old light morning light

Chapter 243 "52"

After seeing me actively throwing the weapon aside and kicking it away with my feet, although the surrounding security personnel began to gradually press closer, the hand that was tightly holding the trigger seemed to be less forceful.

Even if I still hold Kalinin down, at least everyone is not as nervous as when they took turns shouting.

"According to the current military management requirements, I, as the Alliance Navy, should enjoy independence..."

Tsk, you're so impatient and don't even wait for me to say anything...


This is too much force, don’t, don’t break it!

Although I watched them press towards me and push me to the ground, the force was really too much...

Don't, don't touch it, it's itchy...

"team leader!"

"Alliance Navy Instruction Fleet, Technical Petty Officer Substitute."


The leading AAS team commander glanced at me, anger flashed in his eyes, but he did not look at me sharply, and it seemed that he was not targeting me.

They probably took away my ID. According to naval regulations, I should be able to enjoy the hospitality of the military court, right?

"Tsk, he's still a student soldier."

He should still be irritated. If it involves the Navy, it is naturally a troublesome matter. No matter what, he has already seen my ID and almost directly believed my identity without verifying the digital certificate.

"Hel him up."

It doesn’t matter, even if he questions, the old dog Kalinin will help me solve other problems.

"How could such a promising future at such a young age be wasted like this?"

I sighed and squatted down. I don't know what I was thinking, but my posture... was really uncomfortable!

His big rough hands slapped my face. Although the order was to help me up, this guy still pressed my body and only lifted my head!

Good guy, good guy!

I can't stare at him with a particularly fierce and unconvinced look. I still understand the basic principle of success and failure. Now I can only keep my attitude down.

What's annoying is that old dog Kalinin doesn't say anything to help me. He just points at me from behind and shows his claws. I don't know if he's saying bad things about me.

"I don't know what others say about you behind your back."

I really wanted to complain, but this guy was pressing my chest and neck, making it hard for me to breathe smoothly, let alone say anything.

They didn’t give me a chance to speak or explain anything at all, no!

"Take it down."

These two brothers touched my whole body, and even touched my crotch twice through my crotch. How could I, a weak student soldier, have seen such a battle?

"Brother, can you stop using so much force? I feel like your hand is about to be removed..."

"Stop playing tricks."

After they felt the restraint on me, they didn't say anything and even let go of their hands on my shoulders.

Yes, he even stopped restraining me and just let me walk on my own, without worrying that I would suddenly escape or anything like that.

To my surprise, they didn't hold a gun against me as I thought. After the so-called captain gave me the task of taking me away, they just put restraints on me and then Made me "decent".

Is it because I am a so-called "Navy"?

In this era of being able to sail around, mastering sea power is equivalent to mastering everything. Even if I am just a "suspect", I must be treated with caution?

This is the confidence Kalinin mentioned before.

If I had known it looked like this, I should have put that so-called ribbon on me. I don’t know what their reaction would be if they found a ribbon symbolizing the flagship commander.

Do you still dare to "arrest" me like this?

I was carried along and kept walking towards the other side of the building. It seemed that the sound of footsteps from before came from this.

The cold air stung my face, interrupting my wandering thoughts.

The narrow corridor is designed to be a heat-insulating structure, and fabric screen doors are installed in the winding areas to effectively block the invasion of cold air.

The surrounding environment is also becoming colder, which is a sign of leaving the warm building.

Black eye patch, actually still doing this trick...

This is going to take me a long distance. This is the airport, and their transportation equipment may be outside.

You're not going to drag me into a small dark room and torture me severely, are you?

After my vision fell into darkness, a strong hand squeezed my shoulder again, indicating the direction I should walk.

"Huu~wu~!" The sound of the fierce howling wind, the moist and biting feeling of coldness, this is the feeling of snow blowing on my face and being melted by my body temperature.

After melting, it quickly vaporized under the influence of the wind, taking away more heat from my face and giving me a stinging feeling like being cut by a knife.

"Let's go, we have to keep moving forward."

Alright alright……

"Go to the right, now lift your legs and step up."

