking sound coming from behind.

To be honest, my liver hurts a little now.

"I said no, can you drive it instead?"


Silent, quiet again now, right? He glanced back at Kalinin and found that this guy was pretending to check his helmet!
Well, that's it, the ship will naturally sink when it reaches the bridge!


Punch to work!

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