The Rise of the Marquis

Chapter 72 Wang Jian's Great Chess

Chapter 72 Wang Jian's Great Chess

"Refusal to surrender is my order. I have to do things alone. Please don't anger the people in the city. My head can make up for the crime. If it is not enough, there are sixteen people in my family who will die." The strong man who was tied up on the ground Loudly, his shirt was stained red with blood, and the wound on his shoulder was hastily bandaged.

Sitting in the hall of Heyin Town, Wang Jian looked at the people who were escorted up below. Wu Yi beside him told him: "Marquis, this is Du Shan, the guard of Heyin. He is not the commander of Heyin, but Mu Sheng's son-in-law has long since fled, leaving him alone to guard the city."

After hearing these words, Wang Jian did not reply to Du Shan's words, but asked, "Why did you stay and work hard when your boss ran away?"

"You don't need to ask more questions!" The big man straightened his neck and said, "If you want to kill or cut, please make a quick decision. I don't want to say more." people.

Wang Jian was not angry, but got up and walked in front of him, "Mu Sheng and you are not related, why do you work so hard for him? This is a question I have always been curious about. You dare not wait for a while if you want to die, can you Satisfy my curiosity."

The other party looked at him, and finally said: "I am a local, this is my home, they can run away but I can't! This is my home, where can I go."

"Some local people say that you are traitors, open the door and greet robbers."

Du Shan's expression became embarrassing, and his words flickered: "It's a long time ago, there's nothing for you to mention those things, if you want to kill them, kill them quickly!"

But Wang Jian caught his weakness in an instant, and sneered: "A few decades ago, you let the Ma Ling army in at the expense of brotherhood, thinking that you could achieve peace and tranquility. Running faster than anyone else, is all the sacrifices, betrayals and crimes worth it?"

"You care so much!" Du Shan's eyes widened, and he said quickly, "That's the business of the parents, I don't know, and it's not up to you, an outsider, to control the local affairs, so kill me!"

"Father's debt is paid by the son, what can be solved by killing you." Wang Jian looked at him with dignity in his voice: "The Maling people are just a bunch of chickens and dogs, and they are not the opponents of my Heyang army at all. I killed them More than 1 people, all the way to Heyin, you have some courage and ability, killing you is just digging a corpse pit, what is the difference from those vulnerable Heyang people.

This Marquis will give you a chance, leave your life to serve me, and let you protect the local people with a weapon in your hand and an armor in your hand. Your ancestors have missed it once. I hope you don’t make the same mistake again and become stubborn. Are you willing? "

Du Shan was stunned, "Aren't you going to kill me?" Then he looked shocked, and then he lowered his head and was in a dilemma. After hesitating for a while, he kowtowed his head three times, which was his agreement.

A small nobleman who was leading the army next to him whispered dissatisfiedly, "He killed more than [-] of us." Wang Jian ignored it, sent someone to untie the rope, gave him wine to calm the shock, and at the same time sent a doctor to bandage his wound.

The next day, the Heyang army had completely occupied Heyin. Wu Yi reported the casualties of the battle. The Heyang army had 26 dead and 52 wounded, while the Heyin defenders had 75 killed and more than 180 wounded.

It wasn't a major battle in terms of casualties, and it was.

Because of Zuoqiu Fufeng's full preparations, the Heyang army had very few casualties, and there were not many defenders in Heyin. The Maling army and its commanders fled before the arrival of the Heyang army, leaving only the local soldiers and civilians to resist. At that time, the army in the city There are only 370 people left, and after temporarily organizing a large number of young and strong city guards, there are only about a thousand people left. Facing the [-] Heyang army lined up in the walled city, many people have no confidence to resist.The siege battle lasted only one day before Heyin fell.

Fortunately, after the Heyang army entered the city, they did not kill and loot randomly as the people had heard, but only robbed the money and food in the treasury.

The reason why they resisted desperately was that the commander from Ma Ling told them that the people of Heyang often fought with the barbarians in Loufan in the north, and had intercourse with those barbarians, and their habits were cruel. The people of Yang would burn, kill and loot as soon as they broke down the city, leaving no one alive, men, women or children. That's why the soldiers and civilians of Heyin made up their minds to resist the troops from Heyang no matter what.

It's just that they didn't expect that the matter was completely different from what the Maling people said. They even learned that their leader Du Shan, the Heyang people, hadn't been killed and sent him back a few days later. Thousands of people took to the streets to meet their leader back, and they were less hostile to the Heyang people, and they were no longer as trembling as before, always on guard against what the Heyang people would do to them.

The original Maling nobles in Heyin City have completely fled, and a large number of properties belonging to them have been left vacant.

These are exactly what Wang Jian wants. He has already planned in his heart. To make his little kingdom strong, he must start by changing the situation at the grassroots level, and then cooperate with the military merit system to give the people at the bottom a way to rise.

But these are not feasible in Heyang, because Heyang, like other princes in Zhao State, is a complete aristocratic politics. If you want to change the situation, you must start with grassroots governance. To start with grassroots governance, you must clean up Heyang. Those little nobles in Yangyang, all the military lords in his army, these people who just shed their blood and led soldiers to fight for him.

Naturally, this won't work, but if you're not in Heyang, it's fine if you don't attack your own people, but reforms have been implemented, and Heyin is such a good place!

First of all, this place was brought down by him, and all the local forces have to be reshuffled; secondly, the place is sparsely populated, the land is sparsely populated and there are not many aborigines, but the land is mostly fertile, and there is a large amount of cultivated land that can be rewarded to the soldiers; finally, the people here The local aristocrats used to be from Maling, they controlled this place, but after the Heyang army came in, they all ran away, and there was basically no resistance to the reform of the grassroots system.

Three days after the city was broken, all the Ma Ling troops withdrew from the city and set up camp outside the city. Wang Jian rewarded the three armies with wine and meat, and at the same time sent someone to invite Liu Yu from the rear. There is a tone.

He intends to implement three laws:
First, taking advantage of the lack of grassroots organizational structure due to the fleeing of Maling nobles, the basic organizational structure of pavilions and townships in the Han Dynasty was implemented, and grassroots governance and taxes were directly collected from the nobles to his government.Starting from the township level, officials appointed by the government no longer have governance and property rights like the previous local nobles, but only governance and no property rights.

Second, to reward meritorious soldiers with land and houses in Heyin, mainly the land and houses of the Maling nobles confiscated, and encourage those who are not married to stay and those who are married to take over their families.

Third, implement the law that Heyin accepts refugees and immigrants from all over the country, and the land reclaimed by those who live here within three years can be owned by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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