Chapter 68
A few days later, Zuoqiu Fufeng arrived at Heyin Town with the supply convoy, and then met in the Chinese army tent.

Zuoqiu Fufeng was so surprised that he forgot to speak for a while when Wang Jian directly mentioned that he would be the commander of the whole army and responsible for the siege, because he was just a person who had just surrendered, and now the Marquis would take such a big responsibility, to command the city. The power of soldiers and the power of dispatching troops were handed over to him, a person who had just surrendered.

Seeing his refusal, Wang Jian was surprised, and said, "This Marquis values ​​your talent, not where you come from."

"In my subordinates, talented people can be reused regardless of their origin or where they come from. Your talent is obvious to all. Whether it is the construction of the granary for the Ma Ling Army camp or the experience of the battle with Zhongshan Kingdom seven years ago, it shows that you He has a good understanding of the stronghold and the walled city."

Speaking of these compliments, Zuoqiu Fufeng was quite proud, and what He Qinhou said was only based on talent, not where he came from, made him extremely moved and excited. Thinking about the years in Zhao State, the princes and nobles The family line has always been used as the basis, and the promotion is never based on ability but on kinship.

He has been in Maling for so many years, participated in various wars, coordinated and even led the army as a forward, and made countless contributions, but every time he thought that his hard work and contributions would give him a chance to be promoted, and the position was vacant. He was topped by Mu Sheng's relatives.

The last time he was able to serve as the commander of the government's army was also to offend people for Mu Sheng's relatives, because at that time there were more than 1 troops, a lot of food and grass were forcibly requisitioned, and some soldiers were also forced. Mu Sheng's son-in-law, Heyin, was supposed to be in charge of the work, but Mu Sheng let him take over in order to protect his son-in-law.

Thinking of these, and thinking about the trust and respect he has received here, Zuoqiu Fufeng was filled with emotions, and his heart was filled with excitement. He was afraid of comparison in everything. What he had not obtained in Maling for more than ten years, I've only spent dozens of days here and haven't paid anything.

So he solemnly cupped his hands and said: "Lord Marquis, I have learned some military skills from my teacher in the Xiayu Jixia Academy, and I have studied the methods of attacking and defending cities. The Marquis entrusts this important task to me, and I will definitely live up to the Marquis. Great trust."

Wang Jian nodded, wanting to deepen his impression with a ceremony, handing over his own sword to the other party to express the entrustment of power and responsibility, but he remembered that his sword was blown to pieces when he forcibly used Yujianjutsu in Honghuagang.

That night, Wang Jian found Dongfang Jin, who had been with him all the time, and wanted to match her with a sword. The little girl was very reluctant, but there was nothing she could do, because now Wang Jian was his theoretical boss, even if it was only temporarily, so he had to stay for a while. Lend Wang Jian her exquisite dagger inlaid with jade, and repeatedly asked to return it to her.

Wang Jian agreed. After carefully looking at the sword in his hand with his spiritual sense, he also understood one of the reasons why the Han Empire was so powerful. Taking Dongfang Jin's sword as an example, its level is already at the level of high-carbon steel. This metallurgical forging technology It is definitely not comparable to the eastern countries. If he used this sword to drive Yujian that day, it would not have disintegrated.

The next day, Wang Jian summoned all the military officials and above in the big tent, and said loudly in front of everyone: "This Marquis first ordered Shi Zuoqiu Fufeng, the chief of the Marquis, to be the commander of the Heyin camp and to be in charge of dispatching troops." All armies, organize the siege."

Afterwards, he solemnly handed the sword that Dongfang Jin had brought along to Zuoqiu Fufeng, who knelt down on one knee and raised his hands above his head to catch it, "This sword is the sword of my lord, and it is like a weight. I will leave it to you temporarily. Anyone who disobeys can be killed from the deputy commander down." Wang Jian said serious lies, everyone looked serious, and the atmosphere in the big tent was solemn, only Dongfang Jin who was next to him looked unhappy, thinking in his heart Look at the thick skin of the man in front of him.

Soon, Zuoqiu Fufeng became the temporary commander outside Heyin City, and began to dispatch troops and organize the siege.

At the beginning, many officers and soldiers were unconvinced. Why should a general lead them in the future, and his defeated generals are qualified to order others?However, because he has the Marquis' sword in his hand and the Marquis' support, he can only swallow his anger for the time being, but there are many discussions in private.

However, as time went by, many soldiers increasingly found that this person was unusual.

First of all, it started from the big army camp. By the 190th day of Bruma, [-] troops had gathered under the city of Heyin, and the camps stretched all over the field.

After the logistics food and grass convoy arrived, they stayed behind the camp, and each song sent people to pick it up on time.

After Zuoqiu Fufeng took the order, he immediately rectified the camp, planned the water source and defecation, re-arranged the location of the tents, and arranged the grain carts in the middle of the camp, surrounded by all the troops. It is stored in the Central Army, surrounded by various military camps, and it is also convenient for the military to use, which has won unanimous praise from the logistics director.

However, the soldiers were very dissatisfied with this kind of tossing. After all, they were not professional troops before, and the army was used to staying in a designated area. After running around, who would waste time and effort to toss, but it was the order of the Marquis, and they could only complain while obeying. .

But soon everyone discovered the benefits. First of all, after Zuoqiu Fufeng's unified planning, the originally smelly barracks became more comfortable.

Afterwards, it is easier to fetch water and food. Each army has a unified plan for taking water and food. The time spent on eating, drinking, and scattering is greatly shortened. , methodically.

There was much less discussion and complaints in the military.

On the night of the [-]th day of the foggy month, Heyin City sent hundreds of dead soldiers from the north of the city to attack the camp at night, bringing a large number of torches, turpentine, and a warlock who knew the spirit fire technique, intending to burn their food and grass to This forced the army to retreat.

What Wuwan didn't expect was that although they succeeded in the sneak attack, because of the layout of the camp, the grain truck was protected in the center, and the water canal belt was outside. The warlock on the other side successfully ignited it with a spirit fire technique more than a hundred steps away, but it burned only the periphery The camp, and because of the convenience of getting water in the layout, the fire was quickly extinguished, and only two people suffered no serious burns.

The reasonable layout of the sentry towers allowed the sentry to quickly discover the location of the attacker, and shot the warlock in front with a sword, and then the warlocks of the Han Dynasty on the sentry tower used floating light to illuminate the distance dozens of steps away. Quickly gather along the already set camp passages and start counterattacking in the direction of the attack.

In less than half an hour, the attackers were repelled, more than [-] people were captured and beheaded, and the enemy was severely injured. The rest scattered and fled back to the city under the cover of night.

After this battle, everyone was both surprised and happy. The happy thing is that they won a victory. The surprising thing is that if it wasn't for the professional deployment of Zuoqiu Fufeng, they would still camp in the casual way in the past. The battalion will definitely cause them great losses, and the consequences will be disastrous.

After that night, everyone was more convinced of Zuoqiu Fufeng, and no one questioned his deployment and orders. The officers and soldiers also believed in the Marquis's insight.

(End of this chapter)

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