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221. A brief discussion on the semi-finals

A brief talk about the semi-finals

Who would have thought that WBG and T1 would reach the finals.

I didn't watch much of the games before the quarterfinals, but I didn't miss the two games in the semifinals.

Tell me my point of view.

Looking at WBG playing BLG, or T1 playing JDG, they are basically in a situation of mutual explosion on the sidelines.

Let’s talk about the former first. Theshy returned to the fairyland on land this time in the World Championship. Basically, it destroyed four Bins. In my opinion, Quinn’s Bin was also about to collapse. The weapon was obviously hit on the head, so he flashed it at the first level. Well, I thought WBG was going to win even then. Who knew that Ice Big Head couldn't suppress Aphelios? It's really incredible.

Elk scored 3 kills early, allowing Bard to roam indefinitely. At that time, the game had lost its suspense.

Liu Qingsong had to follow him for the other two lines, but again, Datou and Badbi wandered?

Pure shortcomings collide with parents' advantages.

Liu Qingsong's use of this kind of unconventional assistance is still inferior, and this point is likely to be infinitely amplified in the subsequent finals.

What kind of shooter support does Dr. K play? Bard and the like are among the best support players in the current World Championship. Only Genshin Impact was able to deal with him last year.

To be honest, the bottom lane showdown between WBG and T1 in the final will be crucial, and may even become the winner of the game.

Yesterday JDG played T1, and to be honest, they lost unfairly.

The top laner 369 basically had a matchup gap, and the middle and bottom teams were evenly matched from the line-up point of view. However, Faker was still really good in team battles, completely pressing his left hand to the ground and rubbing it.

My left hand still has the same problems as before and is invisible in competitions. I would rather do nothing than make a mistake.

There's really nothing to complain about in the movie. He is the type of jungler who wants to eat up the economy and then lead his teammates away.

In the first game, three lanes were suppressed. What can you do with a jungler in the early stage?
Let’s not talk about Wei in the second round. He lived up to his reputation as an Asian Games jungler and succeeded in Caryy.

The same goes for Monkey in the third game. He tried his best. If it weren't for Faker, the two sides would have played the fifth game.

Feike is still fierce, and the last wave of czars joins the team, sealing off all escape space for Ruler.

Here is a little knowledge, Yellow Chicken's level three ultimate move cannot be avoided, which means that no matter whether Chi Di dodges or not, or where he dodges, he will be pushed back.

Faker had calculated everything. While the Tsar was still in the air, Verus was already a corpse!
As for the movie-watching guy who said he was the last to give it away, he did give it away, but this is obviously the only way to play the life-and-death game. Otherwise, do we expect the middle-aged man who stretched his hips for three games to stand up and save the world?
Very blue.

So there is really nothing to complain about. If you want to find opportunities and attack, you will naturally have risks.

After all, attacking means opening up.

I also went to watch the videos of T1 and LNG. I won’t analyze the specific situation. Everyone can see the pure explosion.

All in all, this year's T1 is a bit scary.

The most critical reason is that they are very consistent with the version, and they are the first among all the teams in the World Championship to find the answer to the version.Looking at the history of League of Legends, teams that go against the version basically do not end well, except for SKT in S6.

Let’s talk about the finals.

WBG plays T1.

It’s not that there’s no chance of winning, but I think the chances are relatively small.

If Zeus had shortcomings last year, this year he can definitely be called the third super top laner after Theshy Niu Bao.

With strong laning and a sea of ​​heroes, he can do everything.

T1's three lines are very strong this year, and their jungler is no longer the team's weak point.

Big O has enjoyed the benefits of the version. He only has Riel and Poppy in one hand, which is enough to support him in winning the S competition.

That's wrong.

Let’s analyze the situation of each line of the two teams.

Top laner Zeus plays Theshy. In my opinion, a [-]-[-] opening situation is at best a [-] opening position.

Theshy is indeed very strong this year, and it is also a warrior version, which suits him very well.

It's not that he doesn't know how to play with meat, it's just that the warrior is better.

Not to mention jungle, it’s [-]-[-], it depends on who is in better condition that day.

The middle road is also [-], and at most [-].

Xiaohu's strength is unknown, but he definitely has it. The most important thing is whether he can get rid of his previous problems.

If he is still playing turtle, it can only be said that he can only follow in the footsteps of his left hand.

When the two teams play against each other, I think the most crucial thing is the showdown in the bottom lane.

To make a prediction, the bottom lane will be the winner between the two teams. Whoever has the advantage in the bottom lane will win.

The situation on the final day is unknown, but these are my feelings after watching the semi-finals.

The bottom lane will be the key!

Of course, it would be best for Zeus to regain his glory last year and become acclimated in various ways once he reaches the finals, and then Theshy kills him and wins the game. That would naturally be the best.

(End of this chapter)

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