old light morning light

Chapter 81 "39"

Chapter 81 "39"

"However, it is not exactly the same as the student association in the School of Education before. The student association can truly control the school's internal resources."

master resources?

Titus narrowed his eyes slightly. It can be seen that although he is talking about these things now, he doesn't really agree with such things, right?

Having said that, in other words, these so-called student groups...

"For example, the James Engineering Group of the School of Engineering can control almost more than half of the automatic industrial machine tools. If you want to achieve results in processing technology, pleasing them is almost a real compulsory course."

Sure enough, this can be regarded as a means of resource allocation.

"Otherwise, even if you pay a high fee, it will be difficult to use this resource."

Paying a high fee, the subtext means that some services in the school can still enjoy the service by paying money?

"Because of mastering various resources, the student group also directly has various competitions, and the competition for new students every year is also the most important battlefield."


Titus seemed to speak a little too fast, maybe he wanted to persuade me quickly, but maybe he thought of something bad, right?
"So what you mean by priority distribution right is that you can choose the group first?"

"Yes and no."

What Riddler?

In fact, I don't hate beating around the bush. Appropriate teasing can increase the activity of the topic, but for such a slightly heavy topic, let's forget it.

"In layman's terms, they choose you, and this priority only allows you to be selected in the early batches."

Selected in the very early batches...?
Does it matter which batch of choices?Is there anything tricky in this?
"Well, the selection of students is generally arranged according to the ranking of the entrance test. Being able to rank at the top means that the probability of entering a better group will be greater."

It seems that I still know very little about these things, and the person in front of me patiently explained to me.

"You also know that the number of people and places is limited. If you are in the back, it basically means that those good companies have already recruited and left."

So this kind of activity is actually more like a rookie draft?
"So if you appear earlier, you have a greater chance of being selected by a good group, right?"

Combined with the situation he described before, this method should not guarantee that the first person can be selected [-]%, and there should be such misfortune as "lost selection".

Titus nodded. Although he didn't say anything, he still accepted the subtext contained in my topic.

"Then what is the basis for the newcomers to make such a choice?"

"Is there a form similar to the unified examination?"

Bi Luo, who had been keeping quiet all this time, was slightly taken aback when he heard my question.

After looking at each other with Titus again, it seems that I got the latter's agreement. I also smiled at me, stood up, and walked slowly towards the cargo compartment connecting door.

Are they... are they on guard against something?

"Ha ha……"

Titus smiled at me inexplicably, and suddenly a strange feeling arose spontaneously.

Bilo kept a considerable distance from me, and it seemed that he was unarmed. As for Titus...do I need to guard against them?
"Well, with all due respect, Lin Man, have you never heard of the place we are going to?"

Hmm... It seems that the question I asked was too mentally retarded?
Then it caused them to have doubts about whether they should continue to cooperate with me?
Be careless!
"That's true, um, how should I put it?"

At this time, we still need to take advantage of their ignorance of me, which can be regarded as taking advantage of their doubts about my identity.

If I immediately said "there is no such thing", it would definitely arouse further doubts, so I can only follow their doubts and simply admit it.

"Because in fact, I am also very ignorant, and it was my parents who suddenly told me that they hoped that I could enter the army, so that I would have enough confidence to take over some future jobs in the future."

Sure enough, after hearing what I said, Titus's eyes obviously softened a lot. Although it is not as good as before, it should also dispel the doubts about my identity, right?
It's really strange to think about it this way, Bilo's reaction seems to be faster than Titus's, and how did they manage to make such a unified reaction immediately after hearing only my description?

If it is said that Titus is very sensitive to such things because of interests involved, then why is Bi Luo even more sensitive than Titus?

"Do you think I am a person who likes to be restrained?"

It's just that there is such a sense of violation and stuck here, it's so weird!

Although I also know very well that it is easy to reveal the truth while dealing with expressions while thinking wildly, but the current situation does seem a bit unusual, so I have to think about something.

