The Rise of the Marquis

Chapter 70 The Siege Begins

Chapter 70 The Siege Begins

The old man Yunming had been kneeling on the snowy hillside for nearly an hour. The night sky was clear, and there were only sporadic chirping of birds and beasts around him, and the warm light of the camp from the melting snow in the distance.

In the following time, the aura change never happened again, and the white snow in the distance continued to the end of the field of vision like a smooth mirror under the moonlight, and the world was peaceful and peaceful.

Even Wang Jian himself began to doubt, did the spiritual energy change happen before?It was still his momentary distraction. Looking up, the stars in the sky were extraordinarily bright when there was no large-scale artificial light source on the ground. The starlight here was even more dazzling than that on the earth.

Both warlocks and Han people seem to worship the stars in the sky. Warlocks communicate with the Supreme Being in their mouths through the stars, saying that it is the source of power.The ability of the Han Empire is to take the meaning of the Milky Way in the sky as the name of the country.

But Wang Jian knew that the shining stars in the sky were stars in the universe, and they were too far away, let alone have any influence on them.

As for the out-of-the-box power of warlocks, he would rather believe that on this planet full of aura, there is a monk with a high level of cultivation, at least reaching or exceeding the level of enlightenment, who can change the rules in one world.
The old man said with a sense of loss: "Shangqing responded to me, but only for a while."

Wang Jian patted the snow on his knees for him, took off the cloak and covered his cold knees, "Responded to you?"

Yun Ming stretched his stiff knees, took a few breaths and rubbed his icy hands, "I saw the light of the stars, soared above the sky, saw the brilliance of the stars, and then fell back to the mortal world, and I can no longer escape gone."

"How can I get into such a state?" Wang Jian was curious, he thought to himself that the old man didn't know if it was nonsense or something he made up in his head.

"Leave the sky and blend into the surrounding world, and you will naturally be able to transcend and ascend to the universe." The old man said some words that made people feel confused.

While talking, he began to mutter something, suddenly Wang Jian felt a warm wind coming from under his feet, and then the mist began to evaporate, the spiritual energy began to surge, the sound of ticking water gradually converged, and finally turned into rushing water There was a sound, and then a gust of wind swept across, and the white mist transpired instantly enveloped the two of them.

When the fog dissipated, all the snow within a radius of twenty steps from the top of the hill had dissipated, and the melted water flowed to the snow field below. The milky white mist shrouded in a radius of dozens of steps under the moonlight and refused to dissipate for a long time.
Wang Jian was a little surprised. Is this the ability of a high-level warlock? It is indeed not bad. If you only talk about spells, regardless of other factors such as physical strength, this spell is at least at the level of the initial stage of foundation establishment.

"The supernatant gave me more mana." The old man muttered to himself.

Wang Jian was full of doubts. The old man knelt there for more than two hours just now, and his spells really became stronger. I didn't see him absorbing spiritual energy to strengthen himself, just like their spells, which were produced out of thin air. incomprehensible.

He looked up at the bright galaxy in the sky, wondering in his heart, could the power of these warlocks really come from space?
After the [-]th day of the foggy month, the sky cleared up and the snowflakes began to melt. The situation was just as Zuoqiu Fufeng expected, because there were rivers in the west and east, and the terrain outside Heyin Town had ups and downs, so the melted snow did not gather in large quantities. A slurry is formed, which instead flows into the river.

In this way, after only four days, after the [-]th day of Bruma, Zuoqiu Fufeng reported that he was ready to attack the city and could start the attack.

Wang Jian ordered the permission, he wished to fight earlier, the government affairs in the rear will be presided over by Liu Yu for the time being, she has a noble status and can live in the town, so there is no need to worry about this, but the problem is that more than 5000 of them are under the city of Heyin, and the horse-drawn carriages for logistics supplies Starting from Taogu Daying, it takes about ten days to reach the front line even if you walk along the main road. The further you go, the greater the logistical pressure.

Moreover, with the population of Heyin, even collecting food on the spot would not be enough to support the army.

Early the next morning, the whole army began to assemble after burying pots and cooking. At this time, all the snow had melted except for the distant mountain tops.

