alliance of misthophoros

Chapter 35 230 Waiter: Obsession

Chapter 35 2.30 The Tenth Waiter: Obsession
[In an unknown city that has been washed by blood]

Fang Xu stared at the key in his hand with a pair of late-night eyes. The key emits an indefinite purple shimmer, which looks extremely strange. Just looking at it can make people feel the biting coolness penetrating through the body.

The young man seemed to have thought of something, and he clenched the hand holding the ominous key tightly, his knuckles and veins protruding, and it could be seen that he was exerting great force.

Anger, hatred, sadness, wailed in his chest.

There was a pain in his palm, as if something had pierced into the bone marrow, and then quickly penetrated into his body, as if pulling him into an abyss, the tingling sensation flowed into his soul through the blood.

Drop after drop of blood flowed down from the gap between the fists, dipping into the dark purple soil covered with dried blood.

The pain felt from the palm became more and more intense, but to Fang Xu now, this little physical pain was nothing at all, how could it compare to the pain in his heart.

The purple air flow began to emerge from the palm of the hand, and spread to the surroundings little by little. The air flow was thick and dark, it could not be cut open by a knife, and it could not be pierced by needles. Wherever the purple flow smoke touched, it was all rotten. The object turns into a pool of dark, cold liquid.

Fang Xu felt a confluence of cold and warm currents in his body, and the cold sweat caused by the physical pain soaked through his clothes. His mind was spinning, and a strange smell engulfed him, and the rotten smell poured into his nostrils.

It went on like this for an unknown amount of time.

Fang Xu still did not let go of the hand holding the skeleton key. He stood there motionless, surrounded by horrifying scenes like hell. The moment a loved one dies.

What is this pain? !

The pain in his heart was thousands of times greater than that!
Fang Xu stood upright, and felt that his body had been eaten by thousands of ants even if he moved, but he still endured it.The strong will of revenge made him bear this unimaginable pain,
Finally, Fang Xu got used to the pain caused by this key, but the desperate darkness almost tore him apart.

He spread his hands, and saw that the key, which was originally in the shape of a skull, had been corroded just now, and had become a squatting black cat with flesh and blood.
Fang Xu looked straight at the thing in his palm.

The black cat's purple pupils also stared at him faintly, but under the gaze of just one pair of eyes, it seemed that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him in the dark.

Fang Xu could clearly feel that the cat was alive.

A wisp of black mist wrapped in purple was pulled away from the key little by little.The key has returned to its original hideous and terrifying skull image.

"What is your name?"

And the floating mist gradually revealed the original image of the black cat with purple pupils, but there was a pair of wings on the black cat's back that looked like butterfly wings, giving people a seductive and terrifying atmosphere.

"Fang Xu. Fang came out of Xu Xu."

The black cat floated in the air, making shrill and ghostly noises like ghostly ghosts.

"Very good, Fang Xu."

"We are ordered by Satan to guard the ancient magic weapon here. Just call us Xila."

The black cat's purple eyes are mysterious and evil, its black wings stir the air, and its face is full of sin and greed.

"Eternal magic weapons have infinite power, but after Satan disappeared that year, no one else can use them for themselves."

"They have been sleeping for thousands of years, waiting for new candidates to wake them up."

Eternal magic weapon...

Fang Xu stared at the skeleton key in his hand. There seemed to be thousands of devils clamoring inside, but he was not afraid at all, but showed bloodthirsty excitedly.

"Very good, Fang Xu."

Xi La seemed to be very satisfied with Fang Xu's performance, and it was worthwhile for him to come out in person.The previous candidates, big and small, either had insufficient evil thoughts or were not strong enough in will.But Fang Xu, who looked so inconspicuous in front of him, seemed to be able to clearly feel the grief and indignation in his blood.

So Xi La asked, "Fang Xu, what is your wish?"

If the goal is not great enough, then Xi La will not bother to cultivate and help break the seal of the magic weapon.Without Xi La's help, the person who awakened the ancient magic weapon would probably be backlashed and lose his life.

Fang Xu said coolly but firmly: "I want to destroy the world."

Such an understatement made Xi La think she had heard wrong.But Xi La listened to Fang Xu's soul, and the soul would not lie.Fang Xu's soul was also clamoring for revenge.

That seemed right.

The one who shocked and satisfied Xila last time was also a child, and later this child became his master, Satan.

But what Satan was saying at the time was, he said,
"I will conquer the world, by whatever means."

"Very good, Fang Xu." Xi La praised again, and said in her heart, then this time, let me help you.I don't know what kind of surprise the newly selected child in front of me will bring to it.

Xi La put the cat's paw on the skeleton key placed in Fang Xu's open palm, and the purple cat's eyes reflected Fang Xu, as if eroding Fang Xu's soul through the flesh.

"Boy, you know, there is no unreasonable favor in this world."

Fang Xu chuckled, "I already have nothing, just take whatever you want."

"Very good, Fang Xu."

Xi La saw the loneliness and sadness in Fang Xu's eyes.

Can't help but sigh, only Lord Satan is purely bad.

After Xila met Satan, she had never seen Satan sad in front of her eyes.The impression that Satan left on Xi La will always be that cold-blooded monarch who has the power of life and death in the world.

