alliance of misthophoros

Chapter 32 227 Waiter: Satan

Chapter 32 2.27 The Tenth Attendant: Satan
Transformed into a human form, leaving behind a red panda's tail, cute ears and claws, with fluffy white fur inside the ears, and white spots on the face, between the eyebrows and around the mouth, Under the dark eyes, the hair is a gray-brown line that reaches to the jaw.

He sat on the stone statue of the city gate, his paws playing with his fluffy tail, which was fluffy like a baguette but soft like a good blanket.

Huan looked at the moonlight in the distance, and the curved moon above his head was like a boat floating on the sea.At this moment, for him who is waiting for a new task, it is a relatively comfortable moment in his life.

He has very few close friends, so he talks to himself most of the time, and now he is talking to himself as always.

"Ah~ ah~ that adult must have indeed received the request. But there is no reply yet."

The two paws wagged their tails, recalling the previous mission.


"I don't know, what is that adult thinking about?"

The five elders of the Bounty Alliance, summed up by the five people, are those who buy medicine, sell mines, sell people, sell drugs, and sell jewelry. It is equivalent to the big bosses of these industries who have grown their businesses and become prosperous. , Naturally, there will be countless interests involved with each other, and several like-minded people get together, so there is a bounty alliance.

Look up to the money.

And when Cong Huan was very young, he followed the elder who sold people, but sometimes he was used by other elders, but most of them, he still had a fixed master, that is, the "Bobai" organization the leader of

Among the five elders, in fact, not all five elders are particularly interested in the little monster with the first bounty, and his boss is the most active, because his family is in the business.

Make money, don't be ashamed.

I remember that at that time, Geng watched Bunier to ensure that he could bring back the little monster he caught. Unexpectedly, when others arrived, he found that Bunier had disappeared, and he guessed that he was probably killed by that little monster .Because if other forces intervene, relying on his wind, it is impossible not to know.

At that time, I heard that a caravan had just set off from that small town, and relying on experience, he followed it.

Although it may still be a bit risky for him to cross the desert, especially when he discovered that there were members of the Hunter Alliance among the pedestrians in the caravan.

It was only at that time that he realized that there were related troops from Wangcheng who were about to return to the country.The muddy water here is not as simple as drowning a fish.

Thinking of Wangcheng, even he couldn't help but sigh,
"It's cruel."

I really hope that the mission I receive in the future has nothing to do with Wangcheng.

No matter who it is now, when they hear the word Wangcheng, their scalps will tingle.

"What kind of growth experience is this to raise such a beast."

Huan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Cough cough, although, his own business is quite beastly, but after all, people are still alive, compared to Christine, it is far behind.

Gen will not say that he is innocent, he knows the nature of what he did, but who doesn't want to survive.

Gen looked at his little paws, and then at his fluffy tail, happily rubbing the tail in his arms with his little paws.

After all, how can he have the same force value as others.

As for the matter of the little monster, his master still asked the medicine guy to ask Yi VIP.

"Live forever."

Huan rubbed his little tail, the tip of the tail trembling, "That's really what the emperor would pursue."

"Usually, ordinary people like me, who are dependent on others and forced by life, don't want to live that long at all."

"The days are better and nourished, and only then do I think about immortality."

Huan smacked his lips.

Drug sellers are really different. They are like gods in the world, controlling life, old age, sickness and death in the world.

Even Christine can only kill people at most.

Drug sellers can bring people back to life.

"It's amazing, it's amazing." Huan shook his ears, sweeping his fluffy tail across his face, feeling itchy and comfortable.

With this ability, the drug seller is not only the boss of Wanshou Pharmacy, one of the three major chaebols, but also the one who shows his face the most among the five elders of the Bounty Alliance.

You must know that the five elders in the bounty alliance also know their own activities, so they are all mysterious figures who don't show up very much.

"Awesome, awesome," thinking about it, Huanguang was playing with his tail, and fell straight down, and fell off the stone statue. Just like that, Huan, who hit the back of his head, didn't feel any special pain, on the contrary I went back by myself, and I understood.

"Since such a powerful medicine man has gone to ask for someone, that adult will definitely give it to him, but it should take some time."

【Paradise City】

Mandela followed behind Safire, touching the mask on his face, thoughtful, thinking of the man he saw on the dance floor just now, he felt very interesting
Unscrupulously following the music, many people twisted their bodies in the dark light, and the most eye-catching one was the man who was surrounded by the crowd under the light of the dance floor, who looked flirtatious and handsome, with a slender figure—Yi.

As if sensing the existence of Mandela, he turned around and looked at him.

Mandela could clearly feel the existence of the magic crystal on Yi's body, and he could also see the strong evil light in Yi's eyes under Yi's unrestrained appearance.
The more people danced happily, the stronger the magic power emitted by the magic crystal.

Tonight, really had a good time.

Mandela is in the scene where the magic crystal is drawing its magic power, and nature's own power is also being restored.

Yi often appears in the shop opened by her family, and usually stays in Tianquan Hall at night.Seeing this, many people who didn't know just sighed with emotion. Yi is too hardworking, no wonder the business is so big.

