Chapter 20
On that day, everything was carried out in a strange atmosphere of tension. Fortunately, Wang Jian quickly collected more than 50 soldiers from Boulevard Boulevard and joined Wu Yi who was crying.

Now Mu Sheng didn't dare to act rashly anymore, Wang Jian sold the precious jade in his waist, and sent two soldiers to order a good coffin for his father, preparing to take him back to Boulevard Castle.

In the hunting ground of the Wang family, King Zhao wrote the royal order in front of all his officials, and then read out in front of everyone that Wang Jian, the second son of Duyanghou, was conferred the title of Marquis, and handed over the jade ax that symbolized power. into his hands.

Although everything was going according to the procedure, and sealing the Marquis was also a festive event, but the faces of those who were present were not good-looking.

Naturally, Wang Jian and the people of Boulevard Castle will not be happy. His insulting titles of marquis in history are not isolated examples, such as Gengjiehou (imitating the sound of a shovel shoveling a pot), Disobedience Hou, etc., and the same is true of his marriage marquis. Mu Sheng and the others also looked very ugly, no matter how ugly the title is, the rights are real.

Later, under the pressure of Liu Yu, the officials in charge of etiquette around King Zhao ordered officials to cast altars on the mountain, offering sacrifices to heaven, earth and ancestors, and to inform King Zhao about the appointment of the ancestors of the Zhang family as marquises.At the beginning, in addition to killing chickens, sheep and dogs, they also planned to use two slaves as sacrifices to worship the emperor and queen.

Wang Jian, Liu Yu from the Han Dynasty and others were very disgusted with this old-fashioned bad habit of princes, and finally demanded that the tiger killed by Duyanghou be sacrificed instead of slaves.

When the dead tiger weighing at least [-] jin was carried onto the altar by six strong men, everyone present was overwhelmed by Du Yanghou's bravery regardless of their position, even the old guy Mu Sheng couldn't help it. Let out an exclamation.

He may also be afraid, if the conspiracy and tricks were slightly missed at that time, it would be hard for him to believe what would happen to himself in the face of the furious Duyanghou.

"Marquis Duyang deserves to be Zhao Guo's fierce general." Someone said with emotion.

"Killing a tiger with bare hands is incredible!"

"Oh, the hero is short of breath"

Among the crowd sighing, only a few people understood what was going on.

"Father is too superstitious about his power." Wang Jian sighed, just like drowning is a truth that can swim: "If you believe too much, you will become a shortcoming." He felt a little sad, but this is the limit of ordinary people , Vision and knowledge will always limit them, he likes to hide because he has seen a wider world and more powerful characters.

It was this kind of low-key that saved his life. The swordsmen sent by the Mu family were very powerful, but he obviously underestimated his ability and died.

And I don't want to show off the mountains and dews, not only to save my life, but also because he has a suspicion that like a warlock, he can use air conditioning to control his spiritual power without the need for divine thoughts. It may be a powerful person who is known as "Earth Immortal" in the legend.

Enlightenment, the master once told him that a strong person in that realm has his own "Tao Realm" and can shape his own rules in it at will. In their Dao Realm, they can change the rules at will. If they are in the Dao Realm of an enlightened Dao Realm, then it can be explained that the warlocks mobilize their spiritual power like castles in the air.

Therefore, Wang Jian was more cautious and did not want to expose himself. If the "supernatant" at the warlock's door really existed, he would not be able to guess what an earth fairy was thinking and whether it would be bad for him.

"The spirit of Marquis Duyang Zaitian will bless you." Liu Yu said, "We'd better leave early, the longer we delay here, the more dangerous it will be."

Wang Jian nodded, and then Liu Yu took the lead to bid farewell to King Zhao and asked to leave.

King Zhao didn't keep him, but Mu Sheng and others were unwilling.

In the afternoon, the finished coffin was pulled back by the bullock cart, and after the people packed the remains of the Marquis of Duyang into the coffin, they began to prepare to escort the remains back to Boulevard Castle.

