The Rise of the Marquis

Chapter 54 Good and Evil

Chapter 54 Good and Evil

On the 130th of Brumaire, the vanguard cavalry led by Uncle Gong launched a tentative attack on the western border of Maling.

They kept attacking the outposts on the border of the Maling Land at the border, and each time they were able to leave before a large number of reinforcements arrived.

In order to quickly respond to the attack, Lingbaosai behind the Maling border sent reinforcements, but soon fell into trouble.

They sent few reinforcements at the beginning, and they were no match for the elite cavalry in Heyang. They were ambushed once, defeated head-on once, and more than 20 people died.

After that, Lingbaosai could only send a large group of troops each time, at least 500 people, but because of the large number of people and the slow movement and the lack of elite cavalry, they could not catch up with Heyang's cavalry every time.

This kind of harassment made Lingbaosai's army unbearable, and the rumors that the Marquis of Heqin attacked Ma Ling were also rampant, making the entire Ma Ling leader panic.
What the Maling people don't know is that the cavalry of Heyang can come and go like a ghost, and they have repeatedly attacked successfully, not only because of their elite cavalry, skilled in bow and horse, they have been fighting against Lou Fan's cavalry all year round, but also because they have the help of warlocks from the Han Dynasty. .

The warlocks trained by the astrologers of the Han Dynasty knew the eagle eye technique, which is a secret technique that is not widely known. When the weather is good, they can use the vision of animals, such as birds and eagles, to observe briefly from a high place and quickly control the situation in the distance.

This kind of secret technique has great restrictions. For example, when the weather is bad, cloudy and foggy, strong wind, rain and snow will block the vision and cannot be used. It will take several hours before it can be used again.

You must know the general direction to explore in advance to use it, otherwise it will end before you can see anything.

Even though there are so many restrictions, the army and officials of the Han Dynasty who have fought in all directions all the year round are also fond of this kind of spell. At the request of the emperor of Han, the eagle eye spell even became an important test for the astrologer who trained warlocks in the Han Dynasty to end their studies. One of the spells, one can only be considered successful at the astrologer if he has learned eagle eye.

The cavalry of the Heyang Army also fell in love with this spell after a period of cooperation, and found that although it had many restrictions, it was like a tiger with wings added to the cavalry who valued mobile warfare.

However, only Liu Yu can dispatch such a warlock, because that is the person from the Han Dynasty she brought.

two days ago.
Wang Jian doesn't like to ask for help, unless it's for himself.

It's just that he never expected to find Liu Yu in the wounded barracks. She was visiting the wounded soldiers in this battle. Under the joy of victory, many people forgot that there were more than 1000 casualties in Heyang soldiers in this battle.

Especially for the recruits who came forward at the beginning, the wounded barracks smelled of herbs and corruption. From time to time, some people wailed, and a few corpses were covered with leaves outside, and they were already starting to stink. Liu Yu looked at a man half lying on the bedroll and The boy who was chatting and laughing with his comrades in arms said: "He may not know what will happen in the future, he is still young."

Wang Jian looked over and saw a boy about fifteen or sixteen years old. His right hand was gone and he was in good spirits. He should have survived the fever and saved his life.

"Rewards will allow him to live well for a few years, but the days after that will be difficult." Wang Jian said directly, without any nice words, but very realistic. In such an era, labor is everything, and losing a hand will make him The rest of my life was difficult.

"It's not just him.
There are still many people who have lost their lives, their loved ones will be in pain, their wives and children will be alone, struggling to survive, and maybe starving to death. The joy of these victories seems to be much less. "Liu Yu sighed, looking at the continuous camp of wounded soldiers. Dozens of tents stretched northward to the foot of the mountain north of Sentinel Ridge. Many wounded soldiers had already been placed in Peach Valley Camp, and there were still so many here.

Unlike others, Liu Yu didn't seem so excited about winning.

Wang Jian saw her contradiction, so he said: "The princess of the big man has great ambitions and ambitions, and has excellent insights. Those who want to do the things you want to do are far more than those who will die."

Liu Yu glanced at him, her expression was a little bad, and after a moment of silence, she said frankly: "It's the first time I've seen so many people die since I was a child, and other times I heard about it in stories or the battle reports from the front. "

She walked forward a few steps, and Wang Jian followed her step by step in the shade, "Do you think that if I continue walking, more people will suffer?"

"It's not necessarily suffering, but it must be true that more people died and left more people with no one to rely on to survive." Wang Jian promised her, "I didn't expect the princess to be forgiven after going through so many tragedies and sufferings when she was a child." Treat people."

"You laugh at me?"

"No, I admire you."

Liu Yu blushed slightly, and whispered: "I have also met many good people, and I don't want others to experience the pain I did."

"I understand." Wang Jian nodded, simply speaking, her ambition and ambition contradicted her kindness.

Pursuing power, seeking to rehabilitate her father, she wanted to start with Heyang to establish a firm foothold, but as things developed, she found that the reality was far worse than she imagined.

Liu Yu found an old tree stump and sat down, Wang Jian followed her and stopped, "Is there no way to do these things without bloodshed?"

"should not."

"Am I just wishful thinking?" She laughed at herself: "Ever since I saw the valley full of blood and the people crying everywhere, I wondered if it was my ambition that brought them into such a situation and killed countless people. I just enjoy the feeling that the stars are holding the moon and everyone is in awe and fear, but so many people are sent to die."

Hearing what she said, Wang Jian felt relieved. He was actually afraid of a cold-blooded ally, so he said: "Fighting is human nature. If it weren't for you, there would be others. They killed my father first. If we don't fight back, Heyang will flow into rivers of blood, and countless men, women and children will be slaughtered, and you have saved them.

I also want to avoid fighting, but this is a mortal, there is no reason to speak of, selfishness and despicable nature, I can guarantee that no matter how many times I start again, and what choices I make, things will inevitably lead to war in the end.

Neither you nor I can escape, only to face the killing directly. "

Liu Yu was a little shocked after hearing what he said, and retorted after thinking for a while: "There are always kind people in the world."

"Maybe so, but when good meets evil, the injured are always kind." Wang Jian stretched out his hand.

"So kindness is so precious that it often needs to be protected by malice or it won't survive.

Those evil things made me come, anyway, I am not a good person. "

Liu Yu stared at him blankly, and after a while, he stretched out his hand a little bit shyly, half-holding the tips of his four fingers, and helped him up, "I know, but no matter what, you can't make up your own mind, any decision must at least tell you I.

And don't forget, you are a big man now, and I am your princess. "

Wang Jian nodded. He understood Liu Yu's contradiction, because he was also a contradictory person in his heart, and then he talked to Liu Yu about the need for her to assign a warlock to Uncle Gong, and she agreed without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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