"If my mother hadn't been nagging me all the time, and I just wanted to hide in another place, I wouldn't have allowed them to come here..."

The expression should also show a little disdain.

"Anyway, I didn't feel anything before, maybe I was sent somewhere to study, but I didn't expect that the more I know now, the more I feel that it is not a good place to go."

In short, let's stabilize this guy first, so that the tiger skin I pulled up so hard won't wear off so quickly, and pointing to gaining some benefits with this inexplicable thing in the future... Thinking far away ,Hello!

"So, Lin Man, you can be considered free."

It seems that this set of words still has some effect. Now Titus can be clearly felt, and Bi Luo's expression not far away is far less rigid.

On the one hand, he confessed frankly, and then slowly explained the main contradiction of why I, as an "upper class person", "knew nothing", and on the other hand, revealed the information he wanted to get.

My family may be closely related to the military, although this is based on the fact that the old dog Kalinin did not lie to me, it is completely true.

Moreover, I am very likely to take over the family business in the future and receive considerable support. This is definitely what Titus wants to see and what he wants to believe in, hoping to win me over as a helper.

At the same time, it can be regarded as hinting to him that my status in the family is quite important. Even if the transaction fails in the end, I still have to consider whether the benevolence and righteousness are still there. In fact, it can be regarded as a deterrent.

Here it is again, I don't know why, but it's just a weird feeling!

Bilo winked at Titus again, smiled politely at me, and walked out of here along the path Eiffel had just left.

"He seems a little anxious, is there any trouble?"

According to my understanding of people who often use eyes, that kind of eyes is not so much waiting for Titus' permission, but rather actively telling him something.

It's better to pretend to be mysterious and ask on the surface. Since there is something wrong, if conditions permit, I still have to ask in person.

After all, the big guys are all smart people, seeing something suspicious but keeping it in their hearts is a suspicious behavior in itself.

"Well...it's nothing, he should have gone to inquire about their information."

he she?
Do you mean Livre and the others?

The faces of the two girls slowly emerged.

Well, I was not so confident when I spoke, and although there was no catastrophic accident like dodging in my eyes, it still seemed a little dazed...

"Let's continue the topic just now. Did you ask how to determine the order of priority?"

After getting involved in these things, I began to actively look for topics to divert my attention. It seems that the problem worthy of my doubts does exist!

It seems that I got some incredible information by accident. Let’s see if it can be used to cash in some benefits in the future. You must know that in a sense, information is the most valuable resource.


For the time being, it's better to be more enthusiastic and positive, at least in his opinion, this should be a topic that I am very concerned about.

Alas, Lin Man, let's continue acting.

"Before you go in, everyone knows everything, so I won't repeat it, but after you go in, there will be more."

"Generally there is an adaptability test and a post-matching test. These two tests will produce results that will directly affect your ranking."

Sure enough, there are still exams, and there are still two!

Kalinin's expression: "I've arranged everything for you" really doesn't look credible!

"The main purpose of the adaptability test is to select the major we are suitable for, and the proportion of the score is relatively small. Since the annual ratio is not a fixed value, we can only refer to the previous one."

"The highest score will not exceed 30% of the final total score, but the lowest score will not be lower than 20%."

If you take an average, that's about 25%.

"After the adaptive assessment is completed, majors will be assigned, and a two-week adaptive study will be carried out. During the period, various assessments will be used to generate scores, which account for about 35% of the selection test scores."

So it's actually 75% of the remaining 35%?
That should be around 25% of the total score, right?
"So this score actually accounts for about 25% of the total score?"

"Well, to be precise, it should be 26.25%."

Titus blinked his eyes, and after thinking about it for a while, he told me such a seemingly accurate number, but I was not in the mood to check it again.

"Then the next step is the final assessment. According to experience, it will generally be an actual combat acting simulation, using the knowledge we have learned in the previous two weeks to complete a series of designated goals."

"In layman's terms, the more you complete, the better your evaluation score will be, isn't it?"

"You can understand that too."

(End of this chapter)

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