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Chapter 92 The correct way to open the VN line

Chapter 92 The correct way to open the VN line
"Stand in the long snake formation, they should be able to enter."

Duan Deliang commanded calmly, and the signal sounded continuously on the map.

The five bought their equipment and went to the outside of the highland.

VG has the existence of Rexai and Tsar, and the ability of the first-level team is too weak. As long as IG is not stupid, it will definitely not miss such a good opportunity to invade.

"Let's switch lanes and go up," Lin Yi pondered for a moment and said, "Otherwise, our third level will probably be surpassed."

With the combination of VN+Taurus, the first-level pushing ability is naturally crushed by Jhin and Thresh.

This has nothing to do with strength, but a question of hero characteristics.

If the wine barrels open the field from their blue zone, then Lin Yi and the two will definitely not be able to eat the magic marsh frog and then go online. Therefore, if they want to upgrade to the second level, they need 9 soldiers, and the time required is really not short. The probability of jumping over the tower is quite high.

Even though Yuhuang is not strong, he is still a professional player, and he still knows the most basic cooperation.

Therefore, Lin Yi does not intend to put himself in danger!

Several people in VG quickly reached a consensus, and Lin Yi and Duan Deliang began to walk to the upper half.

Dandy and Long Ge are heading towards the lower field.

Shen firmly guarded the entrance of the VG blue area, and after a while, he saw the life master and Thresh walking slowly from the bottom of the Xiaolong pit behind the wine barrel.

Zhu Xiaolong quickly retreated, leaving an eye on the blue BUFF position, then returned to the next tower, quietly waiting for the line of troops to arrive.

"Gouba and the others changed the line!"

In the IG voice, the voice of cursing gestures came out.

"We have to change it too," he hurried down, "otherwise it will affect the single belt behind the troll too much!"

When Yuhuang heard this, the smile that had bloomed because he didn't have to line up with the VG duo suddenly froze.

Then, under the urging of several teammates, he walked up reluctantly.

"VG is very smart. IG wanted to invade. In order to protect Wei En's development, it chose to change lanes," Miller praised. "The IG duo is also going up immediately. It seems that they are planning to catch the lane. , it’s not difficult to understand, to choose a hero like a troll, you must not let your posture be suppressed!”

Xiao Cang took the words of his partner: "But in this way, it is unrealistic for IG to continue changing the jungle. The wild monsters will soon be refreshed, and both sides can only open from their own jungles."

Dandy saw from the accessories placed by Brother Long that the wine barrel did not choose to open in his blue buff, and immediately understood Kid's thoughts.

But it was too late for him to go down, so he simply started from the top half.

Although it will lead to a small loss, he is already very satisfied to have such a start with this weak lineup at the first level!
The current version of the line-changing game is very rare, because the fist has once again modified the field experience.

Originally shared experience points.

In other words, as long as your position is next to the wild monster, you can gain part of the experience no matter whether he is killed by you or not.

Therefore, in the lane change game, it is often seen that the top laner is mixed with the jungler.

Now it is different. After the version change, wild monsters will only provide experience for the killer.

As for the shooters who devour the magic marsh frog or the stone beetle camp alone, although they don't have wild swords, they can't directly upgrade to level 2, but they can complete the level upgrade as long as they get the experience of the first three melee soldiers in the first wave. !
As a result, the speed at which the ADC who cleared the jungle at the beginning reached the second level was only slightly slower than that of the jungler, and even ahead of the two single-player lanes in the middle and upper lanes.

The impact of this change on the lane change is not insignificant. The top laner lost all the means to improve the level in the early stage. Therefore, in the current version, if it is not necessary, few professional teams will choose to change the lane.

The troll, a hero, needs a certain level of economic support in the early stage before he can display a single point of power in the middle and late stages.

This is why Stance is so resistant to changing lines.

On the other hand, Brother Long's Shen is different. Even though his development was frustrated at the beginning, due to his heroic characteristics, he can still play a good role later on.

And compared to the top laner of the Sanhuan God Meat Tank, although Shen Zai is not easy to fight trolls in the lane, but because of the existence of the sword array, the opponent can't suppress him unscrupulously!
The matchmaking has officially started.

The bot lane duo of both sides came online almost at the same time.

"You learn W." Lin Yi reminded Duan Deliang.

After being confirmed by his assistant, he stepped forward and began to use basic attacks to melee the bloody soldiers.

The Rain Emperor was much simpler, handing over Q [Man Dance Grenade] the speed of light increased by 2, at this time Lin Yi's second shot to tie A had just been shot.

Jhin stepped forward and wanted to use the last melee soldier to consume Wei En's blood volume.

However, when pulling, Niutou stepped forward directly to push him away, and Lin Yi smoothly accepted the make-up knife.

At the moment when it was upgraded to 2, VN rolled forward, and a basic attack from the extreme distance hit Baolan's Thresh, causing a small amount of blood loss.

At the same time, the blue soldier was attracted by Lin Yi's hatred. In the early stage, the pawn line advantage accumulated by the playman's Q skill was bounced to the back row for the fourth time, which was reduced to a minimum.

This wave of subtle handling by the VG duo has made the control of the line power of the two bot lanes almost on the same level now.

In the eyes of many people, the hero VN is very weak in the laning phase because of his short hands.

In fact, Vayne's shooting range is a full 550 yards, which is in the upper reaches of many AD roles.

There are not many shooters who are shorter than her.

Like Lucian and Wheel Mom are only 500.

The reason why we say inferior laning is only because VN has very few means of clearing the line, and in the early game, the combat ability of minions is not lower than that of heroes.

Therefore, in most games of similar level, the side with Vayne usually has fewer minions than the opponent, so it is suppressed.

Lin Yi chose VN this time. If he wants to gain an advantage in laning, he has to find ways to make the laning power at the most inferior level. Only in this way can there be room for pulling, and then use his personal strength to make a difference.

This is also the reason why the VG duo handled it like before.

The two sides began to consume the HP of the rear troops, and at the same time, the second wave of troops slowly arrived.

Although Duan Deliang's W has not improved at this time, he does not intend to retreat.

Naturally, Baolan would not spoil him, and controlled Thresh to go forward and wanted to use the [Pendulum of Misfortune] to consume the bloodline of the bull head.

The blue team's duo started to attack the support, and Lin Yi was right. The basic attack first consumed Thresh, and when Jhin moved forward to level A Duan Deliang, he shifted the attack target to Yuhuang.

The drama master wanted to fight back, but the VN with bloodthirsty talent pulled the distance away through a short acceleration, and Rain could only continue A bull head.

Lin Yi had already seen through his movements, turned around and launched a general attack. Yuhuang didn't want to be knocked out of the third ring and wanted to retreat.

VN rolled forward, and the carrier Q's extra damage level A fell on the playmaker again, and the damage poured down, and Rain's blood volume was knocked out by one-third in an instant!

Even though Niutou didn't have any skills, fortunately, his basic resistance was sufficient, and his blood line was only a little less than Jhin's since it was consumed.

Through the recovery of blood medicine, the state can almost be returned to an extremely healthy level.

The Rain Emperor had no choice but to knock off the blood bottle in the backpack, otherwise the follow-up laning would be restricted everywhere.

In a wave of online games, VG temporarily gains some advantages by exchanging assistance for the blood volume of the enemy AD.

And this is just the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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