When the sun was rising, Wang Jian, under the protection of Dongfang Jin, boarded the small slope to the south of the camp and looked down.

With the assembly of the whole army, a large number of siege equipment began to be pushed to the front. There were two rushing cars with inclined baffles on both sides, long ladders, and many horizontal and vertical sieges that had been dug to the front of the city wall. There are many wooden baffles erected on the edge of the trench, allowing soldiers to escape the condescending arrows along the trench.

Following Zuoqiu Fufeng's order, the whole army began to attack the front of Heyin Town.

Wang Jian could see clearly from above. First, a group of archers, about 500 people were divided into small groups and moved along the dug trench to the foot of the city wall. More than a dozen warlocks entered under the protection of soldiers, and stood beside the wooden fence on the edge of the trench. Shoot arrows towards the city under cover.

Zuoqiu Fufeng mentioned this matter to him, if the archer uses a crossbow at this time, it will be much better, because the crossbow can move when it is opened, and can also aim and shoot calmly in complicated situations. Unfortunately, the Heyang army has been fighting for a long time Fighting against Lou Fanren, he formed the habit of using a bow, so there are almost no crossbows in the army.

After the distant group was in place, the follow-up soldiers began to push a car with a thick wooden block on top, like a roof-protected car, towards the city gate.

There are also a large number of soldiers holding shields to protect the soldiers holding giant axes behind, pushing several vehicles with inclined wooden boards in front as barriers to approach.

The guards found them, and immediately fired their bows and crossbows. At the same time, they also prepared rolling stones and hot oil. The arrows were like locusts, and they were scattered from the city wall one by one, but most of them were blocked. They fought back one after another, throwing shots at the top of the city. The arrows of both sides crossed and crossed in the air, causing no casualties in the first time.

However, with the continuous advancement, both sides began to gradually suffer casualties after the continuous shooting.

At this moment, more than ten scorching fireballs suddenly flew towards the top of the city and exploded near the parapet, causing the wooden parapet to fall apart, instantly causing more than ten casualties to the guards, and causing quite a commotion.

However, the defenders quickly stabilized their position and extinguished the flames with water. However, the warlocks bombarded many places in the front of the city wall without the protection of the parapet, and there was no advantage in the archers shooting each other. It kept increasing, and was gradually suppressed by Heyang archers, and the arrows shot down from the city head gradually became sparse.

The frontmost rushing car, against the rain of arrows, quickly moved to a place more than ten steps away from the city gate. The defenders at the top of the city threw down their implements and were blocked by the thick wooden boards on the roof. When the rushing car reached the city gate, At this time, the soldiers on the city poured a large amount of hot oil, and threw torches to try to ignite the car.

But the roof of the car was already covered with thick wet mud, the fire was so small that it couldn't burn at all, and the soldiers hiding under the car were already prepared, and quickly poured a bucket of wet mud on the fire with a spare bucket. Put out the flames quickly.

The defenders at the top of the city were anxious, and repeated the operation several times in succession. They were extinguished each time, and then they could not be ignited at all. However, in the process, three Heyang soldiers who went out to put out the fire were shot by arrows, and two of them were injured instantly In time, he was pulled back under the protection of the roof by his comrades.

The other person was too nervous, so he knocked himself down after splashing the mud, and didn't run back to the protection area of ​​the car in time. When his comrades took the risk to pull him back, he had already turned into a man with more than a dozen arrows. dead body.
The smell of mud mixed with oil and scorched smell permeated the air, but the smell of blood was not obvious at this time. More than ten wounded soldiers of the Heyang Army had been carried to the rear along the trenches, but they were rushed to the rear. They also successfully reached the city gate, and the soldiers began to smash the city gate with the battering ram hanging from the iron chain inside.

The heavy siege ram with its head covered in iron needs more than six people to pull it. Every time it hits the city gate, it makes the heavy city gate creak and creak, and every time it hits, it hits the guard's heart.

The methodical and orderly attack has completely exceeded the expectations of the defenders, making it impossible for them to counterattack.
(End of this chapter)

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