old light morning light

Chapter 72 "3"

Chapter 72 "Thirty"

"That, Brother Eiffel?"

This obviously seems to have a story, but should I ask?

"What's wrong, is there something on my face?"

Ask...how should I ask?

This kind of performance, if you simply analyze that he wants to hear someone call him "senior brother", and think of his abnormal emotions when talking about Moral and Nalia, maybe you can learn from friends or juniors around him. Let's start?

"I just wanted to ask you, did you have a friend you were familiar with before, or someone who was like a younger brother..."

Seems to be on point...

Eiffel actually froze when he heard a familiar friend. It seemed that he didn't even realize that I was no longer talking, and he kept straight as if he was listening to me.

I know maybe this question shouldn't be asked, on the one hand I'm really curious.

"My brother...?"

But on the other hand, I need to judge whether Eiffel is worthy of my trust.

Speaking of which, this method is indeed a bit cruel, and correspondingly, I am ready to bear the anger and comfort him.

To be honest, it seems that even if he is unwilling to tell me these stories hidden by him in this situation, even if he can control his emotions, he can gain my good opinion.


The person in front of him seemed a little lost, as if he was only now slowly realizing that I had finished speaking, and then slowly lowered his head, as if he had fallen into his unbearable past.


Although I was still calling softly to the person in front of me, it had little effect, and I didn't even get a little reaction.

Curls of smoke rose from the water glass on the table, twisting, circling, flying like misty ribbons, slowly changing from nimble to distorted, to ferocious, and finally struggling to disappear in this barely glimpsed place. in the world.


Destiny, I don't know why, looking at such smoke at this moment, I was suddenly a little dazed, and I could only sigh helplessly after thinking of the word fate.


The person in front of me is still deeply trapped in the painful past, I had no choice but to pat him on the shoulder like he did before.


But to my surprise, there was no frightened convulsion as I imagined, but a faint response to me.

How could he be so soft, so... calm?
"Sorry, I remembered something not very good and made you laugh."

Slightly dispelling the water vapor circling back and forth in front of his eyes with his hands, Eiffel sat down slowly while holding the water glass on the table in his hands.

"No, I shouldn't ask such a question. Sure enough, this question is still very strange, right?"

"No need to apologize, you're not wrong to ask, it's my own problem."

"Well, there's nothing I can't tell you."

Gently scratching the fluffy hair, Eiffel didn't hide it as if he had made up his mind, but smiled frankly.

"I once had a younger brother, a half-brother."

Half-brother, it seems that Eiffel's family relationship is also a bit intriguing.

"His name is Koningmant. He is very good and outstanding. He is much better than me in every aspect, and he has a very good relationship with me."

"My mother died because of my dystocia."


Although it is very regrettable news, but this kind of thing seems to only appear in some previous novels, right?
"You also think it's strange, right? Dying due to dystocia is a very rare situation in this era."

"Because my family was very poor before, my mother couldn't get, oh, I couldn't get serious medical assistance at all!"

Eiffel, who had calmed down, became excited again. Although he didn't react as strongly as before, the hasty tone still reflected this.

No wonder it is said that in these poor places...

"It's different from the big cities. We are all enthusiastic people in the settlements. The brothers and sisters help each other together. The women sign up for the group to keep warm. When someone is about to give birth, we all help together."

Perhaps it would be better to be abducted to the empire as a slave.

"And my mother chose to let them save me. She died under such circumstances. I even only knew what she looked like from the holographic image."

"Hey, what did I tell you about these things, and it broke your mood."

Suddenly Eiffel seemed to be a different person again, and I don't know what he thought of, suddenly became optimistic, and returned to the appearance I had in my previous impression.

"You, too, are curious about such things. It seems that you won't be a good and quiet junior in the future."


Eiffel has talked about this, so I can only pretend to be a fool and take it.

But judging from what he just said, he has a half brother, and maybe something happened to this brother?
When he described it before, he specifically explained a detail, that is, he emphasized that his younger brother is better than him. This should actually be regarded as a kind of inferiority complex, right?

