old light morning light

Chapter 84 "42"

Chapter 84 "42"



"I'm super!"

The loud shifting sound was accompanied by violent shaking, causing some unprepared students in the hall to lean forward and backward.

That includes me too.

The short-term dizziness caused uncontrollable shaking of the vision, but fortunately, Eiffel on the side grabbed me who almost slipped off the chair.

For a while, noisy shouts began to ring in the ears, and the people in the hall began to discuss what happened.

"You stay here!"

Prussia and some other people who looked like the leading teachers also left here quickly after leaving similar explanations.

Most of those who remained were new students from various regions returning to Emerald on this ship, and they were all at a loss for what happened in front of them.

Although I don't have such experience of space navigation after remembering, but I am familiar with the power system and know that this ship has forcibly interrupted the low-speed transition and returned to the regular space.

Out of the window appeared glowing matter and faintly discernible stars in the distance, and these celestial phenomena also confirmed my guess from the side.

Obviously, such an unusual feeling is really too alarming compared to the undetectable take-off before, and it is not a good thing to force the ship out of the jump channel.

Just before everyone realized what happened, the armed crew also entered the hall and quickly stood near the gate.

It is not so much protecting our safety as it is a kind of control.

"Lin Man!"

Titus brought Bilo to my side immediately.

"What's the matter with you!"

"Are you going to lock us up!"

Realizing that they have been trapped here, some young people who have no way of understanding the status quo begin to try to "negotiate".

Where have these boys and girls on the ship seen such a battle, there were countless shouts to greet the crew.

"How can you treat us like this!"

"Delmar, you call me Delmar!"

Is this Delmar the captain's name?

Or their leading teacher?

There are always a few second-generation ancestors who have never seen the world and can't understand the current situation well, and they still don't stop at this time.

Looking at her attire, she does look like a pampered young lady somewhere, but it's a pity.

Shouting non-stop, and constantly approaching the violent people, I can even predict the tragedy that will happen next.

"Lin Man..."

Eiffel, who was silent at first, suddenly pinched my shoulder and shook his head slightly, maybe he was worried that I might still have ridiculous compassion?

"Do you know that my father is..."



It seems obvious, but unfortunately the negotiation failed.

Magnetoelectric dagger... It turns out that they still have the so-called benevolence...

"What are you doing!"

"Killer...! Killer!"

After witnessing the girl who collapsed like ooze for a moment, it was like a stone stirring up a thousand waves.

Almost everyone in the originally calm hall was in danger, and quickly left their seats and gathered towards us who were far away from the gate.

Even Li Fuer and the others left their seats and quickly came behind us.

"Everyone, don't be afraid. We didn't hurt her life. We just hope that you don't leave here for the time being."

Instead, a demihuman with the appearance of a military officer picked up the girl who was paralyzed on the ground. At this time, it was clear that the poor man who was convulsed by the electric shock was still alive, but...

Life doesn't seem to be taking care of itself at the moment.

Everyone just watched the demihuman who looked like an officer throw the paralyzed girl on the chair on the other side of the round table like a chick.

Those who scolded fiercely in the past seemed to have their throats blocked by something. They opened their mouths but didn't know what to say. As for whether they were afraid to say it or not, I don't know.

Wait, is it my illusion?
How do I get the feeling this guy just took a look at us?
Now that Eiffel and I are still sitting in the seats, doesn't it look like we stand out from the crowd?

"what happened?"

"I, I don't know either..."

"Demi-human, as a demi-human, you know how to dominate our place!"

"Hush! Shh! You're crazy!"

The people gathered at the back were still communicating with very small voices, which made people dumbfounded.

"Don't look at them, they will kill you!"

"Woo... I'm afraid!"

"Why did it become like this, I want to go home, I want to go home!"

It's funny to say that, but many of them are really just kids.

I believe that they should and do not want to hurt us students, but rather than spending considerable energy persuading us, it is better to directly carry out a deterrent killing of chickens and monkeys.

