The Rise of the Marquis

Chapter 45 Posted!

Chapter 45 Posted!

Wang Jian looked at the flames and flickering spots in the river valley. The soldiers were busy going back and forth, and the whole valley seemed to be burning. As he advanced, the soldiers around him stood at attention and saluted, their eyes full of respect. Call the Marquis or call him Your Excellency.

This is an unprecedented sense of accomplishment, which he has never felt before. As his consciousness spreads along the withered grass and shrubs, the joy, admiration, awe, and respect of the entire battlefield... He can clearly feel it from Those little details, the expressions are felt.

This is an inexplicable sense of accomplishment, which Wang Jian has never felt before.

In his previous life, apart from receiving education, he practiced quietly in the mountains. Whether it was his high education or his status and strength as a cultivator, he was detached from the world. He had a natural arrogance towards ordinary people, and he would not take the initiative to enter the world to get in touch with the world.He would rather learn and evaluate history in history books than truly participate in the secular world to create history.

But after coming to this world, he began to discover his own powerlessness. He knew that many things were about to happen but he was powerless to stop them, and his safety needed to be defended by ordinary mortals.

He was so irritated by this situation that he almost wanted to give up on himself.

But as things developed, he found that it was not that bad. He even felt an unusually real power from the cheers and worship of the soldiers.

Because of this, he suddenly had greater ambitions in his heart. Facing Liu Yu's inquiry, he thought for a while before answering: "There are a lot of food, grass, and supplies seized. Maling City is indeed a rich and prosperous city. After dawn, Sun Changshi I will go over to make overall arrangements and register, and then we will see how much is left, and if there is enough for our army to feed for more than 30 days, we will not retreat."

"Are you going to continue fighting?" Liu Yu asked him, "Break into Maling territory?"

Wang Jian agreed: "No, the risk of attacking the territories under the direct control of the six Zhengqings is too great. If it arouses public outrage, I have no confidence to face a [-] army. I am going to stop the army at the sentinel and wait for others."

"Other people's attitude?" Liu Yu's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"The six Zhengqings are not united. Before that, I asked Sun Changshi to write a letter requesting assistance from Lord Wu'an. If he agrees to stand on our side, he can continue to march. With Zhengqing's support, the situation will be different." Wang Jiandao .

"How can we guarantee that he will stand on our side? After all, Lord Wu'an defends Handan and will not move lightly." Liu Yu was still a little skeptical.

"Whoever wins, he will help. This time I won and weakened Mu Sheng, giving him more capital to compete for Zhengqing. As long as I continue to attack, he can weaken Mu Sheng without having to end the game himself."

"Aren't you afraid that the cunning rabbit will die like a dog?"

"He thinks my backer is him, but in fact my backer is you. I want to use his support to prevent other Zhengqing from going to war with me, so that I won't be attacked on multiple sides." Wang Jian said bluntly, facing him directly Liu Yu was a little uncomfortable with Bai's words. Even if it wasn't the first time, it was still difficult for her to adapt to such exchanges.

She found that Wang Jian was always straightforward, and he seldom spoke in a questioning tone, but as if following orders, directly and with an unquestionable feeling.

She thought about it, and suddenly found that her grandfather seemed to speak in the same way.
"Once I have the support of Lord Wu'an, I will attack Heyin and avoid Ma Ling so as not to offend the Mu family. Heyin is fertile and has a large population, so I can support more troops and then make further plans." Wang Jian eloquently said: "Wu Angong must be the happiest person in the fight with Mu Sheng. But let alone whether other officials of Zhao State will interfere, the Mu family will also come to me, which is not good for me."

Liu Yu looked at the man in front of him who seemed to be in control, and suddenly thought of "Zonghenghe", then shook his head and smiled, thinking when did he become so ignorant? The above four words, conquering from east to west, fighting all over the world.

While she was thinking wildly, Wang Jian pulled the rein of the horse, dismounted and found something in the grass and put it in his arms. She didn't ask any more questions.

"You are tired all day, go back and rest."

Liu Yu subconsciously nodded to accept such an arrangement, and then realized that he felt a little ashamed. How could he always be arranged and directed by him, so he said solemnly: "I have my own arrangements."

As a result, when I turned around, the other party had already gone far——
"Marquis, we have completely controlled the enemy's camp." Wu Yi brought people to report to him just after dawn early in the morning. After working hard all day and night, Wang Jian got up very late.

At this time, the sun had fully risen, and it was almost noon, but because the sky was filled with dark red and thick fog, the valley was dark and cold.

Wang Jian washed his face with cold water, took a wet silk face towel from a well-behaved Congren slave and wiped it, "Sun Changshi didn't in the past."

"Sun Changshi has brought people there, and they have led people to start counting." Wu Yi reported.

"Is there any help for him?" Wang Jian opened his hands and asked Congren slaves to put on armor for him. Then he hung up his long sword and walked out of the tent. The dark red sky instantly came into view when the tent was opened.

"Leave two teams at Sun Changshi's disposal," Wu Yi said.

Wang Jian looked at the assembled soldiers in the distance, and said, "Send another ten teams to Sun Changshi, and we will have a result as soon as possible."


Wu Yi took the order, and then went to dispatch the manpower.

Soon Uncle Gong came over on horseback, dismounted as soon as he got close to the big tent, and then respectfully reported to him the detailed statistics of the results: "Marquis, the statistics have been calculated, and our army has killed [-] heads of the enemy in this battle. Level ten, two thousand six hundred and two prisoners!"

Wang Jian nodded: "Let all military lords and warlords must clearly count the military exploits of the soldiers, count each military merit once, and individual military merits must be counted separately.

There can be no sloppiness in this matter. Once it is discovered that it has been concealed and not reported, it will not be lenient in falsification. "


"I remembered that you don't have much literacy over there. I'll ask Sun Changshi to send someone to assist you."


After Uncle Gong went out, Wang Jian also realized that with the expansion of the army, management and command are increasingly inseparable from scholars who can read and write. There are not many such talents in Boulevard.

Don't talk about imperial examinations in this era, even the examination system is only implemented by the Han Empire.

In the afternoon, Sun Difang excitedly returned to the camp under the escort of more than a dozen cavalrymen. After tidying up his clothes, he recorded them in the account and reported to him excitedly: "Marquis, there are always about 620 hu of food and grass in the Maling Army camp! In addition, there are [-] pieces of intact armor, [-] spearheads, [-] pieces of swords, and a small amount of fodder, [-] and four tents."

Sun Difang reported everything to him for about half an hour, and finally reported everything written on his bamboo slips.

Wang Jian didn't remember it completely, and only had two words in his mind-send it!
(End of this chapter)

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