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Chapter 88 EDG will never be destroyed

Chapter 88 EDG will never be destroyed
"I tried my best." Lin Yi pursed his lips, then shook his head, "This wave of mine, if I didn't make progress at the beginning, I should be able to kill three times."

"I'm going to be scared to death!" Duan Deliang fled back to the tower with a third of the blood on his head, and couldn't help exhaling, "Fortunately, the result is good, otherwise something big will happen!"

He already had a good relationship with Lin Yi, so he was not soft-spoken at all when he scolded him.

Lin Yi apologized again and again, even though he got a double kill because of his aggressiveness this time, it was a blessing in disguise, but a mistake is a mistake, fans always judge success or failure by the result, but the team and the training group are more concerned about your performance in the game The specific details in the performance!
At this moment, Hongmi, who was watching the game on TV in the backstage lounge, heard Lin Yi's self-blame in the team's voice, and his tense and serious face eased a little.

Looking at the VG duo facing the three-person siege of EDG this time, the reaction and operational response are indeed commendable. Whether it is Lin Yiyi or Duan Deliang, they have played every step almost perfectly. reason for killing.

But as a coach, Redmi analyzes problems not only relying on operations, but more from a strategic perspective.

In his opinion, any professional player has good and bad times, and it is impossible to keep zero mistakes in operation forever!

Or in other words, you operate well only because your opponent is not strong enough!
No one who can gallop in the LPL arena is weak, but when facing stronger opponents and shouldering heavier pressure, many players will often deform.

This is not uncommon.

Hongmi is worried that Lin Yi is a person who is prone to arrogance in his heart, and he does not know it when he makes a rash mistake, and thinks that he has no problem after taking a double kill.

If this is the mentality, it is very likely to become a breakthrough for the team when facing top teams like the LCK in the future.

To his relief, Lin Yi had a clear understanding, and was not complacent about taking two heads, but was the first to admit his mistake to his teammates.

"It's okay," Dandy said calmly, "Xiao Duan went home and came out with me to control the peripheral vision in the middle lane."

Duan Deliang nodded, at this time his eye stone has been made.

Victor did not flash, of course VG will not let go of this great opportunity.

The game time came to 11 and a half minutes, the field was calm for a while, and Scout's flash was only 20 seconds before turning around.

The junior waited under the tower for the vampire to push the line of soldiers into the tower, seeing that his summoner skills were cooling down immediately, he let out a sigh of relief.

During this period of time, he was walking on thin ice. With four heads in the bottom lane, Lucian played extremely strongly in the lane and completely controlled the lane power.

Braum would disappear for a long time after pushing the line, which made him a bit of a loser, so he called Rek'sai many times to protect himself.

He also knows how dangerous he is when he doesn't flash!

Victor is not like the Tsar, he has displacement and a big move to protect himself.

As a well-known short-legged player in the alliance, apart from an unstable W control, the only escape skill he relies on is his double call!

But if VG really wants to attack him, all he needs to do is to dispatch three people to surround him forcibly, and there is absolutely no room for him to survive if he is only sprinting!
Therefore, in the past few minutes, he was almost waiting for the vampires to come and feed him soldiers, and he didn't dare to stay too far away from the tower!
Seeing that his flash is finally about to get better, he has gained a little bit of confidence!
After the minion entered the tower, Scout released E [Death Ray] to prepare for the last knife.

Lucian and Bron in the bottom lane are still suppressing the blood volume of the defensive tower, seemingly harmless to humans and animals.

But what he didn't know was that Dandy had gone around to the back of the first tower in EDG at this moment.

Dandy's card is very accurate, he saw Scout flashing with his own eyes, so he knows when Victor flashed the CD!

Brother Long also retreated to the tower at this moment, and as soon as the male gun appeared, he handed over his big move.

"VG Nakano wants to encircle and suppress the elementary school boys!" Miller said in a hurry, "Victor started sprinting and had a strong desire to survive, but Lonng was quite decisive. He immediately dodged after the E skill taunted, and the vampire followed up with his big move EQ, and cooperated with Dandy's Injury to take the head!"

"In this way, Master Hou has a great advantage. He has suppressed Scout a lot for last hits!"

Scout looked at his gray screen, pursed his lips slightly, and his eyes were full of helplessness.

Just as I let down my vigilance, the other side came.

The factory manager also sighed, and after pressing the Tab key, he looked at the C-position equipment of both sides, "Let's develop slowly, let's look for opportunities in the mid-term."

Now EDG is almost at a disadvantage across the board, needless to say in the bottom lane, Han Bing and Lu Xijian's equipment is very different.

Victor missed a lot of last hits during the time period when he didn't dodge. The top order was originally an advantage, but Shen's big move got a few assists, and the current economy has achieved a lead.

As for Rexai, since he was forced to flash out of the anti-wild invasion, he has been beaten by male guns all the time.

Even so, Clearlove still felt like he was trying his best. He thought he found a good rhythm for several waves. Whether it was catching or catching, the timing was just right, but the final results were not satisfactory.

On the other hand, Male Spear, launched two Ganks, and always won a big victory.

The factory manager couldn't help but cut the screen to glance at Lu Xian, who was on the road, and sighed in his heart that it's good to be young.

In his opinion, the surprise attack to the bottom lane was completely shown off by the opponent's AD operation.

Whether it's the control of the distance or the positioning of the evildoers, if Lucian makes a mistake, it must be that they end up with a double kill!

