Chapter 61
After cheers from fans on both sides, the game was loaded.

VG has a strong combination of Karma + Thresh, and WE has Braum, so neither side has any intention of invading, and they all start with a regular start.

Lin Yi came to the next route after brushing the stone beetles, and took all three melee soldiers with basic attacks.

Seeing that the other party, Bron, wanted to occupy the grass below, Lin Yi was not stingy at all, and dropped his only ornament in the grass first.

Then a W [Thousand Arrows] shot through Zero's body, consuming a small amount of his blood and slowing him down.

Immediately afterwards, the level A continued to fall on him, and the moment he attracted the hatred of the soldiers, he continued to move forward, trying to prevent the brother-in-law from continuing to push the line with basic attacks.

Mystic is a little angry, the first-level anti-army line to play the game?
Q [Secret Shooting] shot towards the ice that passed over the soldiers, but was dodged by Lin Yi twisting his waist.

At the same time, Duan Deliang controlled Thresh and was also moving forward, wanting to brush Ezreal back with the E skill.

The brother-in-law didn't dare to stay, the level-[-] Thresh's damage was still a bit high, and he didn't want to lose a lot of blood.

Lin Yi saw the opponent retreating, walked into the grass contentedly, and got rid of the hatred of the little soldier.

After absorbing two rounds of attacks from the rear row troops, he lost more HP than Bron at this time. It seemed like a small loss, but it was actually a huge profit.

Because the red minion was attracted to Lin Yi with hatred, while his own minions were constantly exporting enemy minions, the blood volume status of the two sides' lines is completely different now.

It is inevitable for the VG duo to grab the second place!

Lin Yi secretly changed places with Duan Deliang and came to the side near the river.

Then he moved forward again, looking ready to move.

The space near the river is wide enough to easily pull away the hatred of minions, which is more suitable for pulling.

The brother-in-law looked at Han Bing's body twisting wildly left and right, and for a moment couldn't see where the other party would move next.

You can only slightly predict the distance of a body and use Q, hoping to lower the opponent's blood volume.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi's originally restless figure stopped suddenly, and he stayed still to avoid the secret shooting again.

"Xiba." Mystic felt a little humiliated.

I've heard that this person's position is a bit abnormal. I didn't take it seriously at first, and I didn't feel the pressure until I met him.

Moreover, an AD who is willing to exchange his own bloodline for a chance to grab the second must have such full confidence in his own strength!
Be sure to be able to turn off the enemy's skills, so you can fight so unrestrainedly!

The brother-in-law was forced to retreat a little bit, even with the help of the little soldiers, he didn't dare to face A in front of Ashe. When he was in the waiting room just now, the coach had shown him this player named MrY Hanbing pulling Xiao Bing Pao's video, he is ashamed of that kind of pulling ability.

Ezreal only has a range of 550 yards, which is absolutely incomparable with Frost 600!
Seeing the enemy retreating, Lin Yi didn't plan to pursue them deeply, but started to deal with the long-range soldiers in the back row in front of him.

After reaching level 2, he clicked on the E skill [Eagle Strikes the Sky] and shot towards the upper half of WE.

I happened to see the opponent's jungler brushing F4.

In the early days, the enchantress mainly relied on W [Magic Shadow Lost Track] to push the line, but now Xi Ye, who has only learned W at the first level, can't use this skill frequently at all, and the cooldown time is too long, so the right to the middle line is also held by Lord Hou at this time. Take hold!
Seeing this scene, Easyhoon, who was planning to make eyes on the enemy Raptor, immediately dismissed the idea, and instead ran to the grass in the lower river to put down the first ornament.

Dandy saw that his family was in the state of pushing the line, so he said decisively: "I'm going to enter his wild area, please look at me."

From the first half of the open field, he finished brushing the three wolves and rose to level 3, then went underground and headed for the lower half of WE.

Hearing that Lin Yi no longer stuck the tail knife, but quickly pushed the thread.

Although he still couldn't learn his Q skill after eating the second wave of soldiers, and his combat effectiveness is not strong, but the whole wave of lines entered the tower, and the WE bottom lane duo could not abandon him and run to support.

In the case of more fights and fewer opponents, it is impossible for the opponent to be the opponent of everyone in VG!
The brother-in-law saw the sudden change in the speed of Han Bing's line push, and after a little thought, he realized his intentions, and Dang Li told his teammates in the voice.

"The opposite side may come to invade."

His Chinese is not good, and his meaning is not fully conveyed.

But Xiye and Kandi understood immediately!
"I can only hold back this Karma and not let him go to support!" Xiye said after looking at the situation of the army line that was not good for him in front of him, after thinking for a while.

This is also what he can do for his teammates to the greatest extent!

At the same time, the figures of Ezreal and Braum also began to press forward, and they did not intend to let VG carry out the plan smoothly.

He has been warned many times by the team not to directly confront this opponent named MrY, so the coach chose Ezreal for him in order to allow him to survive the previous laning period in a stable way, so that he can easily resist pressure.

However, Ashe, who only has one W skill, is extremely weak in combat power. Because of his Q minion, he has already had five layers of passives in his hand. It is the time when he is strong. If he is usually cowardly, he will be cowardly. You shit on your head, how could he be indifferent.