Following the instructions of the defense personnel beside me, I seemed to slowly walk up... The feedback from the footsteps seemed to be a kind of metal staircase.

Maybe it's the vehicle they need to ride on.

The pressure on my shoulders pushed down vertically, as if signaling that I could sit down.

I guess it's a flying vehicle, such as a transport plane or something.

This dull whistling sound couldn't possibly be a land speeder equipped with a jet engine, right?

As for the shuttle, it obviously can't accommodate so many people, right?

"Is everyone here?"

Judging from the voice, it should be the previous team commander. The 12-person standard assault team should be affiliated with the alliance's rapid ground control force.

They were already in a state of combat readiness and should have received the alarm in advance, so they came so quickly.

After takeoff, the sound of the huge engines gradually became calmer. These defense personnel kept chatting about something, and because they seemed to be using the local language, I couldn't understand a word of it.

Don't even think about eavesdropping on some news, but fortunately I didn't hear Kalinin's voice, so I must have successfully avoided being detained together with me.

My efforts like this are only half the success. It also proves from the side that these people are not arranged by Dimitri or are interested parties. I don't have to worry about them secretly killing me halfway without respecting martial ethics. .


There is actually a sense of joy in surviving a catastrophe. Human beings are really difficult to fathom.

Someone's hand was holding my shoulder from beginning to end, but since I figured out some logic just now, I feel that such an action brings me a certain sense of security...

They will not hurt me, they will send me safely to the next step of the plan, and there will be people on my shoulders to make me feel less lonely.

Yes, alone, if you think about it carefully, many times my struggles are due to my strong survival instinct, I want to live.

But what about after surviving?

Wandering in a foreign land?

Not to mention anything else, he was recently kicked out of his dormitory by a woman using her money power?

How about earlier?

There is still pain in the abdomen from time to time, and I always feel inexplicably weak.

Now he is handcuffed and blindfolded, and he looks like a meat ticket described in the novel...

Forget it, now is not the time to think about these useless things, it’s better to think about what you may face next and some basic countermeasures...

I don't know where their destination is, but since they already know my "Navy" identity, and that Kalinin is still able to move freely, they can largely guarantee the development direction of the situation.

Then the next step is to undergo a military court trial and then enter the so-called Thorns Central Prison to consult an investigation record.

He said someone would provide me with assistance, but he would need to match a specific code.

I don’t like to eat synthetic products, but I like to eat fresh meat... Why do you use sausages to talk about it?

It’s a strange joint code, but it’s finally a little bit like the plots in those movies and TV shows.

There is also a distinction between what is under coercion and what is not under coercion. This means that there are still people in prison who will... monitor?

Does that mean there might be someone else watching me?

If I were a director or something, I would definitely change the password to a more authoritative one. The sausage thing is just a bit too cool.

If you say so, then there must be a way to taste fresh meat sausages... If you say so, then there must be a way to taste fresh meat sausages... If you say so, then there must be a way to taste fresh meat sausages... How to make meat sausage...

To put it bluntly, you asked me if I like to eat sausages. I replied that I like fresh meat, and then pretended to be sorry that I didn’t eat sausages. I then questioned that if you said so, there must be some.

That's the logic. Apart from the annoying modal particles and auxiliary words, there's nothing difficult to remember.

After completing the contact, how to obtain the materials they need should be waiting for follow-up instructions.

The old dog just didn't disclose the specific steps and methods at all. As for how I was able to leave smoothly in the end, I couldn't let go at all.

To put it bluntly, if I get what they need inside, or they have completed the investigation through other methods outside, will they still spend extra effort to rescue me?

A person who knows some specific inside information, rather than being released to act freely, it would be better...

No, I can't imagine it now. It's hard to guarantee that he will fulfill his duties to me based on his so-called acquaintance with my father, but now that things have reached this point, it seems useless to think about it again.

At best, I can only rely on these to provide testimony, but without any physical evidence... Tsk, even this plan was improvised by me...

Sure enough, it's still too hasty, right?

If he could have thought of these things earlier and relied on Kalinin's other methods, at least he would have quickly entered something into the terminal just now, right?

Hmm...could it be better than the current situation?

Still, I’m being too sentimental...

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