After tonight, there may be two more insiders.

Mandela, and—

He looked at Wilson. Although he couldn't see the man's expression clearly through the mask, he probably looked serious.

But so what.

Even if Wilson could detect something strange, he would not understand it as thoroughly as Mandela.

The magic crystal in Yi's body is used to arouse the joy in people's souls, to devour people's souls bit by bit.It may not be obvious at first, but after a long time, I am afraid that due to the stains and defects on the soul, it will lead to physical illness.

The quality of this magic crystal is not high-quality, it is generally difficult to absorb the soul, or cause too much damage to the human soul, but He Yi uses it well.

Yiyi probably felt the pressure from Mandela that belonged to Satan, so he looked over.

You must know that demons can also devour each other.And for a demon like Satan, as long as he says a word, all monsters will obey his orders, let alone just the subordinates of the little magic crystal.

When I saw him for the first time, I didn't tremble with fear, that's still courageous.

Like a monarch, Mandela used the unique dialogue between demons to ask about the magic crystal.

"What is his wish?"

This is just Mandela's bad taste. He likes to know the fragility of others, the appearance of crying and praying for wishes in pain.

To put it bluntly, he is bad-hearted and likes to expose people's scars.

The magic crystal reflects a boy in a wheelchair wrapped in a wrap.I saw that the wrap was untied little by little, gradually covered with blood, revealing the bloody skin, and in some places even the bones were exposed.

This is a boy with congenital bullous dermatosis.

Mandela looked at the man on the dance floor, who was staring at himself and swaying with the crowd.Tsk tsk, it's unimaginable, Yi sitting in a wheelchair would ooze blood even touching a water glass.

That must be really painful.

Mandela took a toothpick from the fruit plate, bit off the cantaloupe and swallowed the toothpick by the way.

Rather than praying to the so-called gods, it's better to turn to the devil, right?

He looked very pleased with himself.

He is Satan, the supreme king of the devil world. From the moment he took power, all the magic power in the world comes from him.

Although for unknown reasons, he briefly disappeared for a while.

But he, Satan, is still the supreme king of the devil world.

It was the magic crystal who was rescued from the pain, but it must also be attributed to him, Satan.

You're welcome haha.

Mandela was in a good mood.

He poked a cantaloupe with half a toothpick.

It's just that.

The magic crystal that Yi used was just as Satan saw, and the quality was not particularly good, so he had to continuously ingest a large amount of souls to barely relieve Yi from the pain.

Then, this has nothing to do with him, Satan.

Mandela was in a good mood, so he also had the idea of ​​teasing Safier, his eyes fell in front of him, he looked at the back of Safier who was walking in front, and shouted:

Hearing Mandela calling his name, Safire turned his head and saw a ferocious monster with bloody mouth wide open and red eyes magnified facing him.

Those two masks are creepy even if viewed from a distance, let alone zoomed in. In addition, Mandela took off the blindfold on purpose, and it seems that there is a desolate sorrow and horror hidden in the blood. The evil of man seems to be standing in front of him like a living devil from hell.

The way Mandela waits for Safire to be taken aback should be amusing.

Unexpectedly, Safir just froze for a moment, then smiled.

"Mandela, why are you acting like a child?"

Safir is not afraid?Instead, laugh at him for being childish? !
Mandela put the blindfold back on and said that he didn't feel frustrated, which must be false.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Why are you afraid of you?" Safire looked at Mandela with a calm expression, and even helped Mandela adjust the position of the blindfold and fasten the black rope for Mandela.

Why not be afraid.

Mandela was very puzzled.

Safir should be able to feel the evil power coming from him. Most people will definitely be afraid if they know it. There is a ruthless, indifferent and arrogant devil around him.

"Don't you know about the reward?" Mandela said tentatively, wanting to see the panic in Safir's eyes, even if it's just a little bit, it can satisfy Mandela's perverted desire.
"A reward? Ah, I know." Safir tilted his head and smiled a little wickedly, "Are you finally willing to say that it's you. Now, it should be your turn to be afraid of me."

Safir made a posture of arresting someone, "I'll arrest you for money."

Mandela was surprised by Safir's brain circuit, and didn't know how to respond for a while.To put it in a more trendy way, it is a clam.

Safire thought that Mandela was hurt by what he said, stuck out his tongue, and said playfully: "You are just kidding, you are my good friend."

After speaking, he patted Mandela on the back.

"I won't betray you."

"We're going to go all the way and beat the bad guys."

Mandela looked at Safir under the moonlight, thinking how this child was so innocent, but Mandela still wanted to see Safir's fearful expression, so he went one step further and fabricated a lie.

He said sadly but seriously, "I have a demon inside me."

The answer he got still did not satisfy Mandela.

"Devil, will the devil eat me? Or, will he deprive me of my precious things." Safir murmured, then turned around suddenly, looking at Mandela very seriously.

"Then there should be a very terrifying demon living in your body."

"That demon, could it be..." Safir stared at Mandela's eyes, as if he wanted to see through the scarlet eyes under the blindfold.

"Haha, could it be..."

Safir leaned into Mandela's ear and said softly,


(End of this chapter)

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