alliance of misthophoros

Chapter 72 267 The Waiter: Dragon Ball

Chapter 72 2.67 The Tenth Waiter: Dragon Ball
Safir looked up and saw the sculpted and grinning dragon body churning in the sea water above. The dragon's torso was almost entrenched on the entire zenith. The sharp eyes revealed infinite greed, and the open mouth revealed The bloody fangs emitted a cold light, which looked very strange under the orange light.

Following the dragon head, Safir's eyes couldn't help but fix on the round jewel in front of the dragon head with two flying dragon whiskers flying like a shadow in the mist.

"Isn't the dragon ball originally a dragon thing?" Wilson looked at the weird painting that day, and expressed his doubts, "The whole painting looks like a dragon is chasing the dragon ball."

Not only is there such a painting on the top of the brick and stone building, there are also similar vertical paintings chiseled on the three red doors in front of me. It seems to express the meaning of the dragon playing with the pearl, but the painting makes people feel , It is the dragon chasing the dragon ball that is as dazzling as the sun.

"Could it be..... is there any profound meaning in it?" Wilson waved his hand, shaking off the dust on it, and the whole portrait became more lifelike. So, are they after something else?"

The entire underground palace is solemn and deep, with neatly arranged bluestone statues and glass five offerings in formats and materials containing incense, flowers, lamps, water, and fruits.Inside the gate in the middle is a white marble sarcophagus. Beside the coffin are hundreds of red-lacquered wooden boxes filled with funerary objects. .

In the murals, all are people working between heaven and earth, and the scrolls in the gallery seem to tell the long family history of the Kearney people.

Safir's eyes were still looking at the dragon ball that was extremely prominent in the painting, and then there was the coffin at the main entrance clearly in front of him.

Dragon Ball……


The words that the strange woman said came back to my ears.

——You guys, do you believe in fate?
——Secrets must not be leaked, I only tell people who are destined.

In front of my eyes, I seem to recall the woman's secretive smile, and a crystal clear golden bead in her hand, which is even more dazzling under the light.

—— Only when things are returned to the right owner can the situation be broken.

At the same time, he suddenly remembered the strange words Mandela said in that strange dream last night.

Numerology... what is numerology?Why challenge her? Isn't numerology something in mythology, but something that still exists now?
Just as Safir was thinking, Zipan approached and interrupted Safir's thinking.

"What are you thinking again?" Zipan's face was filled with the word admiration, "I feel that your brain is really good, I'm so envious."

"I am nothing compared to the wisdom of the Buddha for thousands of years." Safir said modestly, "Those who devote themselves to goodness and convert to Buddhism, and practice the Dao, are not bad."

After listening, Zipan tapped his smooth little head, "I have escaped into Buddhism for many years, but I still can't comprehend the true meaning of Mahayana Buddhism."

Zipan's eyes were full of longing, "Oh, there is a saying that those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, then tell me, if I keep following you like this, will I become smarter, and then suddenly realize that I know How to become a Buddha."

Safir tilted his head and chuckled, "Then study hard."

"That's why I want a smart head like yours." Zipan turned around again.

At this moment, Wilson also joined the conversation between the two, but shifted to another topic, "Something is wrong."

"I felt something strange on the keel, and that strange feeling became very strong here."

Upon hearing what Wilson said, Zipan took a pekoe and scanned it, but found that there was nothing special about it, and he did not feel the presence of a demon.

As Wilson spoke, he was about to take a step forward, to follow the strange place conveyed by the keel.

Safire held Wilson at this moment.

"Let's see if we can test it with sand and draw the whole picture of the underground palace." Then Safire added, "Look at the overall situation first."

"Okay." Wilson finished in response, and Zipan cleverly took out the pen and ink and handed it to Wilson.

I saw that Wilson drew the topography of the underground palace bit by bit, roughly sketching the overall structure. Because of Wilson's special ability, he could draw the places with stone gates and secret passages.

By the way, I also got the information that there is no one in the underground palace.

After frowning slightly, Wilson drew a long bridge connecting another small secret room, and with the last stroke, Wilson drew a cross on the drawn secret room.

"The thing that sensed something strange is in it." Wilson's ink pen stayed on the top of the black ink cross, and said firmly.

At this time, Safire, who had been watching Wilson drawing the blueprint of the underground palace, said, "Will someone put the coffin of the ancestor in such a conspicuous place?"

