old light morning light

Chapter 46 "4"

Chapter 46 "Four"

"Hey, heck..."

As the shadows in the dark continued to approach, the sound of shoes hitting the ground could even be heard.


The person who came out first was wearing a gray-green overcoat. I couldn't tell what kind of fabric it was, but it didn't look reflective.

For some reason, he stopped at the entrance of the passage after walking out of the dark, and began to look around.

Are you watching us?
The tall figure brings a strange sense of oppression to us sitting, with a half-section mask that exposes the mouth on the face, except for the eyes exposed above the lips, it can only be seen that it seems to be a high nose bridge.

There is a warm smile on the mouth, but it gives me a very dangerous feeling, and this weird contrast seems especially unreal.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then with his hands behind his back, he pointed towards my left front, that is, in front of Moral.

"You, roll up your sleeves."

To be honest, judging from the current situation, this so-called orthodox person is more like a cult than the "cultists" who just sit quietly without saying a word.

Looking in the direction he was pointing, I couldn't see that person's appearance because of being blocked by the back of the seat, and naturally I couldn't see his expression either.

At the same time, looking at those people who were still in the dark, it seemed that someone had already raised the weapon in their hands, and the barrel of the gun that reflected the light on the cabin roof had a unique metallic luster, and followed the former and pointed in that direction.

"Heretic, arrest him!"

Looking at the shadow swaying on the wall not far away, it was different from the one who broke out in conflict and resisted violently just now, the guy in front of him chose to cooperate silently.

Standing up without a word, the sleeves that had been rolled up also slipped down.

It's a blood red flower.

But at that moment, I saw a scarlet pattern on my arm, which seemed to be a flower, but I couldn't see what it looked like.

Then he was handcuffed by a person behind this person and led away from here.

Where will his fate go, except for the unknown orthodox leader in front of him, no one knows, right?

Perhaps the quiet man who was just taken away was really a member of a heinous organization, and perhaps his hands were already stained with blood, so there was no disturbance to the coming doomsday.

But is the so-called Orthodox Church the same?
Although it is not known how he discerned whether we were so-called heretics, it is clear that the story here is not over.

His snake-like eyeballs swam back and forth in the eye sockets, as if he wanted to pierce all the people sitting with his eyes.

Is it by our eyes?
Or have some other means?
It is said that there are some races in this universe with super-perception than ordinary people. They can understand other people's thoughts through facial movements or other biological signals.


As his dull voice sounded, the hand that symbolized reward and punishment was about to be raised slightly again.

Is this, looking at me?

Suddenly, an ominous premonition began to spread from his heart.

"Lin Man...!"

Don't get involved with me at this time!
Quickly used his right hand to press Nalia's reacting hand under the chair back of the person in front.

Don't move!

There was no way to make a sound directly at Nalia and Moral, and after pressing Nalia's hand down, he could only wink at Moral cryptically.

People around me have started whispering, it seems that some people have regarded me as an evil heretic.

This look, it really is me...

but why?
But soon, his hand that was about to be raised trembled slightly, and then he put it down directly.

This is, they are already paying attention to Nalia.

Was the little trick just now discovered?

Or did you discover our identity, or Nalia's identity?

Do you want to show hostility towards him?

But I don't have any chance of winning at this distance, and it is impossible to have it!

"Foreigners, leave it to me?"

But strangely, the hostility in his eyes disappeared at a perceivable speed as he lowered his hand.


No, this look is not looking at me.

Although he stared straight in my direction, his eyes didn't have any feeling of looking directly at me.

So his target was Gollum?

The little thing in his arms has been sleeping soundly since he was full, and has no understanding of the dangerous situation now.

This should be regarded as a special belief in me, right?
And what's even more strange is that his tone seems to be... discussing with me?
At least for now, it seems that the people behind him have not made any movements that threaten me.

Is this gesture really discussing with me?
At least it doesn't look like there's a gun pointed at me, right?

"I'm sorry, but please allow me to refuse."

Let's treat him with basic respect, so that unnecessary conflicts may not arise.

There was no change in the facial expression, not even the eyes.

Can't get any information.

