old light morning light

Chapter 7 "6"

Chapter 7 "Six"

Long voyage cargo ships are giant trade ships that travel between major star regions, and even between constellations.

In terms of the positioning of the cargo ship, it is between the ordinary cargo ship between the galaxies and the flagship cargo ship between the constellations.

It has a volume and material throughput close to that of a flagship-class cargo ship, but it does not have the ability of a flagship-class cargo ship to perform ultra-long-distance jumps with the assistance of port facilities.

Although there is no armament, it is true that any armed ship will be regarded as a warship in the "Aron Prime Treaty", it will be regarded as a hostile act, and it cannot even berth at a neutral port under normal circumstances.

This is also the reason why the Imperial carrier-based aircraft cannot land at the neutral port.

However, the huge size brings a large-capacity shield to the long-distance cargo ship, which can effectively resist the harassment of interstellar pirates who lack heavy firepower until the arrival of local control forces.

Huge transport capacity, relatively cheap cost, and safe and reliable shields make a cargo ship of this size very suitable for large and medium-sized traders to conduct trade between star fields.

Of course, the same huge body will bring a huge signal response, and the high-energy energy core will bring a huge radiation signal while maintaining the shield and propulsion.

All these will provide a very ideal smuggling environment for stowaways.

As far as I know, there are often stowaways driving small vehicles close to landing cargo ships, using the huge signals and radiation of the cargo ships to shield their own characteristic signals, with the intention of avoiding the search of ground radar.

As long as the cargo ship leaves quickly before landing and quickly enters the airspace of the stratosphere, the goal of successful smuggling can be achieved.

"Manual driving."

After making up your mind, stop thinking about it, and quickly switch the driving that is automatically merging into the synchronous track to manual driving.

Although he has not received formal military training to fly a carrier-based aircraft, he has benefited from his father's influence since he was a child.

Just simply driving a carrier-based aircraft to complete the flight control won't bother me, right?
Push and hold the pressure lever to control the thrust output.
The red one is attitude control, three-axis or four-axis?

If I remember correctly, the higher the number of stable axes, the more stable the flight attitude will be, but at the cost of reduced maneuverability.

Hang on to the highest four-axle first, right?
Hey, is the pressure feeling still hard?
Is it because the number of stable axes is too high?
"Xinghai Group."

Looking at the huge monster that is also slowly merging into planetary synchronous orbit, he lightly read out the huge logo on the paint job.

Although I don't know which class of cargo ship this is, at least I can know who its owner is.

At this time, it should be pulled to the left under it, right?

No, the four-axis is too hard!
It is still too hard to hang on the 3-axis!
Just fiddling back and forth like this, Lin Man insisted on hiding himself in the projection of the cargo ship.

"Autopilot, calibration guard."

After attaching himself to the cargo ship, of course, he directly used the simpler autopilot function.

This automatic driving function used to perform formation escort obviously helped Lin Man a lot.

At least it seems to be going well now, but what if we encounter a ship from the customs?
One hand pressed the operating pressure lever, and the other hand began to scratch his head.

If it's just a customs ship, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?

It's also impossible for them to force the cargo ship to stop directly in the air and get closer?

Just observe whether there are stowaway ships following in and then you can leave.

But fortunately, as long as a flat and petite carrier-based aircraft sticks to the cargo ship, it will not be discovered even if it does not enter the protection zone of the constant shield.

In fact, if you really want to say it, no one would have imagined that someone would sneak into the empire's territory with an empire's carrier-based aircraft, right?

When I remembered that I was actually doing such an exciting thing, I, who had always been careful and calm, let out a strange laugh.

Rounding up, this can be considered a heroic act.

It is not the same as the fighter jets of the traditional air force.

Originally, as a naval fighter that accompanied the fleet in the airspace, this carrier-based aircraft did not consider sailing in the atmosphere. Naturally, it did not have a reasonable aerodynamic shape, and it was difficult to operate effectively and high-speed in a small atmospheric environment. sailing.

This is also the main difference between carrier-based aircraft and fighter jets.

But as a carrier-based aircraft that was originally set to launch operations from the ground, this carrier-based aircraft whose name I can't name naturally does not have this trouble.

I also clearly saw the aerodynamic suit that had been mounted before takeoff.

So now you only need to wait quietly for the time to come, leaving this umbrella and directly drilling into the stratosphere is considered a successful escape.


The radar showed a bright spot approaching at high speed.

From the panoramic driving window, the imperial customs ship painted with yellow and white stripes is already approaching here.

Judging from its size and signal strength, it should be a destroyer.

If you look closely, you can even see the attack rocket pods and rapid artillery directly exposed outside the hull.