Clay figurines are full of anger!

What's more, Mystic is at its peak!

He is indeed an AD type who is not strong online, but he still has top-notch ability to distinguish the strength of combat power!

Lin Yi looked at the two of WE who suddenly moved forward, and his aggressive appearance made him raise his eyebrows involuntarily.

At the same time, his attention is instantly concentrated, which is convenient for him to deal with a series of operations of the enemy!

First, W [Thousand Arrows] hits the deceleration WE duo, and then continues to attack the minions to push the line. No matter what the opponent's next step is, he must ensure his own line advantage!
In this way, whether it is 2v2 or support, he is the dominant player.

"The other side should have seen that we are planning to invade!" Duan Deliang frowned. He had quite a lot of experience in the game, and he couldn't escape the sudden change of play between the two of WE.

"Huh?" Dandy, who was on his way, immediately switched his perspective to the bottom lane, and saw that the originally shrunken enemy duo also began to push the line suddenly, and they looked like they were ready for a 2v2 fight at any time, and immediately changed their strategy.

He turned his head when he had reached the entrance of the WE blue zone, and lurked towards the river grass on the lower road of WE.

At the same time, he quickly said in the voice of the team: "You can catch it, and prepare to move Bron!"

"There is no eye in the grass!" Duan Deliang also responded quickly, passing the message to his teammates.

Previously, WE had been in a state of being pushed in the bottom lane, and never thought of doing river eye defense GANK at all.

Zero also wanted to knock out a melee soldier with the auxiliary equipment [Holy Shield] on his body, but he didn't know that it was his step forward that put him in a dangerous situation!

"Go, the excavator may be coming down!" Kandi's urgent reminder came from the voice.

When he came to the blue buff in the lower half after clearing the three wolves, he never saw the figure of Rek'sai on the opposite side at all, and suddenly he came to his senses!

But it was too late!
Duan Deliang seized the moment when Braum raised his hand to attack, and handed over his flash. The E skill [Pendulum of Misfortune] swiped Zero one step in the direction of VG!
At the same time, a tunnel appeared next to the wall of the next tower, and the figure of the excavator came from behind the WE two from the grass in the river.

"Fuck!" Zero was taken aback, but he immediately realized that he didn't learn skills at the second level, in order to deal with emergencies.

He immediately upgraded to W [Stand Up], wanting to use EZ's figure as a springboard to escape.

I never thought that Duan Deliang would use his Q skill [Death Judgment] at this time!
The moment the hook flew out, he shouted in the voice: "Xiao Yi, A drop this pawn!"

At this time, there was a long-range soldier between Thresh and Ezreal. Because of his E skill, it was not in a full health state, but only a small amount of health was left at this time!
Lin Yi had already foreseen his teammate's operation, so he clicked on the general attack and killed the little soldier.


Accurate hit!

"My God, god-level cooperation!" Doll yelled, her tone full of excitement, "MrY made up for the long-range soldiers in the middle, Duan Wangye predicted that Bron flew to Mystic, and hooked Zero in the air !"

The terrifying operation caused the audience in the audience to burst into exclamations!
Thresh triggered the second-stage Q and flew over, and at the same time put an ignition on Bron!

Lin Yi also handed over W to slow down, then quickly caught up and started to tie A!

Zero didn't have a level 3, so he couldn't raise his shield to reduce the damage of the ice. After he was freed from the control, he immediately handed over his flash and fled down the tower.

Dandy didn't hesitate, and pushed Bron up almost instantly with a flash.

Turn on Q to start leveling A, and then the real damage of the E skill is poured on Zero, crippling him.

Lin Yi followed closely behind to supplement the output. The brother-in-law handed over the treatment to save his assistant, but Bron, who was slowed down, couldn't pull away from his position at all.

First blood!

The first blood was taken by Lin Yi!
Condi Shanshan came late, so she could only collect the corpses for her teammates.

"Come, come, push the line to invade!" At this time, the fourth wave of soldiers rushed to the horse, and Dandy began to level up the red square soldiers, and sent two full waves of soldiers into WE in front of Ezreal and the troops. Next tower.

Then the three disappeared from the bottom road vision.

"VG has made a lot of money, relying on the perfect cooperation of our own duo not only won the first blood advantage, but also took down the blue BUFF!" I remember that the tone was slightly trembling, obviously still immersed in the seamless operation of Ice and Thresh middle.

The audience in the audience also sent a steady stream of cheers, shouting for VG, and the noise seemed to fill the venue!

In the live broadcast room of the event, the barrage first flashed pieces of '666', and then the text barrage.

【This operation, I'm getting wet】

[It's hard to imagine, this is a coordination that can be played in the bottom lane after only a month of running in]

【Today's TOP1 lens is pre-ordered】

【Watching this game made my prostate hormones soar, I couldn’t bear it anymore, now I’m going to play a Thresh, and I’ll see you guys in 20 minutes.】

The three of VG successfully took down the blue BUFF of the centaur, and then pressed the B button to return to the city.

After returning home, Lin Yi took out two long swords + straw sandals and continued walking towards the line.

The collision in the field ended with VG's complete victory, and the situation was once again biased towards VG's side!

(End of this chapter)

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