Chapter 59
On the stone steps in the mountain, suddenly a sharp and shrill piercing sound overwhelmed all the shouts and clamor, causing the charging Heyang army or the Heyin army kneeling and surrendering to freeze in place, as if time stood still for a while.

The whistling is like the sharp and piercing howl of a female ghost, it is the sound of a hard object cutting through the air at super high speed.

In the humid canyon, the sword was as red as fire, flashing across like a shooting star.

A long white mist has risen to a distance of a hundred steps in the blink of an eye, and the fleeing Heyin soldier had no time to utter any screams, his body rolled forward like a sack, and instantly hit the distant stone steps, Like crumbled blood-red tofu scattered on the ground, torn apart and smeared on the stone steps.

The red sword body also disappeared in an instant, and there was a loud noise on the mountain wall behind. Dust mixed with gravel flew everywhere, crackling the branches and leaves on the cliff, and some scattered on the stone steps below.

Everyone looked at Wang Jian dumbfounded. They had never seen such a terrifying and strange scene.

Wang Jian knows what's going on
When the speed of his sword is close to the speed of sound, the surrounding air is superimposed by the sound waves and presents a very high pressure state, and then halfway through the wooden sword hilt cannot withstand that speed and breaks and shatters, but the iron sword continues to accelerate until it exceeds the speed of sound!
When the iron sword passes through the sound barrier, the surrounding pressure drops sharply, and the air in the canyon is humid. The instantaneous low temperature caused by the sudden drop in pressure makes the temperature lower than the dew point temperature, causing the invisible water vapor in the air to condense into tiny water droplets, which can be seen with the naked eye. Comes like a cloud-like state.

And a low-pressure zone will return to normal pressure as the distance between the air and the sword body increases, so the overall shape looks like a conical cloud with the sword body as the center and spreading evenly around the axis.

When the high-speed airflow flows through the blade, due to the strong friction between the airflow and the object surface in the boundary layer, the kinetic energy lost by the airflow is converted into heat energy. The temperature of the airflow in the boundary layer rises and heats the blade, making the temperature of the iron blade rapidly rising and turning red.

His spiritual consciousness paid attention to the whole process, because it was just an ordinary iron sword. When the long sword touched the soldier's body, it was difficult to maintain its shape under high temperature and pressure and collapsed. However, the terrifying kinetic energy still shattered the flesh and blood of Heyin soldiers It was easily crushed, and then the speed of a large number of sword fragments dropped rapidly, and the powerful kinetic energy caused them to hit the cliff behind.

This is the whole process between lightning and flint, and it is also all the things that happen in an incomprehensible moment for ordinary soldiers. In Wang Jian's golden core consciousness, everything is clear and clear, but it is difficult for a mortal body to see.

In desperation, he forced himself to use the powerful offensive spell that can only be used after the foundation building period, and it is also the monk's iconic powerful offensive spell - Yujianshu.

Although the distance was more than 100 steps, it only took about a second for him to hit the soldier at the speed of sound from throwing the matching sword to using his spiritual consciousness to control the spiritual power and accelerate the long sword to hit the soldier faster than the speed of sound. Exhausted, he has actually lost control of the flying sword and can only let it fly by inertia like a cannonball.
But at this moment, this spell has completely exhausted his whole body's spiritual power, his whole body was sore and convulsed, his hands and feet were cramped, and he could hardly stand if he hadn't gritted his teeth and persisted.

Wang Jian struggled to hold on, and yelled at Wu Yi and other soldiers who were staring wide-eyed and stunned: "Fuck! What are you looking at, hurry up!"

Only then did the crowd realize that they were stunned by the Marquis's one-throw threat just now, but now they realized that the Marquis' bravery encouraged them, and their morale rose to a higher level. They rushed up like wolves and tigers, trying to close the gate The Heyin soldiers had become a large uneven red and white thing smeared on the stone steps, and no one had time to close the door.

Soon the soldiers with high morale poured into the Huanghuagang camp, and the shouts of killing echoed in the valley, but Wang Jian immediately sat down on the spot and stuffed a few Qi Gathering Pills into his mouth, and then started the Hehuan Jue.

Until the sun set and the shouts of killing gradually subsided, Wang Jian finally recovered a little bit. There were many guards around him guarding him. Many people worked together to support him.

Until Wang Jian said, "I'm fine, let's talk about the battle."

Everyone's tightly locked brows were relaxed, the tense atmosphere eased, and everyone laughed.

Soon the news that the Marquis was fine spread throughout the army. Many soldiers found wood and tied it with ropes, and took off the soft leather armor to lay the cushions, and temporarily built something like a sedan chair. Carried into the fortress by many soldiers.

Inside the fortress, the princes led by Wu Yi had been waiting for a long time. When he looked up, he found that standing in front of the huge dragon crossbow on the high wall was already the warlock he had brought over.

A large number of Heyin soldiers wearing only single clothes were crowded into a pile around a corner, outside was a circular fence and Heyang soldiers holding spears.

Wu Yi excitedly reported to him: "Marquis, Honghuagang Fortress has been completely controlled by us. Our army killed 120 people and captured 890 people. Among them were twelve Heyin military marquises and one named Mu Leng. It's Mu Sheng's family."

Wang Jian nodded and asked the soldiers to put him down. The eyes of the crowd never left him in admiration. That shocking power almost surpassed their comprehension. In the eyes of everyone, Wang Jian now exists like a god-man descending from the mortal world.

"Set up the defense well, send people to build Juma on the lower road, and set up some deer villages to prevent counterattacks from the direction of Heyang in the south.

Immediately send scouts back to Sentinel Ridge to tell Sun Difang to bring the Chinese army over.

Two days later, pick out the youngest among the captives, choose a hundred or so, let them go back, and let them bring back the news of the fall of Honghuagang.
That dragon crossbow only had a few warlocks working hard, and they had to take turns to be on duty, no matter day or night, someone needed to be on duty. "

Wang Jian explained the deployment one after another, and everyone around him pricked up their ears to listen. At this time, they had knocked on the northern gate of Heyang in one fell swoop. In addition, there are no large-scale professional military fortresses, and the next battle will only be easier to fight.
Encouraged by the lord's bravery and military victory, the soldiers' morale was high and they were gearing up.
Maling City at the foot of the eastern section of Hong Kong is still actively preparing for the battle.

At this time, not only the outer Yangma City was built, but a large number of young people were forced to recruit amidst the complaints of the people, and the news brought back by the defeated soldiers on the front line knew that there were many warlocks of the Han Dynasty in the Heyang Army. They were good at controlling water and fire, so a large number of people were recruited Renovate the city walls and replace the original wooden towers and stairs with stone walls that are impenetrable by water and fire.

This will definitely consume a lot of money, waste people’s money and make people suffer, but the nobles of Maling City can no longer control them. As the Heyang Army continues to attack their camps and posts on the border, killing people and setting fire, they have already felt the urgency of the war. He became more and more determined that Heyang's Marquis Marquis would march to Ma Ling at any time to avenge his father's death.
(End of this chapter)

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