The Rise of the Marquis

Chapter 16 16 Shocking Changes

Chapter 16 16 Shocking Changes

Li Sheng is a short middle-aged man, his height is only six feet, his arms are longer than his knees, and he is a born swordsman.

His short body makes it easier for him to avoid the enemy's attack, and his slender arms make the sword in his hand more deadly. Since he became sensible, he has gradually understood his own advantages. Among thousands of troops, he is useless. In the land of martial arts, the strength and burly are not comparable to those fierce soldiers. In the jungle of thousands of spears, no matter how powerful a swordsman is, he has no chance to draw his sword.

But under Ma Linggong, he had many chances to use the sword and had few opponents. His dexterity and speed surpassed many people. He encountered many dangers, but in the end the opponent fell first.

When he heard that the target this time was a dude, he actually felt a little upset. He felt that a waste was not worth his sword, and he also proposed to Ma Linggong to send his disciples to complete this task but was rejected.

In the end, he could only agree to this matter. He prepared his long sword and asked his apprentice to sharpen it.

His sword was more than three feet long, and the hilt had been corroded by sweat for a long time and became blurred, and the beautiful carved wood grains could no longer see any shape.

However, everyone in Ma Ling's mansion knew that although Li Sheng's sword looked worn out, it was deadly and sharp as long as he made a move.

In the evening, Duke Ma Ling sent an envoy to tell him again: "Enter the posthouse along the secret road to deal with that dude, let him die in the courtyard, and then come back along the secret road without leaving any traces."

Li Sheng was a little impatient: "I don't need you to teach me how to deal with a kid from a rich family who doesn't work hard and doesn't know the five grains.

I only hate his blood for dirtying my sword.

Go back and tell Lord Ma Ling that he won't survive, but next time I don't want to touch such a waste, he is not worth my shot. "

The messenger nodded: "I will convey your words."

After finishing speaking, the envoy turned around and left the mansion. After walking out of the house quickly, the envoy looked at the stone lion at the door, and spit at the door: "It's just a dog, and it thinks it can pick prey. A good dog is nothing more than a dog." Dog." He cursed and left Lisheng's sword hall.

The next day, the sun was rising, and a large piece of light was shining from the eastern sky to the earth, and the streets and alleys were filled with milky white mist.

Wang Jian paced around the room anxiously. Last night's persuasion had no effect.

He told Liu Yu that Wu Yuanheng would be in collusion with Ma Linggong, he overheard the conversation of the howling wolf cavalry, guessed that Wu Yuanheng brought his daughter into the Mu family, and he knew the seriousness of the matter.

He once speculated about the game between all parties, but he forgot that there is another possibility, that is, the Wu family and the Mu family can win-win. If Wu Yuanheng breaks his promise and joins Mu Sheng, then sacrifices Du Yanghou to make a deal with Mu Sheng. That's why Wu Yuanheng took his daughter south.

However, no matter whether he could hear the words of the howling wolf cavalry clearly from a few hundred steps away, or the treachery of Wu Jiahui, the former stalwart ally of Duyang Hou, Liu Yu couldn't believe it, and felt that he was just worrying and thinking wildly.

In the morning, my father packed up his things, changed his outfit, and prepared to go out with Wu Yuanheng. Today they will accompany the monarch to hunt. This is the honor of the courtiers.

Wang Jian wanted to stop it. He instinctively felt that it might be dangerous for Daddy to go there, but the guards around him were all members of the Wu family, as well as those ten fierce howling wolf knights. The number of soldiers on the outskirts has increased by more than 200 compared to yesterday. This incident seems very normal. Because the Son of Heaven is hunting, the defense in the city has been strengthened, but there are too many additional troops at the posthouse.

Wu Yi was preparing to go with him, and he seemed to be worried. When he left, he smiled and comforted Wang Jian: "Young master, don't worry, the Marquis is the number one expert in Duyang. Your Excellency's spear and riding skills are unrivaled, and they are more than enough to deal with wild animals. I will do my best to protect the Marquis."

Wang Jian had no choice but to nod, but he thought in his heart that no matter how powerful a person is, he can't escape the conspiracy.

Father took Wu Yi and dozens of cavalry away, leaving only five people at his command, as well as Liu Yu and the five masters brought by the Han Dynasty around her.