Just a little bit less, he can stand up to Lin Yi, and Bud can also flash two of Q!
However, this is the case in the professional arena. A gap of just 50 yards can often rewrite the final outcome of a team battle.

"Master Hou is a vampire. His developmental ability is too strong!" the baby sighed with emotion.

Easyhoon stands on the middle line like a needle that fixes the sea, and he has the advantage to completely hold the line in his hands.

After pushing the line, leaning down puts pressure on EDG's bottom lane, making it easier for Lin Yi to consume the blood volume of EDG's next tower.

It only took 15 minutes. With the collapse of the defensive tower, Lin Yi went home and finished his equipment, then switched to the middle lane.

Duan Deliang was liberated, and began to invade Rexai's wild area indiscriminately with the male gun, searching for resources.

Easyhoon is to go to the bottom lane to develop.

When the game entered 20 minutes, the vampire's CS had risen to 240!

Apart from the line of troops, some wild monsters were also swallowed by him.

Dandy is even more boastful, anyway, I can’t finish brushing too many wild areas, isn’t it natural to share a little bit with teammates?
Easyhoon is flattered to accept it!
At this time, he has rocket belt + cheer + mercury shoes in hand, and his level dominates the audience.

In terms of equipment, only Lin Yi's Lu Xian can overwhelm him. The vampire has been fully formed and can come out to take over the team battle!

Brother Long also lived very comfortably. The giant Hydra gave him great propulsion ability, and Mouse couldn't defend at all.

The rampant Shen even pulled out the last tower in front of the big tree. Even if he had eaten all the skills of the big tree, he could retreat safely with an E.

The four in the middle and lower field of VG caught the EDG Nosuke who came to be an eye in the EDG red BUFF camp. Duan Deliang Q and R started the team battle. Deft and Scout rushed over, and Dashu also handed over the TP from the bottom lane.

Lin Yi started with WR, and the [Holy Gun Baptism] swept out, and all the bullets poured on the factory manager's Rek Sai.

Duan Deliang flashed forward, and at the same time Brother Long gave Bron a big move.

5V5 is on the verge of firing.

"The factory manager's blood volume drops rapidly, and it is difficult for him to resist the output of MrY because of his stunted growth!"

Amid Miller's yelling, Easyhoon started sprinting and cut into the battlefield. The E skill was charged and then flashed, and came to the front of the EDG double C. After that, the big move was released, and the terrifying AOE was released, setting off bursts of blood.

Dandy blasted a big move from behind to make up for the damage.

Lin Yi found the right time, slid forward and started outputting.

With a huge lead, the EDG lineup was completely defeated, the golden light flashed on the screen, and countless flash links were handed over.

It's just obvious that the situation belongs to one side chasing and the other fleeing.

"EDG desperately killed Lord Duan's Bron," Miller yelled, "but I have to explain everything myself, no, the factory director's Reksay survived and managed to escape back to the spring!"

VG didn't intend to pursue either, and the four turned around and took down the dragon.

The atmosphere in the venue was hot, and VG fans cheered heartily!

With a mournful cry that resounded through Summoner's Canyon, several people in VG were bathed in purple BUFF and began to return to the city.

Immediately after that is the tower pulling link, with minions with the Baron Nash bonus, VG's advancement is extremely smooth.

The four pushed in a group, and Long Ge's Shen went on the road.

After all the middle, upper, and outer towers were cleared, Lin Yi and the others crossed the EDG blue zone to the bottom lane.

EDG is simply powerless to defend.

At 26 minutes into the game, VG, whose summoner skills had been cooled down, already held a [-] economic advantage!
It can be said that the victory is set.

The five people gathered in the high ground of the middle road, and at this moment Easyhoon explained to everyone what a version vampire is!
Brother Long took the lead in starting the group, and E flashed and pointed at the big tree in front.

This usually seems to be an act of courting death, but under the current terrifying advantage, it is quite logical.

Zhu Xiaolong knows very well that as long as it can be driven, VG can win!
EDG was forced to take over the group.

Hou Ye started sprinting into the enemy's formation, and the AOE damage was splashed in all directions. Now he not only has explosive output, but also has a high level of frankness.

Even though the group started badly, VG still won a big victory when he entered three times and exited three times. This time even the factory manager was not spared.

"Vampire completely dominated the game, and MrY's Lucian is so good at skating!"

"VG played two for five and wanted to end the game with one wave!"

Following the hoarse roar of the two commentators, the remaining three of VG rushed forward with a line of soldiers and destroyed the EDG base!

 I feel that EDG is really in a good state now. Brother Le has awakened. Every time the first dragon can come to support him, he can play in lane.

  I didn’t expect to see Uzi take out VN on the field in my lifetime. In fact, after seeing WE’s first three moves, I felt that this VN has a lot of room to play. Once Kai’Sa comes out, I feel like it’s done!
  I really enjoyed the game today, I hope EDG can continue to work hard!
  The strength of the five players is not bad, it is just a matter of running in and looking for chemical reactions, and the coaching staff must do a good job in BP.

  These three rounds of BP are actually okay, but the first game was really hesitant, and Dalong should have ended 20 minutes earlier.

  Dragging the weapon into a lineup can't limit it. In the second game, I was actually a little worried, for fear that the weapon would be mixed up again, but fortunately, the result was good.

  The third weapon is directly banned, and I feel like I have it after the BP is finished.

(End of this chapter)

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