The Rise of the Marquis

Chapter 41 The Battle of the Gazebo

Chapter 41 The Battle of the Gazebo ([-])

There is a gloomy and cold atmosphere in the valley of the foggy moon. The blood-colored mist in the sky blocks the sunlight, making the valley even colder.The broken flag was half unrolled, the body quickly lost its temperature, and the hot blood flowing out was white mist, like a cold hell on earth.

The sky is filled with blood mist, and the underground blood flows into rivers. Perhaps, as Sun Difang and others said, this is a sign of the Lord of Lingshan, which indicates that this place is destined to flow into rivers of blood. Now a large amount of blood has indeed stained the few streams in the middle, bloody The smell became stronger and stronger, permeating the valley with the condensed air.

But Wang Jian never believed in omens. In his opinion, it was just a wrong attribution.

The dark red and deep sky is the result of the exposed iron ore oxidation dust on the mountain. The monsoon coming from the sea is blocked by the high red mountain range and then rises. The rising violent airflow drags the reddish brown oxidation powder into the sky.

This is the biggest difference between Wang Jian, so he neither believes in signs, but also is more rational and ruthless. He would rather believe in what he has learned and thought. This may be another kind of arrogance and ignorance, but he would rather be like this and control everything by himself hands.

Facing Dongfang Jin's startled performance, he directly angrily said: "Shut up!"

When no one knew, Wang Jian's spiritual consciousness had already been gradually extended to the limit despite the physical pain, and he knew the clues on the battlefield and all the subtle changes, confrontations, and the positions of the enemy and ourselves.

However, those noisy, chaotic information and the huge number of troops still made his brain start to hurt slightly.

Because he can always control the changes on the battlefield and see places that others cannot see, he can also give every order evenly and appropriately, with precision and elegance.

The situation on the battlefield in the distance is changing. In addition to forming crossfire and giving full play to the advantages of firepower, the three-talented formation has another advantage that it can fight independently and launch an attack when the enemy attacks, rather than the traditional offensive and defensive formations.There are primary and secondary, there is a reserve team, and there is a cover force. It seems that the core of long-range power is indeed, but there is another ultimate move.——
With the waving of the command flag and the sound of the horn, thousands of horses rushed in from the left and right sides and instantly cut off the Ma Ling army approaching them, while the cover warlocks and archers retreated slowly.

The elite soldiers of Boulevard Castle have been fighting against Lou Fan all year round, and the cavalry is very elite.

Uncle Gong led the army forward, like two swimming dragons out of the water, darting towards the front position. The skilled cavalry drew their short bows one after another, and arrows rained down one after another, causing the enemy troops to fall one after another. The people behind rushed up quickly.

Uncle Gong's spear skills took the horsepower to a higher level, flashing cold light continuously across the crowd, and many people were knocked down one after another. In just a few breaths, at least three people died under the tip of his spear. Also trampled two people down.

The reserve cavalry on the left and right flanks played the role of covering the warlocks and crossbowmen on the two wings.

Seen from a high altitude, the two wings of Ma Ling's army were sluggish immediately after being attacked by a wave of cavalry, and did not approach quickly. At this time, the warlock's second wave of "earth awakening" was ready. The earth awakening is the most basic warlock spell. Its function is only to make the ground soft and trap the enemy for a short time. It has no killing effect, so the casting time is also the shortest.

Wang Jian likes this spell very much, because it has great tactical significance in the battlefield, the forward position becomes soft instantly, and the forward speed slows down again.

After this delay, the second wave of offensive spells had already been prepared, and a colorful wall curtain was pulled out at a distance of twenty or thirty steps, instantly knocking down a large group of Maling soldiers at the front.
The crossbowmen in the rear took the opportunity to release arrows, killing and injuring the enemy again along the gap opened by the warlocks.

But the real killer move is yet to come!
Wang Jian had a clear understanding of the overall situation of the battle by virtue of his spiritual sense. At this time, if he looked at it from a high altitude, the huge Ma Ling army on the ground was divided into two groups, charging towards the Qin army's archers and warlocks in the north and south of the valley. Go, but was intercepted by the cavalry on the two wings as a reserve, and the progress was slow.

The cavalry is not skilled enough to completely stop the advance of the Ma Ling army, but they are like two long dragons crossing back and forth at the front of the position, constantly skimming and attacking the infantry phalanx of the Ma Ling army, and rushing to the goal of the army after each exchange , exchange frontal enemies.

When going from south to north, they immediately assassinated the enemy with long spears. From north to south, they opened their bows and set arrows, throwing a large rain of arrows at the enemy with short bows. Outnumbering their enemies, the warlocks in the rear can constantly prepare spells to bombard the enemies in front.

However, the few cavalry of the Maling Army were obviously no longer at the same level as the fine cavalry of Boulevard. They were mixed with the infantry, but they did not take advantage of the cavalry's maneuverability at all, and became a fixed target for the big ones. In the face-to-face confrontation, no less than 50 people were shot off their horses, and many of the rest were frightened and got off their horses and walked, mixing with the infantry to avoid being hunted by the cavalry of the Boulevard.

But in general, the Ma Ling army, which has a huge numerical advantage, is still slowly advancing towards the Heyang army.

It's just that at this time, the main force of Heyang, the more than 2000 main infantry phalanx of Heyang hanging alone in the south, was ignored, because the enemy was all heading towards the warlocks on both wings and the phalanx, and their position was far from the main force of infantry on each side. At least two hundred steps above the position.

So many people have ignored Heyang's infantry formation.

As more and more Ma Ling troops rushed to the two wings, on the chaotic and noisy battlefield with limited sightlines, few people noticed that Heyang's infantry phalanx was not retreating, and was not busy approaching the warlocks and archers on the two wings to protect them. Instead, they have been staying at the forefront, becoming a lonely salient part.

As time went by, due to the unfavorable forward attack, more and more Ma Ling troops rushed to the two wings, and the Chinese army gradually became weak and empty. Even the elite tiger guards were mostly transferred to the two wings, except for the casualties. The coach seemed to be determined and vowed to take down the opponent's wings.

However, as the soldiers continued to move away and the troops continued to fill the two wings, the figures, flags, and smoke that blocked the line of sight in front of them became less and less, and the line of sight became clearer. It was inconceivable to find that behind the dissipated smoke and dust in front of him, behind those stumps and armour, behind the armor and banners, there was actually a dense phalanx, with the banner of Heyang standing at the front.
Mu Zhiyong suddenly stopped breathing, and his mind was in chaos, as if in a dream, what happened?What's the situation, why are there so many Heyang soldiers on the front!
But it was too late for him to doubt, the Heyang soldiers on the opposite side charged towards him without hesitation.
Wang Jian observed the situation on the battlefield clearly in his consciousness, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. This is the danger of the three-talented formation. If they attack the front melee soldiers with all their strength, they will be killed by crossfire from the left and right wings. If they concentrate on attacking the two wings The firepower configuration is covered by the cavalry, and the forward melee soldiers will break through the weak front.

Unless there is a greater firepower advantage, it will be difficult to break the situation.

The Ma Ling army on the opposite side obviously does not have this advantage
(End of this chapter)

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