alliance of misthophoros

Chapter 88 283 Waiter: Xixi

Chapter 88 2.83 The Tenth Waiter: Xixi
【Frontline of Royal City Battlefield】

The crimson moon in front of him seemed like the sky was soaked in blood, and the whole body was covered with lingering blood mist. The boy knelt in it, his disheveled hair covered the expression on his face, as if he had been dead for a long time.


Fang Xu opened his eyes with a cry, and there was still a blue sky and white sun in front of him, without the crimson and blood-soaked moonlight, but it seemed that a soldier with a phantom was standing in front of his eyes.

The man waved his hand in front of his eyes, "Hey, man, are you still awake?"

Fang Xu exhaled a turbid breath, the figure in front of him was no longer blurred, and what he saw was an ordinary-looking soldier who could no longer be ordinary.

When Huan saw the kid open his eyes, he was almost taken aback by the murderous look in those eyes. Of course, he didn't know if he was scaring himself.

But it's true that this kid named Fang Xu is scary.

Not long after entering the camp, it seemed that they went mad and out of control, killing hundreds of soldiers in their camp, and it was the kind that had no reason.

Huan gasped when he heard the news, this kid is so crazy.

Just when he was about to gloat, Rahab "intimately" ordered him to deliver a letter to Fang Xu.

It is said that this kid is making too much noise, and someone from above wants to see this kid.

On the one hand, Huan felt frightened, and on the other hand, he also felt that this was a good opportunity to get close to Fang Xu. Fang Xu was a little crazy, but Huan was still very interested in him, and he should be able to get a lot of things out of him. .

No matter how bad it is, it is also a good choice to recognize a big brother when you see the wind and hug your thighs!
As if seeing through Huan's thoughts, the jingling chains suddenly came out from under Huan's feet, directly between Huan's legs.

Faced with the sudden attack, although Geng expressed that he was frightened, he still retreated a few steps in a well-trained manner, and then looked nervously at the murder weapon that almost killed him.

Fang Xu didn't seem to have the intention of continuing to attack, but just wanted to get away from him. The iron chain that shone like a long snake with the cold light of iron turned into black mist and disappeared in an instant.

"Don't try to get close to me, I have become evil."

This is Fang Xu's warning.

Huan almost fell to his knees, and smiled flatteringly, "Are you awake now, little brother?"

A puppy shaking its head came out of Fang Xu's chest, and he looked at Huan with his tongue out a little cutely, but Fang Xu directly ignored the problem of Huan being lost, and pulled the puppy out of his chest, holding it aside. Feed it with jerky in a bowl.

Tease, tease the dog?

The corner of his mouth twitched like a hallucination, this buddy is really leisurely and elegant.

Come on, it seems that this kid is not so easy to approach, let's talk about it after observing for a while!It's important to get the business done first.

Huan cleared his throat, and said to Fang Xu who was ignoring him in front of him, "Well, do you still remember that you made a fool of yourself? It seems that I want to summon you over, I just came here to deliver a message."

Fang Xu raised his head, and instantly met the flattering Huan. Huan only felt his balls tighten, and recalled the scene just now.

I really dare to be angry and dare not speak, ah no, I dare not be angry and dare not speak...
"it is good."

Fang Xu put the puppy back on his chest, and for a moment saw a shield that was vibrating among a pile of magic weapons.

Next, is this...

【Town of Kearney】

"Thetis, call for my life..." The golden light inside the dragon ball instantly tore apart the purple magic crystal inside, and a perfectly round golden bead exuding infinite sacred aura also appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The golden threads floating around Thetis flew towards the fading, vigorous dragon.

Xianglong's body scattered light like gold powder, gradually dispelling the black mist on Toreler's body, revealing the girl whose skin was almost covered by burn scars.

Torel's breathing gradually stabilized, as if slowly falling into a deep sleep.

This scene stunned everyone present.

Unexpectedly, Safir actually summoned the gods.

And it's one of the four gods, the water god, and a living dragon!
Toreler's propped eyes closed slowly, and the inner voice echoed.

A miracle really happened right in front of my eyes.

I saw the dragon slowly wrapping around the bride holding the dragon ball, with infinite tenderness in his eyes.

The bride opened her eyes and called his name.

"Alex." Added after that, "I love you." "

The giant dragon twisted its body and flew to the sky with the girl in scarlet brocade, but before leaving, the scattered golden light solidified into an amber-like substance with annual rings and slowly landed on Safi in front of you.

Safir held the gift in both hands and accepted the gift.

At first smell, it is a kind of woody fragrance, with the smell of salty sea water, and after smelling it for a long time, there is also a milky fragrance.

Just about to explore something, one hand took away the substance that Safir was holding in both hands.

"The mission is over, please return to Paradise City and confirm the details of each mission!"

The mysterious operator who got the item didn't leave immediately, as if he still had something to say.

Through the white veil, Safir seemed to see the connector staring at him.

"Thank you for letting me see that there is a way to solve things other than strangulation and endless struggle."