"Then next, follow my generation to swear an oath and sign a contract."

In front of Fang Xu's eyes, purple runes, the contract with the devil, and the weird runes on it, he unexpectedly found that he could understand them
"I, Fang Xu, hereby swear to the great Satan."

"I am willing to guarantee with my soul that I will always be a tool of Satan, bear all the sins and infamy in the world, and use my blood and soul to forge an eternal magic weapon to fulfill my humble wish."

He is just living on this remaining obsession now.

When Fang Xu finished speaking the last word.

Sira's form gradually dissipated into a complex black mist, which was poured into the skeleton key in Fang Xu's hand.Inside the hollow eye bones of the skull, purple light was constantly shining.

"The contract is done."

"Fang Xu, follow the guidance of the magic weapon to walk your future path. I will remind you secretly to help you, and prevent your soul from being swallowed up by them inadvertently before you complete your mission."

While the magic sound lingered, the purple flickering light gradually dimmed until it disappeared.

For a moment, Fang Xu only felt that he was in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. The pile of corpses was covered with large and small dim and rusty weapons, and the crimson spear closest to him began to tremble.

"Let's go, boy."

When Fang Xu came back to his senses, he was alone in this lonely city again.

This is a goodbye.

Fang Xu really couldn't think of what to do next.But suddenly he wanted to do something before he set off.

The skeleton key is full of traces of time, but it is actually extremely sharp, and as long as it is scratched by it, it will leave indelible marks.

The twilight of the morning penetrated the veil of the clouds, and the sunshine was quiet and elegant, but it did not belong to the bloodbathed city.

Fang Xu used the skeleton key in his hand, outside a relatively complete and clean city wall, while chanting in his mouth, while drawing stroke by stroke, the scratches left a deep imprint on the thick city wall.

He recalled the names of everyone in the city, and wrote them solemnly on the wall stroke by stroke. Before he knew it, the wall was filled with the names of the deceased in the city.

The last stroke, he landed on Xu's character.

The words Fang Xu were also engraved on this wall together.

In this way, after he dies, he can be with everyone forever.

At the same time, it also means that he will never forget all this,
And all of this, unless this wall collapses, will forever make Christine's evil deeds known to the world.

Fang Xu's forehead was against the wall.

wait for my good news.

Then goodbye, family.

See you on Huangquan Road.

A sunflower was inserted in front of this wall.

【Town of Kearney】

In this special season approaching the wedding ceremony.Unsurprisingly, Thetis, after breakfast in the morning, saw the person who came to entrust the bride in person, the chief executive of Kearney Town - Tolan.

Turn to the present-day historical record of the Kearney people.

A long time ago, at the beginning, the Kearney people were not born in the sea. On the contrary, they lived far away from the sea at the beginning. Many people at that time had never seen the sea in their lives.

Nature is always impermanent. In the place where the Kearney people were born, there has been a severe drought that lasted for decades. Such days will never end. Finally, the Kearney people had no choice but to leave the land they used to live on , to find a better place to live.

The Kearney people are divided into tribal groups. It is rumored that the Kearney people were composed of four major tribes at the beginning, but in the end, only two tribes remained when they reached the coast.

Artis and Chipotle tribes.

Although they are both Kearney people, conflicts between tribes are inevitable.It's just as normal as there will still be fights within the same race.

The large Atis tribe naturally ruled the Chipotle tribe. Under the solidification of the class, the number of the Chipotle tribe began to increase gradually. Later, it evolved into the current situation where the Atis tribe has fewer people. As the Yatis tribe dominated the Chipotle tribe, the two tribes gradually merged.

Up to now, it is no longer possible to distinguish which is the Yatis tribe and which is the Chipotle tribe.Both are called Kearney people.

However, judging from the social status, it can still be clearly seen which one belongs to the Yatis tribe and which one belongs to the Chipotle tribe.The Yatis tribe, which originally accumulated a large amount of means of production, is still in the ruling position of the aristocracy.Almost all the managers of the small town of Kearney are from the Yatis tribe.

As the chief executive of the small town of Kearney, the blue sky and white clouds, the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the beautiful scenery of fertile fields painted on the clothes worn by Tolan are all from the original land where they lived.

Out of the thirst for rain, most of the Kearney people's clothing now uses blue as the base fabric.

The people of Kearney have gone through a lot of hardships and trekked mountains and rivers, and finally found a suitable place to live, which is the small town of Kearney.

Here, Kearney people saw the vast ocean for the first time, and fell in love with the salty sea breeze of this land at a glance.

So they settled here and reproduced their offspring, but the good times didn't last long. The livelihood of the newly arrived Kearney people seemed to be disturbing the evil dragon on the seabed not far away.

Perhaps the evil dragon was dissatisfied when he saw such a happy scene in the world, so he forcefully demanded that the Kearney people hand over the eighteenth-year-old woman as his bride.

It is said that the water god is called Thetis, and the dragon must have some evil tastes, so the woman who was thrown into the sea to marry him is required to be named after the water god.

If the evil dragon's requirements are not met, the evil dragon will cause floods year after year, making the Kearney people living on the coast feel the horror of the sea.

The people of Kearney were defeated by the dragon, and they didn't want to leave the place they had found so hard, so they had to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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