Chapter 74 SKT's Response

Hongmi stared at the screen in front of her, frowning slightly.

Seeing this training match, he is very satisfied with the handling of the VG players in the early stage.

Whether it's the calm anti-kill of the two in the bottom lane when facing the enemy's Gank, or Dandy's targeted decision-making against Faker, even if he has always been calm and self-sufficient, he can't help applauding.

But it was clear that in the end, the male gun came to the next route and wanted to help push the tower, but he still seemed a little anxious, so the opponent caught the opportunity to reverse the situation!

Now let's see how our team will resolve this wave of offensive launched by SKT.

Redmi put on the earphones and listened to the communication of several team members at this time.

"Rek'sai didn't do E or flash, just drag and beat!" Lin Yi was extremely decisive.

As the most terrifying output point in this battle, he thought that there was still room for manipulation this time.

EZ and Niutou were forced to the rear earlier, and it was not enough to force a group to leave them in the first place.

This has caused the current four of SKT to be in a state of being out of touch for a short time!
Bang also knew this very well, so he immediately handed over the treatment, allowing Wolf's bull head to quickly get close to the three of VG.

At the same time, Lin Yi also presses the treatment, but he can only be forced to give Dandy's male gun.

Wolf's hand speed was full, a golden light flashed on the bull's head, flashed WQ and rushed towards Bron who was walking at the end!

Ezreal bent down and drew his bow, and shot the R skill [Precise Barrage] towards the three of them.

A golden crescent roared out from his hand!

Duan Deliang's expression was focused, and when he saw the bull's head rushing towards him, he handed over a flash and avoided being knocked into the air.

Then he raised the shield and confiscated EZ's big move.

Lin Yi handed over the [Holy Spear Baptism] and swept towards Rek Sai who was approaching from the river.

Duan Deliang uses W [Stand Up] to come to Lucian, Q [Winter's Bite] hits the excavator that has lost any displacement, and slows it down!
Blank still wanted to sway left and right to get rid of Lin Yi's big move, but he never wanted to be completely penetrated by Lin Yi's movements.

The bullet slanted down, causing Blank to lose more than half of his blood in an instant due to the terrifying damage.

Faker finally landed. Seeing that Rek'sai was only at half health, he immediately handed over R [Chaos Storm] to interrupt Lucian's [Holy Spear Baptism].

The angle of Faker's release is extremely tricky. Since the three of VG are standing in a group at the moment, the range of this big move is enough to cover them all!
Lin Yi handed over E and slid forward the moment Faker threw his ult, but it was not a flash after all, facing the instantaneous R was still rubbed against the edge, and the ult was forced to be interrupted, but he had already Come to Faker!

"Kill Victor!"

Lin Yi shouted in the voice.

Immediately, the passive general attack hit Faker immediately, followed by a set of W dots and Q dots to instantly suppress half of his blood volume!
Faker was taken aback by the quickness of the combo.

Hurry up and release W [Gravity Field] under Lucian's feet.

However, with the effective time of 1.5 seconds, Lin Yi easily walked out relying on the passive acceleration of his skills.

Dandy watched as Faker, who had only half health left, handed over his W [smoke bomb] to cover his vision, and at the same time, E flashed against Victor, and QRA bombarded Faker in an instant.

The big move that Duan Deliang has been pinching is also smashed out at this moment, and the glacier cracks swept out, trying to knock Faker into the air!

The moment Faker lost his vision, he had an insight into Dandy's thoughts, and immediately handed over his flash and pulled it aside, avoiding all the skills!

Seeing this, Lin Yi's expression froze, knowing that he had missed the best opportunity to kill.

Rexai also came to the male gun at this time, W pushed him up, Bang finally arrived from the rear relying on [Arcane Leap], QW flung at Graves who was knocked into the air, and added attack speed to Blank at the same time!
"Kill the jungler." Duan Deliang frowned tightly, and gave the light to Rek Sai.

Faker's flash was too fast, which caused them to vacate several key skills, and now they can only target the excavator with unhealthy blood volume!
Lin Yi immediately hit Blank with a flat A shot, and walked around to twist away the E [death ray] released by Victor in the distance.

Faker only had half health, so he didn't dare to step forward and use Q [siphon energy] to consume Lin Yi's blood.