Such a fast and effective method is indeed the best choice for these soldiers.

So that girl unfortunately became a "chicken" who was "killed", and we are the so-called "monkeys".

Maybe seeing that we were unmoved, the demihuman sitting across the round table grinned at us, showing a smile that didn't look so scary.

He was really looking at us just now.

"Lin Man, what shall we do next?"

Titus, who was still shocked at first, couldn't hold his breath anymore. He glanced at Livre who had come behind us, and whispered something to me.

When the latter faced my gaze, he just smiled slightly, and his slightly pale face couldn't hide his fear.

What, after a long time, they are really just two little kids...

I don't know why, but it weakened more than half of the previous worries in my heart, even though I know they just haven't seen such a scene.

As long as we stay here quietly, I think they will be happy to "keep us safe".

In fact, I know that it is useless for you to express objection. Instead of irritating them like that girl, it is better to simply meet their demands.

"Don't worry, you sit down first."

"As long as we stay in peace like this, they won't do anything to us."

Even Eiffel nodded in agreement, but...

Those erratic eyes couldn't hide his worry, and he was not as calm as Bi Luo, who had already sat down on the side.

Hey, why are you not as determined as your little brother?


"Beep! Collision warning, there are still 3 days before the collision..."

Collision warning!

"2, 1..."


Three long and narrow white lights instantly lit up from the panoramic glass in front of him, which looked extraordinarily bright in this place where there was not enough light.

All this happened so quickly, and the only ones who reacted like me were the crew members across the round table.

After standing up quickly, he just grabbed the handle next to the table. Such handles fixed to the structure can be seen everywhere on the ship, which can help the crew deal with various complicated situations that occur at any time.

Although that is the case, according to the textbook, the source of this thing is actually because... the early simulated gravity generator technology was not mature, and faced with the situation that it might have to float in the air due to failure at any time, it was a last resort. come up with such a design.

"What happened just now?"

"Is someone attacking us?"

All kinds of chirping voices in the ear began to sound again after a short silence.

I can feel that the room is sinking slowly. This kind of protruding structure should sink into the main structure to be safer, right?

"Collision warning! There are still 5, 4, 3 to the collision..."


This time the reaction time left for us was significantly longer, and I could see Eiffel holding the handle tightly in almost the same posture as me.

"2, 1"


Listening to the sound seems to have been hit, but to my surprise there is not such a sharp sense of impact.

Didn't penetrate our shields did it?
"Are we being hit?"

All kinds of cute new students who were belatedly realized what happened, and started to learn from us.

"Collision alarm...!"


"Boom! Bark~!"





As if being pushed away violently, I clearly felt that I was hit by something.

The sudden strong dizziness almost knocked my consciousness away, but the pain from my back kept reminding me of the fact that I seemed to be alive.

Although I tried to open my eyes, the violent dizziness and the uncomfortable tinnitus stopped me time and time again.

After I once again took control of my own body, I realized that Eiffel and I were curled up and sitting in a corner against the wall.

And the young people not far from our left, who seemed to have not taken any measures, squeezed into a thick meatloaf, wriggling and moaning at this time.

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother!"

After moving my legs and feet, I confirmed that Eiffel seemed to be fine and seemed to have just been knocked out, so I was probably a little relieved.

Now I believe what Eiffel said before. They are mainly engaged in research related matters. Even if they made a correct response in this situation, the situation is still not very good.

Although I want to say that I was also in a mess, but after being thrown up, I still subconsciously tried to curl up my body to avoid more serious injuries.

I don't know if the attack will continue, so let's keep it like this for now.

The porthole at the back has been covered with an outer plate, and it is no longer possible to see the outside situation. It should be something like a fluid armor plate.

Judging from the situation just now, we seem to have received three rounds of attacks in a short period of time.

Attacked here, did their guerrilla fleet slip into our deep space?

what happened?
(End of this chapter)

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