Wilson looked at the white marble sarcophagus placed at the main entrance in the middle, looked at the enshrined things around, and compared the simple drawings he drew, "Look, this place is indeed, this is indeed the core part of the underground palace. And as soon as we enter You can see that it is very unreasonable.”

The underground palace did not have only one entrance, but they chose the entrance to the deepest underground according to the footsteps of those who had left and observed the entire underground palace.

"But maybe, is it possible that it's just because of worship?" Wilson finished speaking, and immediately denied the guess, "It's impossible to worship the ancestors in front of the coffin. And there are temples built on it, and there are special temples inside." As an enshrined figure."

"Is it possible that we came to the wrong place, maybe this is not the ancestral hall of our ancestors at all." After hearing this, Zipan began to answer.

Wilson almost laughed when he heard that, "Why don't you just sit aside and listen to our reasoning."

"Then, am I useless?" Zipan felt that he couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the team, and felt a little stuck.

"You are responsible for protecting us." Safir patted Zipan on the shoulder, "You are so powerful."

"Really? Hehehe." Zipan became happy again because of this sentence.

"Look at the portrait at the front, do you feel familiar?" Safir did not directly deny Zipan, but persuasively.

Following Safir's guidance, Zipan looked at the portrait with a huge banner in the middle, behind the coffin. Isn't this the man who saw him in the temple and thought he was a deer-headed rat? He turned out to be lying here.

"Oh~ Then this must be the coffin of the ancestors of the Kearney people." Zipan suddenly realized, and then a question popped up, "That person is buried here, and I heard footsteps just now, so it means There will be descendants coming, so why did they come to this place? I don’t understand.”

Safir pointed to the cross marked with ink on the blueprint drawn by Wilson, "Maybe the answer can be found here."

"This bridge should be a rope suspension bridge. There must be something wrong with such an unusual design." Wilson also added immediately.

"I didn't expect so many adventures to happen just because I came to slay the evil dragon at the beginning." Zipan sighed again and again, "If you were not here, maybe I wouldn't have thought so much, and got here step by step."

"I'm used to it." Wilson said lightly.

"What do you get used to? Tomb robbery?"

Wilson suddenly felt like prying open Zipan's little brain to see if there was any mistake in the brain circuit inside, but he still replied angrily, "Be a mercenary."

It's not here to steal things, what kind of stealing.

When Wilson saw these valuable tributes, he didn't think about it at all. He was an upright person, and he had always been paid as a mercenary because he thought he could live with his conscience.Before meeting Safir, Wilson also adhered to his own principles. Although none of the people he partnered with at the time were clean, they just stayed together for mutual benefit.

After actually meeting Safir, Wilson rarely wanted to cooperate with others. These days, there were not many people who he liked and could do mercenary work with.

Wilson didn't have an emotional cleanliness fetish, he just felt that being with Safir could still maintain what little conscience was left.

Zipan seemed to be quite curious about Wilson and his identities, and still wanted to ask more, but when Wilson saw Zipan speak, he covered Zipan's mouth with one hand, and said fiercely for the first time, "Let's go, Stop barking."

Breaking Zipan's elegant and easy-going impression of Wilson in one fell swoop, Zipan followed Safire, who followed Wilson like a frightened bird, and whispered, "It's so fierce."

Safir could only reply with a helpless smile.

Zipan and Wilson must not be able to feel the sealed magic power, but since it is his own, Mandela knows better than anyone what is in front of him, and that thing seems to see him and is ready to move .


This powerful magic.

It is a high-quality magic crystal with boundless magic power. After a hundred years of precipitation, although it is temporarily asleep, it has recently been awakened.

Who, exactly, created such magic crystals in the absence of his great Satan.

Just by observing these days, Mandela discovered many of his own magical powers.

Paradise City is just a microcosm.

Mandela couldn't help but come to a conclusion, maybe the world has already been covered with traces of magic crystals.

Ah, such a feeling of excitement really makes people tremble with excitement.

Sure enough, this world still belongs to him, Satan.

He, Satan, is the eternal emperor who rules the world!

Familiar feeling.

Mandela felt as if he had returned to the last battle, killing the last god in the world.

He looked at the riddled earth, as if looking at the supreme masterpiece he had climbed to the top.

At that moment, everything is unified.

The world fell into his Satanic hands and fell into eternal darkness.

However, it was just that moment of supreme joy.

Because there is no opponent in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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