alliance of misthophoros

Chapter 47 242 Waiter: Mad Dog

Chapter 47 2.42 The Tenth Waiter: Mad Dog
The first two wishes were just temptations to test whether they were true or false. When the last chance to make a wish was left, Torel expressed her true wish.

After Toreler expressed her wish, such an unruly and self-willed girl cried so sadly that her healthy and intact brother was corrupted by the curse before her eyes.

If the wedding ceremony is not successful this time, then the elder brother is likely to be overly corrupted by the curse and die.

She's already, desperate.

For a long time, Tolan, as an elder brother, has played the role of father and mother. Toreler has been with her elder brother since she was a child. It can be said that her elder brother is her closest person.

The real fathers of Torel and Tolan had very little communication with their children, and the most they talked about was about sacrifices and ancestral wishes.That man doesn't care about his children or the people who love and love him, he only cares about the so-called grand plan and hegemony.

What's more, she undoubtedly overheard the conversation between her father and Tolan. This time, it was about whether to throw two women in the village who happened to be born in the year of the ceremony into the river to feed the fish together.The woman who was born in the year of the ceremony in the same year, except for the woman who is now named Thetis, the other, of course, is Torel.

Tolan, who single-handedly brought up his sister, naturally strongly opposed this matter, and believed that Torel could be the priestess in charge of the ceremony.

Since then, Toreler has completely changed her view of her father. Before that, she only felt that her father was indifferent, but at least there is a blood relationship between father and daughter, so it is not so decisive. Hearing this conversation, Toreler recognized His father's face, this is nothing more than a beast for the so-called self-interest, and no compromise!

So much so that at her father's funeral, she only felt sorry for her brother, and didn't care about the man she called her father whose ashes were scattered into the sea.

Torel thought of Tolan's hand, and the process of Tolan's disease she had seen.This kind of illness, I am afraid that since that day, Tolan will always die with him.Unless the wish of the ancestors is realized.

An important reason why Torel hates the witch is that the witch is the accomplice who made her brother become what he is now. Before his brother was cast with a spell, he would often play games with her.

When she was young, Tolan carried her on his back with his not-so-wide palms to see the scenery up the mountain, and told her many interesting stories. Torel misses her childhood so much.

But all of this was completely changed by a curse.The previous priestess died of an illness because of this, her father also died of the same reason, and her elder brother's physical mutation also began.As Torel, who entered the scene after the curse, became a witness of that ceremony.

Torel really hated the priestess costume on her body, but she had no choice but to learn what a priestess should master.The previous witch is dead, and this time about Hai Long's wedding ceremony, Toler has to be in charge.

The stars are hidden in the dark blue sky, and the starlight reflected on the sparkling sea is like jumping into an illusory dream and sinking into the deep sea.

"I don't want to lose him, such a gentle brother, the only person who treats me well in the world." Toreler's cry was so bitter, "Please, please make my wish come true!"

her brother?

Who is her brother?

Wilson was puzzled, not knowing what Safire was thinking, nor how Safire would answer.Things can develop to such an outrageous point.But the elder brother that woman spoke of should be extremely important to her.

Safir spoke slowly, his tone exuded an indescribably gentle atmosphere, and at the same time it was very calm and beneficial, as if it had gravity, which made people want to get closer, "Soon after, the self-proclaimed AFWP Alliance People will come here."


"Alliance for world peace." Afraid that Toreler could not remember clearly, Safir kindly said the full name.

Even Mandela couldn't help calling this move crazy, but when he thought of Safire's previous actions.Indeed, this kid is so bold and reckless, and he will make such an action, which is very in line with Safir's character.

Mandela suddenly realized that what he was chaining was not a docile sheep, but a mad dog with a thoughtful but pure heart.

For Satan, who has been to all six continents, slaughtered gods, and once became the helm of the world, no matter how the world in front of him changes, he is in control of its operation.Some of the weird events happening on this land are probably related to the cracks in the space boundary markers connecting the continents.

And since that boring guy from Numerology appeared in front of Safir and gave him guidance, then Safir will definitely go to other continents in the future.

The cracks in the space boundary monument had already existed when he ruled the world.

That thing doesn't matter to him at all.

Either the cracks in the space boundary marker gradually become larger, and then the six continents merge, and each continent may coexist or reorganize after evolution.

Either the cracks in the boundary markers are repaired and everything is fine.

Mandela didn't care about any of that.

At that time, he had already obtained everything he wanted, and even if he wanted to dominate the world again, he was indifferent to the fusion of the six continents. Even if they merged, he was sure that he would not die in that chaos.

What surprised Satan was that even now, the problem of cracks in the spatial boundary markers had not been resolved.

The spatial boundary marker has not been repaired yet, but it is not completely broken, it's just that the cracks have become bigger.

On the beach outside the crack of the stone, the figure of the witch lingered on the beach for a while, and then left. I don't know if the woman really believed these lies

Wilson, who was confused, wanted to ask Safir about his intention to do this, but Safir seemed to be tired, so he relaxed his body slowly and leaned against the rock.

