alliance of misthophoros

Chapter 58 253 Waiter: Weird

Chapter 58 2.53 The Tenth Waiter: Weird
"You seem to have been wanting to say something to me from the very beginning." Safir turned his probing eyes to Mandela, who was also looking at him.

Mandela approached Safir and said in a low voice, "I will see the fortune teller later, tell her to go to the Elemental Continent, and she will tell you what to do when the time comes."

When prehistoric mandela opened up wasteland, he came to another continent, which was a brand new place completely different from the current continent. According to the characteristics of that continent, he named that continent 'Element Continent'.

"Element Continent..." Safir chewed on what Mandela just said, his clear eyes were slightly puzzled, "Numerology..."

The word 'Element Continent' is completely unheard of. Could it be that there are other continents in this world besides the Hongmeng Continent they are in now?
And why should he go to the Elemental Continent?
Numerology...does it refer to that strange woman from before?What was Mandela trying to express?
Mysteries came one after another, turning into a huge question mark in his heart. When Safir still wanted to ask something, Mandela pretended to regain his clarity in a blink of an eye, pretending to know nothing.

He certainly won't explain too much.

When he entered the bottom of the sea, Mandela realized a very serious problem, that is, the opponents that Safier may encounter in the future can easily crush the current Safier into powder.

This is by no means a joke, even though Mandela would be on the sidelines to help, even though it can be seen from these days of getting along that Safir is very smart, but in the face of absolute strength, everything is in vain.

Coupled with Safire's personality, if something really happens, he will definitely not ignore it, but take the risk alone.

This is a headache, it's impossible for me to really save him this time.

The strength of Satan in ancient times must not be underestimated. Facing the opponent that Safir is about to face now, for him at that time, it was as easy as crushing an ant, but it is different now.

With Safir's current strength, it is easy to become a burden for him to dominate in the future, referred to as dragging the oil bottle.But in the Hongmeng Continent, it is impossible to quickly improve one's strength.

After Mandela saw that Safier had activated the horoscope of the element of thunder, he deliberately wanted to train Safier, so according to the experience of those who have experienced it, it is very appropriate for Safier to go to the Elemental Continent.

And the numerology will definitely reappear after this Safir mission is over, and he will remind Safir to make a request at that time, then it will be fine.When he arrived at the Elemental Continent, Mandela would naturally tell Safir how to improve.

Well, if you have a bit of talent and savvy, then within half a month you can reach [-] weights, and you can barely use Thor's Hammer without damaging your soul and body.

It's just that I don't know what conditions the fortune-telling will offer... Forget it, Mandela doesn't care what the fortune-telling offers, but it certainly won't be depriving Safir of his life.

Numerology is neutral and objective.All transactions are like balances, neither a catty more nor a tael less.

Mandela felt that he might be able to roughly understand the mood of numerology, but he was too free, so he picked someone he was interested in, teased, and passed the time.

"What's wrong?" Mandela asked pretending to be ignorant, and tilted his head slightly as he spoke, seeing Safire staring at him, "Is there something on my face?"

Wilson on the side leaned over curiously and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"He said that there might be clues that we missed." Safire lied and didn't make a draft, as if he didn't want to expose any abnormalities about Mandela. He was not the kind of person who was too upright and didn't lie, smart and kind .

Seeing this, Mandela felt that Safire trusted him with all his heart, and it seemed that his subconscious had a sense of protection for the poor.

It's really frustrating.

Mandela thought so.

"Really? Did I just say that?" Mandela asked immediately, deliberately rebellious and raising the bar, in order to deliberately dismantle Safier's platform and see how Safier explained it.

"It's almost the meaning, I understand." Safir answered it smoothly.

Mandela was also taken aback when he heard that.

Wilson didn't become suspicious when he heard it. If he had doubts, in Wilson's view, the first thing he doubted was whether Mandela's words were true or not. No matter how false what Safire said, Safire would have said it. reason.

This little episode ended there.

Uncertainly, Safir climbed up the towering walls all around, and looked at the array on the ancient brick board in the courtyard of the temple from a high place, demure but hidden murderous intentions, and said, "It seems that there is no Wrong, but judging by the symbols displayed on this slate. This is just one of the curses in the ritual."

But the seawater outside the hall was extremely turbid, and one could only see the darkness in the distance, and only the road below was covered with a lot of thick and turbid sand and stones.

"How did you know?"

Seeing Safier jumping down from the wall, Zipan asked suspiciously.

It really looks like what Zipan would say.

It's just that Safir passed by Zipan, and didn't reply quickly, but just went to see those bottles and jars with similar shapes in the corner of the courtyard.

Wilson looked at Zipan with pity, and said in a tone that he couldn't bear to keep Zipan alone in the dark, "I should have seen it from your formation. If you don't believe me, look it up, there must be records."