For example, something that should be more suitable for my younger brother was finally obtained by him due to some reasons, and because of this incident, it indirectly or directly led to something that happened next that made him regret his whole life...

Like the death of my brother... or something else that is irreparable.

If you think about it this way, his various abnormal behaviors before can also be reasonably explained.

Although I still want to know more about the "senior brother" in front of me, but it seems that there should be no chance.


The moment I looked up and looked out the window, something seemed to cross the horizon.

Although it is broad daylight, this kind of high-speed moving light spot with a trail is quite eye-catching.

"what happened?"

Eiffel, who also followed my line of sight after hearing my movement, saw nothing in the end, and could only look at me in doubt and ask.

"It seems that something flew over just now?"

"It seems to be three light spots, with a bright tail, maybe it's not a weapon like a missile?"

"Well, what you're talking about may be the destroyers of the Alliance Navy. Recently, the Empire's deep space guerrilla fleets have often appeared in this star field."

Imperial Navy's deep-space guerrilla fleet?
If I remember correctly here, it should have already reached the hinterland of the alliance's secondary sovereign territory. Why is there still an empire's guerrilla fleet?

Although it is said that as long as the sovereign area is not recognized, it is not an absolute safe area, but the deeper it goes into the control area of ​​the other party, the more likely it will be destroyed by "annihilation", and the price the fleet needs to pay for cruising is naturally less. bigger.

"I don't know what's wrong. Recently, the news has been saying that the empire's military operations have become more frequent, and they have been calling on the people in the controlled area to pay attention to risks."

So according to common sense and the various situations I know, even guerrilla fleets will hardly pass through regular general territories for activities, and at most occasionally enter deeper secondary sovereign territories to engage in targeted destruction, like this It's the first time I've heard of it.

Because going forward is the scope of work of the reconnaissance troops.

"Oh, by the way, when it comes to news, you still have to learn the official language of the alliance. You won't always use Esperanto in class like we do."

Eiffel, who suddenly thought of this, was also shocked, and when he suddenly changed the subject, he shocked me a lot.

"Okay, thank you brother."

But to be honest, my father also practiced my Union language on purpose, let’s call it Union language, anyway, the official name is very long, what kind of Union language...

Basically, there should be no problems in life now, but I am afraid that I will not understand it in class.

In this world, the alliance and the empire are the two dominant powers, and no one is willing to accept the other's culture, including language.

I remember that there was a wave of great unification in history, but at that time the Principality Federation was in a state of disunity and was completely unqualified to bargain with the Empire.

The unified currency failed, and the Reichsmark was almost used. Hesitating that the language of each country has its own differences, so the idea of ​​a unified language naturally failed, and the final result was the birth of the official alliance under the sense of crisis. Predecessors of language...

Why can't I remember the name of this Niaoyu!

Forget it, let's call him Alliance Language, anyway, everyone knows how to call it, just like everyone also calls the official language of the empire Imperial Language.

I would like to add here that, as the official currency issued by the alliance, Bigor and Little Bigor, it goes without saying that the targets are the Reichsmark and the Reichslage.

In general, the two sides are equivalent, and the exchange rate should be considered as one to one in theory.

But in fact, due to the existence of imperial dumping and the fact that the alliance is not an iron plate, in actual transactions, an imperial mark is often worth six alliances greater than Gore, or even more...

In fact, it's funny to think about it. People like me at the bottom of the empire also know that the alliance is not "monolithic."

"What's the matter, did you think of anything else?"

Seeing that I am silent, I may suspect that I am starting to worry about language problems.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. Alliance language and Esperanto are very similar. There are many places that are closely related. If you speak Esperanto so fluently, learning Union language will not be too difficult."

My senior brother also started to "comfort" me on his own. Although it's hard to say what it is and what it is, it still makes people feel warm.

"Okay, thank you brother!"

Learning to accept other people's kindness is actually an art, at least most of the time it won't make the scene embarrassing...

(End of this chapter)

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