They decided not to stay, but set off on the same day and walked overnight.

At the same time, Wang Jian arranged for Uncle Gong to immediately gather the soldiers patrolling Sentinel Ridge to respond. In order to hunt for aliens, Boulevard Fort gathered [-] soldiers, most of whom were deployed near Sentinel Ridge in the south.

On the same day, the group left Maling City, only Zhao Wang's officials sent them off politely, and then the group walked northwestward without stopping for a moment.

When it was dark, they could not see Maling City at all. Wang Jian kept sending scouts to stay about a mile behind the brigade to check if there were any pursuers, because the coffin was pulled by a carriage, which greatly slowed down the speed. There are pursuers in Maling City, and they can definitely catch up before it gets too bright.

Along the way, Wang Jian was very nervous, and even prepared in his heart that something was wrong, so he had to ignore his father's body and coffin and run away. In any case, saving his life was the most important thing. If he died, there was no need for revenge.

At night, everyone did not dare to relax, they lit torches and continued on their way. On the road, they encountered a large tree that collapsed and fell down, which was as thick as a man's waist, and blocked the road at once. Warlock Chao began to prepare spells. Half a quarter of an hour later, a shining fireball, like a small sun in the night sky, suddenly fell from the sky, hit the tree trunk in an instant, and immediately ignited a raging fire. Soon a thick tree was burned into two pieces. Festival.

Soldiers cut off nearby arms-thick branches to use as crowbars, and quickly pushed the trunks back to the side of the road to make a way for the convoy to pass.

After a night of intense rushing, the scouts reported every two quarters of an hour in the middle of the night, and there was no pursuer behind. After each report, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and then became nervous again, waiting for the next report, just like this ups and downs At dawn, they had reached a small river, a tributary of the Baishui River. There was a narrow wooden bridge on it, and only two horses could pass in parallel, which slowed down the speed of the team.

Fortunately, at this time, the other side of the river cheered. Before dawn, the light was dim, and Wang Jian couldn't see what was going on. At this time, someone happily told him that Uncle Gong had brought more than 100 cavalry to attack them all night to support them.

This was exciting news, and Wang Jian was also relieved, but at this moment, the scouts on the other side of the south bridge came over in a panic and told him that there were many soldiers coming from the direction of Maling City!Look at their long torches, at least four or five hundred.

All of a sudden, everyone's hearts fell to the bottom again, and many people around panicked.

Liu Yu also nervously suggested at this time: "There are many people on the other side, let's leave the coffin and go first. Keep the green hills and don't worry about no firewood."

Wang Jian looked at the soldiers on the opposite side who hadn't crossed the bridge, and then opened his consciousness to detect the wind and grass in the dark woods on the other side of the bridge in the distance, and finally he said: "It's too late, they are too close and they are all riding horses. I can't escape."

Then he turned around and ordered: "Pass me the order, no retreat, everyone line up by the bridge, don't light torches, just line up in two rows!"

Everyone looked over, with puzzled and doubtful expressions in their eyes. Even with the reinforcements brought by Uncle Gong, they only had 60 or [-] people.

"What are you doing!" Liu Yu asked with a frown.

"Soldiers of Fort Boulevard, carry out the order!" Wang Jian insisted: "Now I am the lord of Heyang, who will not obey the military law!"

As soon as the words came out, all the soldiers moved as required, but they still hesitated, and most of their eyes focused on the young new Marquis.

"You better know what you're doing." Liu Yu sighed, and stopped by the river as ordered.

Wang Jian looked at the darkness of the sky in the distance, and soon saw many fires densely piercing the darkness of dawn, rushing towards the river like a jumping firefly, as more and more torches came out of the forest, at this time Everyone's hearts were beating wildly, because it was far more than the four or five hundred people the scouts said, at least seven or eight hundred people, and they quickly flocked to the bridgehead.

Wang Jian heard the heavy breathing and spittle of the soldiers behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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