Zipan's eyes widened, and at the same time he refreshed his understanding of the people in front of him.

Although he had some doubts about the strength of these people at the beginning, but the more we get along, the later he understands what it means to be a real person without showing his face, which is unfathomable.

"Then if I show Safier all the scriptures and scriptures, will he be able to master them in an instant?" Zipan sighed as he said, maybe he is another genius in cultivation.

This sentence did not require Wilson to answer.

From the admiration and envy in Zipan's eyes, it can be known that Zipan already has the answer in his heart.

"This is the birthday of the record." Safire said, and reached out to touch the engraved writing on the bottle and jar. There are more than a hundred bottles and jars placed here alone, each The jars were all engraved with the same words, some numbers that are still in use today.

"Yes!" Zipan leaned over and nodded, then pointed to the yellow seal on it, "These seals must not be torn apart, the resentment inside is too heavy, I am afraid that ordinary people cannot bear it."

Just a little closer can feel the bloody chill. Although Zipan has seen the strength of Safir and the others, he absolutely dare not make fun of their lives at critical times. He wants to let them go first, and then look for opportunities Come back to suppress alone.

"It doesn't seem to be..." Wilson said solemnly.

Based on the birthdays shown above, the years are 18 years apart, and the month and day are all on the same date. Combined with the current time, and the calculation of the time of the ceremony that the man who brought them later said, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion.

"Hmm." Safire knew what Wilson wanted to express without finishing his sentence, with a serious look on his face, "The woman we saw in the temple at that time... was probably the sacrificial offering."

Afterwards, this living woman will also become like this, be sealed in these bottles and jars, and become part of the whole ceremony.

"I don't know what the Kearney people are up to." Wilson said intriguingly.

"Amitabha, it's a sin." Zipan sighed devoutly, and added in passing, "No wonder there is a big murder here, the resentment is too heavy."

I don't know how many innocent women were buried.

"You just said that this is only part of the spell?" Wilson frowned slightly, thinking of what Safire said before.

Safir was silent, as if he was thinking in his mind. After a while, he suddenly asked Wilson, "What do you think the Kearney people are doing this for?"

"It's definitely not as simple as worshiping the ancestors." Wilson felt that he had missed something, and couldn't answer for a while, "Since you saw the spell, did you see any other information from it?"

"This spell is incomplete, and I can't quite see it." Safir said the point stuck in his thoughts, "Besides, there are a few key things missing, so I'm not sure Which direction is it?"

"What's missing? For example."

"There is blood, but who is the beneficiary, what is their medium, and where does the memory come from?"

Wilson was confused and watched Safir speak.

"But this one doesn't look exactly like a spirit-moving formation, and other formations are added. Such a complicated formation is not so easy to judge."

After Ting Safire finished speaking, Wilson was still confused after hearing it. Forgive him, things like formations are really difficult for ordinary people to get in touch with. This thing is almost a lost thing.

"Is it possible that we have been here all the time and have been inside the formation. The current palace was only built to store this blood."

Safir has been brewing for a long time, and finally said this guess.

"Such a huge formation." Zipan sighed, "But it should not be impossible. If it is like summoning an ancient giant beast, the small space of this palace is really not enough."

Safir looked at the plaque hanging on the eaves not far away, which was covered with dust and whose writing could not be read clearly.

"Speaking of which, will we be discovered if we walk around like this?" Zipan thought of this crucial question, and wished he could tell the truth and leave immediately.

"Yes." Wilson followed Safire's gaze, and while shaking off the dust on the plaque with his own ability, he replied calmly, "Even if it is not discovered now, it will be discovered if it is discovered." It’s also a matter of time.”

There is nothing impermeable in the world.

No matter how good their disguise is, they will be seen through sooner or later.

"Then what will happen if we are found out?" Seeing that Wilson's answer was so flat, Zipan thought there was no major problem, and his nervous mood relaxed a little, so he answered the question.

I saw Wilson say the words that shocked the listener without changing his face, "Well, it is very likely that you will be drowned in it like these bottles and cans you saw."

Wilson is telling the truth, but exaggeration is not ruled out, but the reality may be more exaggerated than this. All in all, being caught generally does not have good fruit.

Wilson thought, originally they came to see, but they turned it upside down and saw something even more mysterious, "The witch told us to save her brother, but until now I don't know what's going on with her brother. .”

If they had been more daring on the shore, they might have followed the witch at that time, but they were all too curious about where the shifting formation went.

Safire didn't answer, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Wilson looked up and saw a large gold lettering on the back of the ashes.


After seeing this word, it was even more difficult for him to understand.


Wilson read it out, and a very weird sense of incongruity rose from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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