Chapter 70 Terrorist Rivals

At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, everyone arrived at the training room on time.

Seeing the dignified expressions of the players, Hongmi tried to ease the tense atmosphere, "Take it easy, it's just a training match, it doesn't matter if you lose, we are here today with a learning attitude."

"I can't help it. My hands tremble a little at the thought of fighting SKT." Duan Deliang spoke first, but his tone was mostly helpless.

"Hahaha, me too." Brother Long answered at the right time.

After such a gag, the oppressive atmosphere of the team dissipated a lot.

"Okay, let's all go to Hanbok, it's ready over there." Hongmi clapped her hands and signaled the players to join the group.

Lin Yi sat upright, clicked the mouse to accept the invitation, and the picture of customizing the room appeared in front of his eyes.

Hide on the bush!

Looking at this famous ID, Lin Yi couldn't help taking a deep breath, trying to dispel the tension in his heart.

Except for Faker, the other four members of SKT also greeted Hou Ye when they saw him join the room. Easyhoon replied one by one, but they didn't chat much.

The atmosphere is quite weird.

After waiting for a period of time, the coaches of the two sides finally confirmed to each other that they were ready, and the game screen changed suddenly, entering the ban selection stage.

After the simple BP, the lineups of both sides surfaced.

Blue side SKT: top laner Troll, jungler Reksay, mid laner Victor, bottom laner EZ+Tau.

Red Fang VG: top laner Bobby, jungler, mid laner Czar, bottom laner Lucian + Bron.

In this round, Redmi wanted to experience the current four-one-point push tactics of the Korean team, so they did not ban the trolls, but chose Bobby, who is good at Brother Long, to deal with it, intending to see how the effect is.

It is worth mentioning that the jungler sent by SKT this time is Blank, nicknamed Xiaohei, who forms the middle and upper field with Duke and Faker, and the bottom duo is Bang+wolf.

Games load quickly.

Since the training match does not try a first-level team, both sides start with a regular start.

The two-person teams on both sides went online after eating wild, and then quickly took the three little soldiers with little blood left.

Lin Yi pressed forward, trying to cooperate with Duan Deliang to occupy the thread grass close to the opponent.

The first-level bull head has no combat effectiveness and can only be hung behind.

Bang also wanted to use the Q skill to lower Lucian's HP, but Lin Yi dodged it deftly, and then used Q [Penetrating Holy Light] to pass through the line of soldiers and consume a portion of his HP.

Lin Yi aimed two passive general attacks on the long-range soldiers, trying to grab the second.

Ezreal lost the secret shooting technique, which was equivalent to losing the most important means of combat, so he was powerless to counter it.

Seeing that the other party took the initiative in just a few seconds, Bang couldn't help frowning slightly, keenly feeling that something was wrong.

"Is Lucian so confident in avoiding my Q?" He couldn't help muttering in Korean.

EZ's secret shooting is considered as normal attack damage in terms of mechanism. If it hits the opponent, it can not only suppress the blood volume, but also attract a round of hatred from the minions, and take the first chance to grab the second.

But Lucian's position directly defeated Bang's idea.

Lin Yike didn't care about this, he became more aggressive when he gained the advantage, knowing that Ezreal's Q skill had improved, but he still didn't retreat but advanced, and even wanted to pull the 500 EZ with a range of 550 yards.

Bang didn't believe in evil, he locked the distance and released the secret shooting again, but was turned away again.


The moment Lin Yi evaded the Q skill, he clicked off the second long-range soldier, and watched EZ, who was retreating consciously, suddenly burst into trouble.

Sliding steps forward to get close to the distance, the moment Ping A made a shot [Holy Light Through Body] hit Bang, just about to attack again, but was pushed away by the bull's head on the side.

Lin Yi frowned, learning W at the first level?

At this time, the second wave of pawns came, and Duan Deliang deliberately flashed Q to keep Wolf, but lost his angle, and the bull's head stuck to the pawns, not giving him any chance.

"The support on the opposite side is spiritual," Lin Yi commented with a smile, "But it's useless, EZ still has to take drugs."

After this round of consumption, even though there were still two rounds to tie A, he still knocked out a third of Bang's health bar. If he didn't eat the blood bottle to recover, then SKT wouldn't have to laning at all in the bottom lane, shrinking Waiting for soldiers under the tower is over.

Otherwise, once you accidentally move and get passively placed in Bloom's Q, you will die if you have two moves.

"Be careful to grab the Rexai at the third level." Dandy was afraid that Lin Yi would be ganked too much, so he quickly reminded, "I won't go there and squat instead."

He intends to finish this game all the way. The hero of the male gun must first ensure his own development in the early stage, and then consider helping his teammates.

Once he went to the bottom lane to ambush at level 3, but the opponent's excavator did not come, the rhythm was too hurt for the hero Graves.

On the road, the two lumps of meat were fighting each other, and it was hard to tell the winner for a while. Brother Long still had the time to tease: "The support on the opposite side is a bull head, how can we cooperate with the excavator to keep people?"

"Ah?" Dandy didn't react at the first moment, but then suddenly thought of something, and then realized with a smile, "That's right, I forgot about it."

It's no wonder he forgets, the main thing is that very few LPL teams have chosen the hero of Niutou when facing Lin Yi recently.

There was a burst of laughter in VG's voice.

Duan Deliang didn't care about the teasing of his teammates. In order to avoid being hit by the opponent's Gank skills, he still conscientiously went to the river to make an eye.

Although the pawn line is currently pushed to the bottom of the SKT tower, and the opponent's duo has both reached the second level, but he knows that EZ + bull head is not a threat to his own AD, so he is not worried about offline vision.

Lin Yi, on the other hand, kept his ears closed to what was going on outside the window, and concentrated on handling the line of soldiers in front of him, trying his best to consume the opponent.

Wolf was suppressed and irritated. Seeing Braum leave, he suddenly felt that the opportunity had come, and stepped forward to reconnect with Lucian.

Lin Yi was stuck in the bull's head W limit range and retreated, and did not turn around and attack until Wolf wanted to turn back.

Suddenly his eyes jumped, and he immediately surrendered his E skill and slid back. At the same time, he looked at Wolf who came up from the second company with a cold expression. He handed in a short E this time, so he was able to fully infuse the two passive basic attacks and Q damage On Wolf.

Even though the tauren has rough skin and thick flesh, he was chased and lost more than half of his blood!
That is to say, it is only two levels now, and Lucian can't learn W, otherwise, relying on the passive acceleration of skills, he can chase Wolf out in a flash!
"He reacted so quickly!" Lin Yi pursed his lips and sighed inwardly.

In his prediction, Wolf saw that the distance was not enough, and the position he was chasing was about to lose touch, so he planned to give up the pursuit.

But the moment Lin Yi turned around, Niutou came up abruptly.

This can be regarded as the second professional player he has encountered so far who can change his original movements in a fraction of a centimeter!

The first one is Uzi.

It was still a qualifying match, and Uzi's knife Kalista changed her attack target at the moment she was about to be pulled by him, shifting her basic attack to him.

The two situations are the same, and they all react in an instant!
SKT is really strong!
Lin Yi initially thought that the reason why this legendary team was able to win the championship was because of their unparalleled operational ability, but he never thought that their personal strength was also so terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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