Although these light weapons are difficult to pose a threat to cargo ships, they are a deadly threat to the light ships of stowaways.

Of course, it is also a fatal threat to my carrier-based aircraft.

Sure enough, I just came to check if there are any stowaway ships that need to be enforced?
In the end, it only returned halfway, and obviously did not find anything that needed special attention.

Of course, I checked everything for you, and there are no other ships smuggling.
Do more!
I don't know if it's because of nervousness or what, Lin Man has been complaining about the behavior of the imperial customs in his heart.

If you want to ask me if I have any confidence in my heart, then I can only honestly admit: no.

To be able to reach the current state where the goal is only one step away is due to Lin Man's audacity on the one hand, and the self-willedness of the Imperial Customs on the other.

The occurrence of an event often involves various elements. If only one or two elements are changed, the promotion of the event may not be significantly changed, but if all elements are changed, even if the amount of change is not much, it will It will also have an extremely obvious effect on the final result.

But since we are about to land, why not wake him up first?
If you encounter any situation when you land, you can deal with it in time.

To put it bluntly, I'm actually not very sure about a safe landing
But trust the power of autopilot
"Moral! Moral!"

"Yeah, sleep again, yeah~ Yes!"

"Hey! You"


The person in front of him shrank into a ball, hugging the coat that was originally covering his body.

"Moral! It's time to wake up!"

It's still the same, I can't wake up at all when I fall asleep.

Hugging so tightly, what is in the dream?

It is also something that is very precious, right?

But after going through so many things, this guy has finally escaped.

My heart should be extremely relaxed now, right?
If you think about it, it is true that if you suddenly recover from such a tense state and suddenly relax, all the energy that you have to spend to survive will be completely empty at this moment.

The fatigue that has lost the support of tension will naturally sweep over terrifyingly.

Lin Man even felt a little funny and miserable when he thought of Moral who was in a state of despair and could only obey him mechanically and trusted him.

But... this guy actually cared about me first after he regained his senses.

Forget it.

let you sleep
Just hope it doesn't turn into a nightmare too.

Recalling what I heard and saw in my dream just now still makes me feel scared.

Is it the scene when my father took me to escape?
The raging flames should be the scene on the sunk former federal battleship.

So in fact, I may not even know why I am so afraid, so afraid.

Who would want to go through that nightmare of hell again and again?
Who can calmly resist the fear engraved in the bone marrow?

For Moral it might just be a death threat, but for me?

Fears that had already been experienced in childhood were played out again.

"So you need to keep thinking about how to make yourself escape successfully"

Many times my father told me with a smile that I should be a responsible person.

But only him who was covered in blood that day, with dim eyes, said to me:

"People always have their own desires and choices. There is no right or wrong in the world, only what suits you best"

Is it suitable for you?
So do you still need to take responsibility?
What's the point of saying it but not being able to do it?

You can already see the outline of the Sky Tower!

As the core building of the colony, the sky tower is the existence of the chief government of the empire in the galaxy and the place where the energy of the earth's core is extracted.

EST, as an old empire colonial galaxy, naturally has a much higher degree of construction than the UP-R galaxy that we escaped from next door.

It seems that this cargo ship is about to enter Central City.

Central City is also the largest and most prosperous major city on the colonial planet, that is, the capital.

This place is very prosperous, but it is also like hell.

At least to get into it costs exorbitant taxes every day.

Let's part ways here, thank you!
The destination of this cargo ship should be in sight.

"Manual driving."

But it's not that I don't have confidence in myself.

If it is just a simple landing at the airport or on the mothership, you can go home with peace of mind by using the landing function of the autopilot in conjunction with the air traffic control on the homeport or on the ship.

But this is not only without the guidance of air traffic control, there is even no suitable landing site
Can automatic landing be successful?

If it doesn't work, is it just a hard landing?
This will still be a mess!

still have to call him
But he really slept soundly!
Forget it, Lin Man, you can do it!
You can do it!
Of course, before doing all this, you need to find a good landing site.

Neither is it too close to the central city, nor is it too remote.

The closer to the bustling place, the higher the probability of being found, and the farther away from the bustling place, the lower the chance of him being rescued
If you fly like this, you don't know where the end is.

It looks like it should still be a satellite city, but it doesn't look like it covers too much area.

There is also no obvious look of an imperial building institution.

Just here!

No, it's better to stay farther away and come back when the time comes.

"Autopilot, land to the destination."

"Search for air tubes in the channel"

"Skipped over, ready to land."

"Attitude adjustment, the ground soil evaluation is over, and the evaluation result is—the landing was unsuccessful"

(End of this chapter)

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