The Rise of the Marquis

Chapter 33 Tianwei

Chapter 33 Tianwei
In the misty moon, the afternoon sun was also shrouded in a vast whiteness, and there was no trace of warmth.

In the backyard of Changle Palace, the tall guard who was covered in iron armor only showed two eyes, holding a spear standing like an iron tower, those cold black armor shone in the sky, almost only two eyes were visible from the whole body. Only black eyes.

The spear in his hand is also extraordinarily cold and shiny, and a ring-shouldered steel knife with a length of nearly four feet is slung around his waist.

The application of steel and skilled iron-making and steel-making technology are the huge reasons why the Han Dynasty maintained its superiority over most neighboring countries and forces. Compared with the soldiers of the Eastern princes who wore soft and hard leather armor, these iron armored guards Not the same.

However, the Han army can rely on steel to gallop across the plains, let their horses gallop freely, drink blood with sharp swords and long knives, and spread fear. Facing the increasingly complex battlefield environment, the Han army gradually encountered a difficult situation and a dilemma.

"The road to Lingtou Mountain was seriously damaged. According to reports, six or 20 people were killed in the battle, seven people were missing, and more than 130 people were injured. They said that the Dian people would send monkeys and bobcats to attack them.

The roads there are rugged, and many roads almost touch the ground with their noses. The horses can't pass, and they can't walk while wearing armor. The soldiers can only take off their armor and climb. , wood, poisoned arrows.

Moreover, the wizards of the Dian people can make them fall into the environment and lose their direction, and can also make them sick, so the march is very difficult, and the army has not broken through the pass in the northeast." Shangshu ordered Dongfang Dianzheng to report to the emperor the soldiers in the southwest, when he was speaking There were already some fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

With the successive victories of the Han army over the years, the prestige of the emperor has increased day by day, and correspondingly, the requirements for war have become higher and higher. If there is a defeat, there will be severe punishment at every turn.

After the Han army sacked Yelang a few years ago, they discovered the Dian Kingdom farther away. Based on the principle of "caused by rivers and illuminated by the sun and moon, it must be Han soil", they first requested Dian Kingdom to be surrendered as usual, but were rejected. Immediately afterwards, the imperial court ordered troops to be dispatched from the territory of Yelang to conquer Dian.

But what I didn't expect was that this time it was far less smooth than before.

The northern, central, and southern armies, with a total of more than [-] people, did not attack smoothly.

The Central Route Army, which was originally the main force, was plagued by disease after entering the territory of Dian along the best road, and soon lost its combat effectiveness. The leader and lieutenant had no choice but to retreat temporarily to avoid being attacked by the Dian people and causing more losses. .

The South Route Army needed to cross several rivers, but because the local rivers were too fast, the boats were washed downstream when crossing the river, and the forward troops were disconnected from the follow-up troops.

As a result, the forward troops were besieged by the Yunnan army as soon as they landed. Although they occupied the spear points with thick armor, strong bows and crossbows withstood the attack, and temporarily repelled the Yunnan attack, their own damage was not small, so they had to retreat to the east bank hastily.

The only North Route Army that was going well, although it was difficult to walk in the mountains, it went smoothly at the beginning, and broke through the camps of the Dian people one after another. .

Unexpectedly, with the passage of time, the mountain road in front of the Northern Route Army became more and more difficult and steep, and the marching speed was greatly reduced. The Yunnan people took the time to counterattack. The loss was not small, and the advance was blocked. The key is Your Majesty Just praised them in front of all the officials in the court, and then something happened later, isn't that a slap in the face of His Majesty?
So Dongfang Dian has been cautious and trembling in his heart.

Sure enough, His Majesty heard the news in the garden gazebo, and his face suddenly turned pale, with frost on his face: "They can't even beat some monkeys who can climb rocks, and they still have the nerve to call themselves my big man soldiers!

Does the small Dian Kingdom need me to send them an army of [-]? "

"Your Majesty calm down. I will send someone to urge them to march."

"No need, issue my edict and tell the leading officer, that I don't care how powerful the wizards in Dian are, or how rugged and steep the place is, if I can't win Dian within this year, I will be sentenced to death." " said the emperor in a cold voice.

Dongfang Dian nodded. The death penalty in the Han Dynasty army does not necessarily mean death, but it is indeed a very serious punishment. He reminded the emperor in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the leader of the North Route Army is named Zheng."

The emperor looked back and thought for a while, "No matter what his surname is, my dynasty has always had strict laws and regulations, and if he can't be beaten, he will still be punished."

"No!" With the attitude of the emperor, Dongfang Dian is much easier to handle. He just wanted to find out the truth, because Zheng Ji, the leader of the North Route Army, is the nephew of the former princess and the cousin of Princess Anling. He is related to the royal family.

Dongfang Dian, who is already an old man in the officialdom, naturally understands that the most important thing when dealing with this kind of matter is to confirm and understand the attitude of the emperor, but there must be no omissions or negligence, otherwise it will be difficult to remedy.

Just when he thought the matter had settled, the Son of Heaven suddenly said, "Let the Astrologer send ten more warlocks to the North Route Army, it's the end of my benevolence."

"No!" Dongfang Dian agreed, and he already had the judgment of being an old fox in his heart. In dealing with Zheng Ji's matter, no matter what, he couldn't make a dead hand!Even if the war does not go well at that time, people must be sent back to Chang'an safely.

"What's the news from the east?" The emperor suddenly asked a puzzled question.

If others were already confused, he wouldn't. Just now he mentioned the Zheng family and Princess Ling'an. Although the other emperor still maintained his previous treatment, his attitude obviously softened. Naturally, the emperor cared about the princess's affairs.

He asked about the east side, the east side was too wide, but it would be easier to talk about the east side where Princess Ling'an was.

"Recently there have been a lot of news over there. The spies of Guanglang City, Maling City, and people from Boulevard Castle reported that the princes of Zhao State were fighting among themselves. Du Yanghou was killed in Maling City, and Ma Linggong is preparing to attack Heyang. .” Dongfang Dian gave a general idea.

Then thinking about what happened just now, I added: "The princess has a unique vision, the son of Duyanghou, everyone said he is a dandy who doesn't distinguish between five grains, I didn't expect that he single-handedly killed Zhao Guo's fierce general in Baishuihebei. Stop the pursuit, so that he can return to Heyang to gather the army."

The emperor nodded slightly when he heard it, and then said: "Very, Huangmao girl, she is still far behind, but after all, she is from my blood, so she won't be far behind.

But it's useless for Wang Jian to go back. How many people there are in his fart place, but they are just hitting a stone with an egg. "

"Your Majesty, are we going to send troops?" Dongfang Dian asked, but he already had an answer in his heart.

"No, let the people of Light Wolf City send an additional team of cavalry to go north, and protect the princess if the situation is not right."

Dongfang Dian nodded, the emperor didn't care about Wang Jian's life and death, he was only happy because he felt that his granddaughter had a good eye, but in his eyes, the relationship between the two princes of Zhao State among the eastern countries was always just a meaningless little thing. play tricks.

He also vaguely understood the meaning of the Son of Heaven, if he did not send out troops, it would be fine. Once troops were sent out, the eastern countries would be wiped out in one fell swoop. It doesn't matter what kind of princes are not
(End of this chapter)

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