"The reason, please explain."

Actually... Really, are you trying to reason with me?

Because I am not a heathen?
No roll up of my sleeves, no other intention of talking.

Moreover, this kind of discordant words, combined with the strange tone, really made people feel uncomfortable.

"He is my slave, and I have no idea of ​​trading slaves now."

But you want me to explain why I don't want to hand Gollum over to him?
Pressing Nalia who was about to move again, she must want to say something, right?

"Don't act rashly!"

Now that I have confirmed that the other party is really "negotiating" with me, at least I dare to whisper to Nalia to keep calm without angering the other party.

Although the current situation is within the controllable range, but...

It's weird in every way.

"Your slave, don't want to trade..."

"The reason is sufficient and reasonable."

For a while, if I didn't really see this guy's eyes, I would even really think of him as an emotionless robot.

But the light scattered in the eyes, the pupils that can respond to changes in light, and the Adam's apple that moves slightly when speaking, all I see suggest that what I see in front of me is an adult male like me Primates are intelligent creatures, yes.

After so-called accepting my reason, he straightened up and walked towards the cabin behind us without looking back.

Only then did I see clearly that there was a purple-gold robe-like cloak on the back, maybe it was tied in the buckle on the shoulder?

In the middle is a scepter-like rapier logo outlined with dark golden thin lines, a long badge, a slender long sword in front, and a scepter-like hilt at the back.

But it's not so much a scepter, it's more like a gorgeous key...

Although I haven't seen a mark exactly like this one, I know another mark that is very similar to this one:
Temple Inquisition...

The people who were following behind him also followed quickly.

Eight people, each wearing light green gowns of different lengths but similar colors.

There were four people with guns on their backs. I couldn't tell what kind of weapons they were.

They were like ghosts floating in the air, except for the rattling and rattling sound of the leader walking, there was no other sound.



Until they leave here completely, I think it is still the wisest choice to keep quiet.

"What, it's really annoying!"

I can feel that Nalia glanced at me slightly angrily, but after thinking about it for the last time, she still thinks that what I did was right.

He could only hum a few words helplessly and then fell into silence again.

But what surprised me a little was Moral.

After this guy understood the look in my eyes from the beginning, he acted like he had absolutely nothing to do with me.

He even showed his fear of me just right when he was talking to me, just like these other unrelated people, expressing emotions that can blend into the environment in a gregarious manner.

Although I know that he can completely trust me, this is also a kind of progress, a kind of progress that understands what I mean, and a kind of progress that can carry out my requirements.

Like I said before, this saves me a lot of trouble.

"I'm sorry just now."

I don't know what to say, should I pretend to apologize to Nalia?
Although I don't know if she is angry, or what kind of anger she is, but it doesn't hurt me to apologize or something, and it can make her feel better.

"In that case, I can't make it look like you have too much relationship with me."

Of course, this is also true, no matter how powerful they are, it is impossible to beat these guys with weapons while sitting down.

Do you think it is a magical little movie of personal heroism?


"Who are they?"

Sure enough, after I took the initiative to "apology", she was willing to talk to me immediately.

In fact, you guys are also full of doubts, right?

Really, not honestly.

"Although it is not very certain, it seems that it should have a considerable relationship with the Temple Inquisition."

"Temple Inquisition?"

"Well, the church's violent executive."

The so-called tribunal is naturally the place where the criminals are sentenced, and when the judgment is executed, the power to execute the judgment is often needed.

Therefore, institutions controlled by the church that can demonstrate their power without relying on the empire have emerged.

"This is an ancient institution from the ancient Templars, composed of zealots most loyal to the Church."

"They have their own power and will fight to safeguard the will of the saint and the church."

"This institution is called the Temple Inquisition."

"Is that equivalent to the church's army?"

"You can understand that."

I actually don't know much about the religion of the empire, and I learned a lot of information from the school library.

So most of what I learned were those so-called glorious stories and the justice of evil.

But I don't know which is real, what I see with my own eyes and what I understand.

Is it the so-called hymn written by the victors?
After all, hymns can be deceiving; eyes can also be deceiving...

(End of this chapter)

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