Wilson didn't ask any more questions, and let go of the hand that closed Zipan's mouth.

Zipan was so excited that he couldn't sleep at the moment. With his small brain, he definitely couldn't understand the current situation. He wanted to ask Safier, but was stopped by Wilson, "It's night, I'm sleepy, I'll stay here for a while , In the latter half of the night, the little monk helped me to read it.”

Wilson saw Safire's fatigue, and thought it must be caused by the thunder just now, but he didn't know how to reduce Safire's fatigue, so he couldn't help looking at Mandela next to Safire, I thought this person would be able to handle it. Although Wilson didn't like Mandela, he had to admit that Mandela was helping Safir on purpose.

It is obviously not a wise choice to let Zipan release the wind in the middle of the night. Wilson said that Zipan was alone in the middle of the night, but this must be false, and he will look at it, but there is no way, Wilson Tiredness will appear in the second half of the night, and it will be better if one more person looks at it.

Sapphire squinted his eyes, the stone behind him made him a little uncomfortable, and tentatively leaned on Mandela's shoulder, but Mandela was too thin, so he still felt a little flustered.So the whole bunch of people lay on Mandela's lap and found a comfortable position.

Mandela just wanted to kick the man away.

I sure wouldn't mind if you were a fucking woman.

But when he thought that Safir's state was really not good, Mandela had to hold back.

Unexpectedly, the pair of blue eyes opened at this time, and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "If the seven deadly sins are included in the criminal law of the world, will it be the pain of the people, the relationship between people and people?" The conflict between them will be reduced a lot.”

Seven deadly sins?
Mandela couldn't remember which seven cases this referred to for a while, and his first reaction was that you, Safire, were thinking about these things.

"Arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust." Safir said the names of these in memory one by one.It seems that all the crimes in the world are inseparable from these crimes.

Mandela chuckled, "I don't think it's impossible. But how do you convict them, how do you judge them for committing these crimes, and what standards are used to punish them..." The heart must be contemptuous.

Safir seemed to be asleep, and his sleeping appearance looked like a peaceful and harmless child.But today Mandela has re-realized that the person in front of him is a complete mad dog.

Not many people would take such an action in the situation just now.Mandela thinks that Safier's ideas are crazy and his behavior is also crazy. On the one hand, he thinks that Safier is extremely simple, but on the other hand, he thinks that Safier is so crazy that he is fascinated.

The moment Safir used that thunderbolt, Gaia knew that she did not find the wrong person, she came to the right one, and what she was looking for was the person in front of her, Safir.

Things went back to a few days ago, Paradise City had a power outage for one day in history. The power supply system in Paradise City has been perfect and has never been powered off, so this weird incident has attracted Gaia's attention.

Anguisola said her goshawk saw a huge bolt of lightning in the desert.

Because the distance was too far and the wind and sand were too strong, it was already a mess when we got there, and the ground was full of the remains of soldiers in the royal city after the fight.

At that time, Anguisola and Gaia determined that someone who could affect the power supply system of Paradise City must have appeared.All the electricity in Paradise City's power system comes from a pile of dilapidated copper and iron. After this pile of dilapidated copper and iron is barely put together, it is a hammer that weighs as much as the entire city of Paradise City, but has an incomplete shape.

At this moment, this hammer is being stored in the underground palace at the bottom of Paradise City. The knowledgeable Yuze judged the origin of this ancient heavy hammer and pointed out that it is Thor's Hammer.

Since there is someone who can affect the electricity in Paradise City, it must be related to Thor's Hammer.I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend, and Gaia couldn't judge how to solve this problem at the time.

Until, Safir began to register information in Paradise City.Let Gaia know the existence and whereabouts of this person, but to her surprise, the little monster who topped the bounty list also followed.

These two are a team, and both have applied for a mercenary license in Paradise City.

At the same time, relying on Gaia to find someone and find out the whereabouts of that little monster.

However, Gaia still wanted to observe again, so she was not in a hurry, so she found an excuse to ask Yi to wait, although she said so, but Gaia knew in her heart that Yi would definitely not listen to her, and sooner or later, Yi would Find out where the little monsters are, sooner or later.

Gaia doesn't know how things will develop after that time.

The mercenaries in Paradise City are only mercenaries in name.But in fact, Gaia wants to use this to train her own army, so the mercenary assessment in Paradise City is so strict.

The mercenaries in Paradise City were the most difficult to accept the test at the beginning.

Mercenary licenses in other places are easy to obtain, because the license is only used to register information.Register what tasks you have done, what is the mercenary level evaluation, and which field the mercenary level evaluation represents can accept tasks with a few stars. The higher the star rating, the higher the difficulty of the task, and the richer the reward.And unlike the mercenaries in Paradise City, the assessment is extremely difficult when they first come up, and there is no classification at all.

(End of this chapter)

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