The Rise of the Marquis

Chapter 13 Emperor of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 13 Emperor of the Han Dynasty
Rested at the posthouse that night, and the next day, officials in long robes prepared a luxurious carriage drawn by date-colored horses to pick up old father and Wu Yuanheng and go to the government office in the city to meet the monarch.

Wang Jian and others waited in the post house.

He had just arrived in this room when he discovered a tunnel in the wall behind the desk in the center with his spiritual sense.

The tunnel led to the back of the house, but because it was too long, it was already more than [-] steps underground, and he didn't know where it led, and there were many guards guarding the outside of the post house, so it was difficult for Wang Jian to come in and out at will to check the exit.

Wang Jian thought for a while, and he could hold back his curiosity and didn't touch the decoration of the tunnel crossing.

Wang Jian noticed that the servant who came to deliver the meal at noon never took his eyes off the table at the entrance of the tunnel, as if he was carefully observing whether there were any signs of discovery at the entrance of the tunnel, but he pretended nothing had happened.

After the servant delivered the food and left, Wang Jiancheng pretended not to know anything, and still maintained the style of a playboy, despised the poor food, and scolded the servant who delivered the food.

As soon as the person left, he immediately changed his face.

He already had a bad premonition in his heart, the accommodation here must have been arranged by the owner of Lishi City, who arranged for him to live in an authentic house.What's the use of being authentic?The best effect he could think of was to let people enter his room unknowingly. Wang Jian vigilantly put a few throwing knives he struck first by the bedside, took out the long sword in the luggage, and put it next to the pillow for use. Covered with a quilt.

In the afternoon, the old man and Mr. Wu's family both came back, and they entered the yard while talking in low voices, their expressions were ugly.

After the two said goodbye, Wang Jian went up to meet him and asked his father what happened.

The old man let him into the house first, poured himself a glass of water to moisten his throat, and then frowned and said: "We have seen the monarch, and we have also seen Mu Sheng, and they all agree that we must quickly encircle and suppress the aliens who are going south." , so as not to cause a greater disaster.”

"But." Speaking of this, the old man frowned.

"The Mu family wants to fight for military power?" Wang Jian said.

The old man glanced at him in surprise and nodded: "Mu Sheng said that the matter is of great importance, and the Yiren has entered Heyin and entered the territory of Mu's family, so it is up to the Heyin leader to accept the king's tiger charm and assemble the army to deal with the Yiren. .

He simply wanted to gain military power by borrowing the matter of the foreigner, rather than sincerely trying to solve the problem of the foreigner.

I thought before that it would be troublesome if aliens entered the Heyin territory, but I didn't expect them to dare to do so in front of the king! "The old man was so angry that he slapped the table heavily.

Wang Jian can't say anything, he can't influence the decision-making at this level at all, he doesn't even have the qualification to meet the king He Musheng.

When Wang Jian's spiritual sense detected the hole in the house, he thought of this kind of result, because Zhao Guo's system usually does not have tiger charms, and the army cannot be assembled at will, and the six Zhengqings who have more troops in their hands have the right to speak and restrain each other. , everyone tacitly refrained from asking the monarch for tiger charms, which indirectly allowed the people to recuperate.

But now the emergence of aliens has broken this tacit understanding. To deal with aliens, it is necessary to assemble an army. Once any Zhengqing force is authorized to assemble an army, the balance of power will be broken. will have a huge advantage.

Originally, the alien appeared in Heyang, which belonged to Li Shigong Wu Mi's territory, and should have assembled an army because of his subordinate Duyanghou.

But I didn't expect that as the investigation deepened, other people were also active in the Heyin territory. This time the situation became complicated. Heyin belongs to the territory under the jurisdiction of Mu Sheng, another Zhengqing of Zhao State, Ma Linggong, so he also has a reasonable The reason is to gather an army on one's own side to fight against the aliens.

Under the special political system of Zhao State, what was originally a military conflict has gradually evolved into a political game involving the interests of the highest level of the country. At this time, things became complicated.

But the old man didn't understand that deeply, he was still cursing that old bastard Mu Sheng for wanting to seize his military power.

And judging from the fact that there is a secret passage in his house, Mrs. Mu is ready to use any means. If the father refuses to give in in the end, then he will become a hostage, or he will be evaporated directly, as a means of deterring the father.

