Chapter 64 Weird
"If you have any news today, let's talk about it." By the Weishui River, His Majesty ordered the chariot to be suspended, and took a rest in a riverside pavilion. In the mortal world, seeing this scene is hard not to remind people of the prehistoric universe and the ethereal fairyland.

Dongfang Dianlian stepped forward and said: "Honglu Qing Gao Fang once asked for the Holy Spirit, he said that the Huns sent envoys, saying that their tribe was attacked by aliens in the northwest.

The Huns said that the Yiren killed their young and old, and captured some of them. They asked to move to the south of Yinshan and Ershan to survive, and said that they would pay tribute to the court every year with cattle and sheep.

Hong Luqing said that he couldn't make such a big decision by himself, so he asked the officials to make a decision. "

His Majesty looked at the big river in the distance: "It's not bad to let them raise horses. They were also deeply troubled when the country was founded. I didn't expect to be reduced to this level after so many years."

Dongfang Dian looked serious: "The Huns are not the opponents of Yiren. Over the years, Yiren has been encroaching on and compressing their living land in the north. If not, they may become a serious problem."

His Majesty closed his eyes slightly: "So you must be prepared for danger in times of peace. There are no fixed enemies in the world, and there are no constant friends."

"Your Majesty, if they are driven to a desperate situation by aliens in the future, we may be able to drive the Huns to fight aliens." Dongfang Dian said, in fact, the first time he heard Hong Luqing Gao Fang mentioning this matter, he thought of it over these.

But saying this seems to be awakened by His Majesty's reminder.

"This matter is approved, I set aside two counties south of Yinshan Mountain for the Huns to live in." His Majesty said, and Dongfang Dian wrote it down.

"What do you think, Prime Minister?"

"The prime minister's instructions also feel that they should agree, and their memorials have already been sent to Weiyang Palace."

His Majesty nodded in satisfaction, "Is there anything else?"

"Your Majesty, the princess sent me the formation map of the Eastern Front, saying that Marquis Wang Jian defeated an army of more than 4000 with [-] men. His formation is exquisite and useful for the army of this dynasty," Dongfang Dian said with a little hesitation.

"What? What kind of Marquis, is it useful to this dynasty?" His Majesty was really unhappy after hearing that, "Where did a country boy come from to bark wildly, the soldiers of our county can make them look for their teeth everywhere, and think they are self-righteous."

Dongfang Dian was also a little nervous, but he not only read the letter from the princess, but also read the letter from his daughter Dongfang Jin.

In his daughter's letter, Wang Jian's army formation was also described as miraculous. Although the princess is noble, he trusted his daughter more, so he said: "Your Majesty, the princess said that among Wang Jian's 4000 men, three thousand He is a recruit, but he still defeated Ma Ling's elite army, perhaps there is something to be desired.

The general is coming back from the north, do you want him to have a look? "

Although His Majesty is extremely skilled in martial arts and has mostly accurate judgments on the general situation of the world, he is not that good at the actual military level. However, His Majesty has a right-hand man who uses troops like a god to fight everywhere. He is the Great General of this dynasty.

Although Southwest sent troops to crusade against Dian this year, it was only a partial army mobilized by Yizhou and other counties.

The main army is still under the leadership of the general to attack the aliens in the Yinshan and Ershan areas, and has basically defeated the main force of the aliens at the end of the month of Pi.

After that, the general organized the army to retreat in an orderly manner under the instruction of His Majesty, and he himself was responsible for the aftermath. He was expected to return to Chang'an at the end of the foggy month. He is the person with the most deputy voice in this regard.

"Don't bother the General with these trivial matters." His Majesty said expressionlessly, "The General has so much to do every day, he doesn't have time to look at children's graffiti."

Even though Dongfang Dian cupped his hands, he didn't dare to say another word: "No!"

On the 180th of Bruma [-], the Heyang army led by Wang Jian had successively attacked the city and pulled out the villages in Heyin.

Since the capture of Honghuagang, there was basically no resistance along the way, and almost all the villages encountered surrendered quickly.

Most of the villages in Heyin were small, and the largest village they encountered along the way was no more than forty households, and there was almost no decent resistance.

Wang Jian restrained the soldiers to avoid the fate of these villages being looted, but he also required these villages to hand over a sufficient amount of food or animal leather, metal and other materials.

However, as they advanced all the way, the forward arrived at Heyin City very quickly, and the scouts immediately reported to them.

According to scouts, there are more than 500 households in Heyin City, and only the wooden fence walls around them are not enough to resist them.

However, something unexpected happened soon. A ten-person investigation team was attacked, and only four escaped back. According to their description afterwards, they obviously encountered strange people!
Aliens, the source of everything, was to negotiate and enter Heyin to search for aliens, which caused a series of situations!Unexpectedly, after entering Heyin, they really found their traces.

According to the information of those who escaped, they encountered at least a dozen or more aliens in the mountains beside the Baishui River in the north.

While Wang Jian sent more scouts to investigate the situation of the aliens, he warned the scouts to observe the enemy and report back immediately after encountering the enemy.

Over time, according to the points reported by the scouts, they marked the scope and scale of their activities on the map, and found a worrying fact, that is, the scope of alien activities is very large, and there seem to be a lot of them.
This raises a huge question, how did the foreigner get here by bypassing the Yin Mountain and Er Mountain defended by the Han Dynasty in the north and going deep into the hinterland of Zhao State?How many people did they come.

Wang Jian decided to stand still and send more scouts to the north before he found out the details, but the marching route of the army bypassed the alien-infested area in the north and continued to advance westward, striving to take Heyin before the end of the foggy moon.

In this way, the Heyang army could encircle Maling's territory from two directions, bypass the fortress Lingbao Fortress in the west of Maling, and enter Maling from the southern road.

So the army continued westward, and the aliens in the mountains to the north were monitored by scouts.

But as the army moved eastward, they found many strange villages. All their people, men, women, and children, had been killed before the army arrived. The soldiers were all shocked who did it.

Afterwards, they discovered one thing in common. Those villages that were slaughtered basically left a banner with a white coiled snake on a black background at the entrance of the village, and some of them were crudely made and looked very simple.

The most cruel thing is that the murderer will pile up the severed heads at the entrance of the village, place strange patterns and make an altar-like mound with soil in front, which is very weird.

Wang Jian ordered the ten teams of cavalry to go separately to the surrounding villages to see what was going on. If there was a massacre, they would do what they could to protect the villagers and find a tongue to ask questions.

This action achieved results a few days later, and most of the surrounding villages in the cavalry area had been massacred, and as many as 200 people were killed.

However, there is a village in the north who escaped because he was out hunting and did not go home. When he came back, he saw the Heyang cavalry turned around and ran away, but was quickly hunted down and caught.

Asked what happened to him, he wept and could not speak, and was finally brought back by the cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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