Although Dandy is in better condition than Blank, he was beaten by two groups, so he and Blank were killed almost at the same time, and their heads were taken by their respective ADs!

"Let's go! No skills."

Lin Yi took the lead and fled to his own tower, while Bron followed behind Lucian, helping him block Ezreal's secret shooting.

The three of SKT knew that Easyhoon was coming, so they didn't dare to pursue too much.

The battle between the two sides came to an end, and the overall game was one-for-one.

It seems that there is no loss. After all, VG is 3 vs. 4, but the tactical status of Male Spear and Rexai is completely different. One death in battle is enough to affect Dandy's development to a certain extent.

Besides, it is not good news for Bang's EZ to win 300 gold coins.

The two sides returned to the online development again after going home to replenish their status.

The canyon fell into a brief calm.

Although the death of the male gun caused Dandy's rhythm to be a bit out of gear, Faker also surrendered his precious flash in the last wave, so Victor will lose control of the center lane in the next few minutes.

Even though Faker's ability to push the line is higher than that of Easyhoon, he dare not stay away from the first tower without flashing. Easyhoon's big move is flashing in his hand. As long as Faker moves forward a little, the Tsar can easily do it with the male spear. kill.

Although the SKT bot lane duo slowed down a wave of development, it also treated the symptoms but not the root cause. After going online, they are still no match for Lin Yi and the duo.

What's more, VG's Nakano has been putting pressure on the bottom, and the Tsar's teleportation has also improved, and Bang is even more afraid to step forward to change blood and fight!

Now that Lucian, who has made the blue sword, has reached the peak of his combat power, he can achieve no pressure consumption online, and there is no need to worry about the problem of insufficient mana.

In 13 minutes, SKT's next tower was finally flattened. This time came later than Lin Yi expected, but fortunately, the impact was not too great.

VG began to switch lanes, Lucian and Bron came to the middle, and Lord Hou's Tsar changed to the next development.

But what Lin Yi didn't expect was that SKT actually let Victor and Niutau come to the center line to guard the tower, leaving Ezreal alone to wait for the Tsar to push the line of troops to develop.

This made him a little astonished, and after a little thought, he discovered the subtlety of this move.

First of all, the most critical line right issue in the middle lane. Faker's line clearing ability is several grades higher than Bang's Ezreal. With the bull's head behind him to protect him, VG has no way to launch a tower jump operation against him.

And EZ's flexibility is stronger than Victor's. Even if he is alone, it is difficult for the Czar to find an opportunity to push him back with E and flashes.

In this way, it will only make Bang a little uncomfortable, and he will be blocked by Easyhoon for a lot of supplementary damage. But in the current situation, facing a Lucian who is at his peak, this is indeed the most perfect solution.

After figuring it out, everyone in VG couldn't help being a little speechless, lamenting that SKT is really strong.

At 15 minutes, Faker had already purchased two Hextech cores to evolve both Q and E. Faker's control over the distance is quite subtle, and because of Victor's long arms, it was difficult for Lin Yi to consume the opponent.

Every time after the line of soldiers gathers, Faker will go forward and use E [Death Ray] to clean up the back row. As long as Lin Yi E goes forward and consumes, he will use the acceleration and shield provided by the Q skill to open the distance, and the blood volume is almost never diminished.

Lin Yi expressed helplessness about this. Faker's handling is the same as Bang's, and it is impossible to compete with him.

But there is a difference.

When facing EZ, although the opponent's hands are also very long, but there is no means of clearing the line in a wide range. Even if Lin Yi can't consume Bang, he can still suppress the opponent with the advantage of the line of soldiers.

However, Faker's current line clearing ability is not much behind Lin Yi's. Although it is difficult to compete with Lucian, he can clear all the lines pushed to the bottom of the tower within two to three seconds.

The two-stage damage of the E skill provides him with great convenience!

Under the premise that the line rights in the middle lane are only six or four, even though Dandy and Duan Deliang can enter the SKT wild area to set up their vision, they dare not go too deep.

At this time, Reikesai's flash has turned for the better, and in cooperation with Niutou, it is not necessary to use too many means of force.

And once the male gun is taken first, the final result is really hard to say!
 The training match will end tomorrow. This paragraph is really difficult to write. I am sorry to keep everyone waiting for a long time. After returning to the league, there will be more.

(End of this chapter)

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