What Wang Jian didn't understand was whether the Mu family really dared to do it?Because the old man also wanted to go to Ma Ling, it was not easy, and he called people from the Wu family to go south together. If the Mu family really made a move here, it would not be against both the old man and the Wu family. Wu Mi would be another A Zhao Guozhengqing, and there are many elites under his command.

But the only good news right now is that he doesn't have to worry about someone attacking him. As long as his father doesn't get tough to the end, he should be safe for the time being.

At night, he heard his father and Wu Yuanheng talking about the day's affairs while drinking in the small courtyard. Although Wang Jian was waiting in the room, he heard it clearly with his spiritual sense.

"The Mu family is too deceitful. If they are asked to call up the army, how can they guarantee the safety of Heyang, and their children have never fought at all. If they really let them deal with those aliens, they will drive innocent people to death!" The old man was dull His words were filled with displeasure.

"That's right, what Du Yanghou said is reasonable, and I also feel that their children are incompetent, and they are just messing around."

"Tomorrow I will definitely explain this matter to the monarch, even if I offend the Mu clan."

"I will definitely help Marquis Duyang to speak to the monarch." Wu Yuanheng promised.

Listening to these conversations, Wang Jian was relieved again, but he always felt that something was wrong. Did he want to miss something?
In Chang'an Imperial City, inside the Daxia Hall of Changle Palace, the candles are dancing brightly, and there is a sense of simplicity and chill in the hall, because most of the places are simple black with dark red like blood clots, the wind blowing outside the house is also It seemed to become even colder all of a sudden.

Sitting in front of the black carved stone table in the middle of the hall was an old man wearing a round-neck gown decorated with golden dragon patterns on a black background. His eagle eyes were transparent, his beard was gray, and there was an indifference in his eyes that looked down on all living beings, and there was some turbidity in his eyes. .

With his left hand, he was playing with a jade eagle statue, leaning against the white tiger-skin seat behind his back.

He is the emperor of the Han Empire, the supreme being in the world, he seems aimless, and seems to be waiting for something. The eunuchs next to him will come in from time to time to add some charcoal to the brazier at the four corners of the hall to keep the temperature, but they are all wearing socks, and they are very careful. Feet, not daring to make any other movement.

After a long time, a little eunuch came in and whispered something, the emperor nodded, and the little eunuch withdrew.

After a while, another eunuch came in, knelt down a dozen steps below, and reported: "Princess Anling went to Maling of Zhao State. Mona, the princess wants to find out what happened."

It took a long time for the old man above to utter a word, "She is a sinner and acts recklessly."

"The princess also wants to share her worries."

"If she wants to share her worries, she should confess her guilt first," the emperor said coldly.

When it comes to pleading guilty, the eunuch Zhang Jin didn’t dare to talk too much. Princess Anling was the daughter of the former prince Liu Ti, and His Majesty loved her very much. But then the prince’s rebellion broke out. Almost all the prince’s family was killed, exiled, and the prince was imprisoned He died in depression.

Only Princess Anling and a small number of people in the whole family were able to survive. His Majesty loved his granddaughter so much that he couldn't bear it, so he was brought up in the palace.

However, Princess Anling was also stubborn and never gave in. When she grew up, she kept arguing that her father was wronged and wanted to reverse the case, which angered His Majesty several times.

In the Han Dynasty, the descendants of the guilty clan have only one opportunity to wear the crime and make meritorious service, and that is to be named as the princess of the clan, marry outside the marriage, and then influence the other party's military and government to serve the country.

Originally, His Majesty wanted to absolve Princess Anling of her sins several times and let her stay in Chang'an, as long as she obediently admits her father's guilt and stops messing around with the case, but the princess is uncompromising and even resolutely treats the guilty according to the state. According to the rules of the clan, they are willing to marry the heirs of Wang Lie, a famous general of Zhao State, for the country, so as to fight for the door for the country to advance eastward.

On the surface, His Majesty agreed ruthlessly in front of many courtiers, but Zhang Jin knew that since the princess left Chang'an, His Majesty got angry several times, and even killed a groom who raised a dead horse because of his anger.

"Your Majesty, the princess needs to send more people."

"No, the country will not waste manpower for a sinner." The old emperor's face was livid: "Let the Hongnong County guard look into it carefully, what kind of guy is Wang Lie's second son, I want to see!

If it doesn't suit me, send him his head. "

(End of this chapter)

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