Only then did Wang Jian clearly know who were from the Han Dynasty. Besides Liu Yu, there were two warlocks and three tall knights.

He immediately found Uncle Gong who was left behind, the commander of the Boulevard Castle, and ordered: "I'll give you two quarters of an hour to gather everyone in my yard, wearing armor and swords."

Uncle Gong didn't obey the order, "A certain obeyed the order of Lord Marquis, not the young master." He said and shook his head.

In Wang Jian's memory, he was fearless, but he had always been afraid of the ruthless commander of Boulevard Castle.

But this time is different, Wang Jian's face turned cold: "Father is not here, I am the master of Heyang. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can wait for my father to come back and talk about it. Immediately implement it, otherwise you will be punished according to Zhao's law."

Uncle Gong looked at him in surprise, his face was not very good-looking, but he quickly turned his head to gather the soldiers.

Soon, three soldiers ran over with lazy steps. They got along well with Wang Jian these days, and the first one came in and said, "Young master, if you have anything to do, just call us, don't bother brothers." Said while fastening the leather belt.

Wang Jian looked serious, holding the hilt of the sword at his waist: "Someone is coming! It's in my room."

The three soldiers were at a loss, "Who came here? How did they come here?"

One of them came into the room carelessly carrying a sword, and Wang Jianlian reminded: "Be careful!"

It's a pity that it was too late, the soldier fell out of the room with a scream, his right hand was covering the gap of the armor under his left armpit, and blood was gurgling.

He lay on the ground and tried to open his mouth, but there was no sound, and soon there was no sound. The sword pierced through the gap of the armor under his armpit precisely and easily, piercing the soldier's lung, making him unable to shout for help at all.

"Young master, run!" The two soldiers pulled out their swords from their waists and protected him behind them.

A small black shadow rushed out of the room, with swift footsteps like a bobcat. In a moment, the two soldiers were frightened, and instinctively stabbed forward with their swords left and right.

Unexpectedly, the sword light of the man in black was like flowing water, and he turned sideways in front of him with a sharp stroke. The short body squatted down deftly while moving, and then shot upwards like an arrow from the string, shuttled between the two swords precisely On the top, there was a blood red in an instant, and the soldier in front of Wang Jian's left swayed and fell to the ground, with blood gushing from his neck, and his terrified eyes gradually froze.

The other soldier who survived backed up a few steps in fright, his hands trembling.

Wang Jian's heart tightened, the sword had already been unsheathed, and the two met each other, and the other party had already killed two people!Be a master!
The man in black ignored the soldiers who were too frightened to fight back, and charged straight at him.

"Help! Help!" Wang Jian yelled, holding a sword in his right hand to defend against the attack. The figure of the man in black moved to his left. But it is exceptionally clear, like a slow snail, but due to physical limitations, Wang Jian himself is more like a snail
Just when the man in black thought that Wang Jian would use his sword to resist the attack, he suddenly threw a throwing knife from behind his waist with his left hand.

The man in black reacted extremely quickly, almost as soon as the knife was thrown, his next step was to the right, changing the direction of attack.

Wang Jian knew that his throwing knife was useless, he was thinking of delaying time, then retreated a few steps and threw two throwing knives one after another, but the opponent dodged them.

The man in black was a little annoyed after dodging one after another, but the rhythm of his steps was a bit chaotic when he stepped forward. Wang Jian suddenly raised his sword forward, and the opponent did not retreat but drew a sword light with his long sword. He was absolutely confident that he could win in the duel Hit him first.

But there was no confrontation as imagined, but the man in black fell to the ground with a plop. It turned out that Wang Jian had already retreated outside the courtyard, leading the other party to trip over the threshold.

Wang Jian had been using the throwing knife just now, and he didn't think about hurting the man in black. The man in black was a master of swordsmanship, no matter his reaction, footwork or swordsmanship were very good.

He just wanted to distract the other party's attention and lead him to be tripped. Compared to his own divine sense, no matter how powerful the man in black is, he is nothing more than an ordinary person. His spirit needs to be highly concentrated, his eyes follow the tip of the sword, and he cannot take care of all directions .

Then what made the man in black dumbfounded was that Wang Jian didn't go forward to fight desperately or try to make up the knife at all, but quickly took advantage of this gap to escape to the open space outside the yard and shouted for help
(End of this chapter)

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