After speaking, he left with the gift left by the dragon.

Gaia doesn't care if the ambergris is this or not. Anyway, no one knows what ambergris looks like, so it would be nice to bring it.

What's more, it is the gift of Shenlong.

No matter how bad it is, Gaia also recognizes these people, counting her Gaia as an affair, let them pass like this.

If Safir can awaken the blood of the water god, Mandela is not surprised by the current result. After all, the power of the gods was the most powerful power before he ruled the world. The mere magic crystal is naturally not there. Next.

However, the power of the gods cannot be fully awakened because of the current Safir.

The clouds are as bright and vast as a wheat field, with layers of golden yellow, making the sky even more sacred, and the dragon body that rolls and appears from time to time makes everyone who sees this scene start to pray for blessings.

But the hero who created such a scene seems a little tired.

Mandela looked at Safier's crumbling body, then fell down slowly, then took Safier with one hand, and tested his breath for the first time.

There's nothing wrong with it.

It seems to be the ability of Thor used through the array, so the consumption of elements and physical strength has been greatly reduced, and there is no life-threatening situation like before.

Just a little sleep now.

"Thank you..." Sapphire squinted his eyes and said the words, which seemed to be addressed to Mandela.

"If it wasn't for you, we might not even be able to find the existence of Dragon Ball." Safir smiled.

So he did something good? !

Just kidding, he is a great Satan and still does good deeds? !Come on, who is going to slap and wake up this daydreaming guy? !

In an instant, Mandela wanted to throw Safire out, but Safire seemed to have something to say.

"Everyone... is a hero."

Mandela put his ear close to Safir's mouth, and what he heard was just such a sentence.

After Safire finished speaking, he fell asleep, and Mandela immediately threw Safire to Wilson, who was eating melons.

As soon as Wilson took Safir, he was still worried that something would happen, but he was relieved when he saw that Safir was just asleep, and looked at Mandela at the same time.

Huh?Why are the kid's earlobes so red?
Could this kid be shy too?
Wilson shook his head in disbelief.

A short conversation came from the end of the cloud.

"Our life, just like this, in this world, let's love each other!"

A melodious and pleasant dragon chant floated over the sea.

Afterwards, a new legend began to circulate in the small town of Kearney—a real dragon appeared here.

On that special day when the real dragon appeared, people saw a golden dragon stepping on auspicious clouds in the sky, and what was even more amazing was that a girl wearing a bride's costume seemed to be riding on the dragon's head. Happy in the air.

"As the saying goes, one can cross a boat with one hundred years of cultivation, sleep together with one thousand years of cultivation, and the rare couple in this life are all blessings cultivated in previous lives!" The beating of gongs and drums and the sound of firecrackers made it extremely festive.

It's just that the wedding is held this time, it's the family in the iron tile house, and the chief executive, Mrs. Tolan, personally set out to prepare for the wedding.

Before getting on the big bridal sedan chair, Torel put jewelry on the sideburns for the bride and dressed her up, completely ignoring the burn scars on her body, just enjoying herself there.

"You're hurt, are you okay..." the bride couldn't help but asked with concern.

I heard that there is no way to heal the burn scar for the time being and restore the fair skin.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, resistance is nothing but sacrifice, and all the scars are nothing more than medals of supreme glory~" Torel put on the bride's veil, and liked the festive red body very much.

Of course, on the day of the wedding, Torel also kicked and smashed the statue of the ancestor in the temple. Ignoring Tolan's helpless eyes, he capriciously threw a beautiful woman who was holding a dragon ball and surrounded by dragons. The sculpture was placed in the original place where the ancestors were worshipped.

After finishing the work, Torel raised her head triumphantly and said to Tolan, "If you want to pray, you can pray to this, to ensure that we will have good weather and good luck, and we will have a good relationship for a hundred years!"

At this moment, Toreler was sitting at a table at the banquet, pretending to be eating with relish, and looking curiously at the foreigners not far away.

Safire, Wilson and the others were also eating wedding wine at a big round table, looking at the happy words hanging in the lobby, they also had smiles on their faces.

They really couldn't resist their kindness, so they stayed and participated in the wedding together.

Next to Safir, there was an extra woman, that woman was dressed strangely, and was eating the food on the plate with big mouthfuls.

"Why is it you again?!" Wilson recognized the woman at a glance, wasn't that the thief he saw in Paradise City?How did you come here? !
"Hey, it's agreed. If it doesn't work, you don't need to pay, but if it works, you will get a meal." The woman's cheeks were bulging, and while talking, she pointed at Wilson with a bitten chicken leg.

"Effective?! What and what?!" Wilson immediately wanted to throw her out.

"Spiritual." Safir smiled softly.

"Then you really believe me." The woman kept her secret and said firmly.

And the bride and groom have already arrived, and Li Sheng on the other side is speaking again, shouting loudly:

"Bow to heaven and earth—"

"Second obeisance to the high hall——"

"Husband and wife salute—"

"Sent into the bridal chamber—"

This is the wedding of Wuming and Thetis as ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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