Heroes of invincible immortal mod

Chapter 161 The Fall of the Fallen Star

Chapter 161 The Fall of the Fallen Star
The rivers in Luoxing Pool are densely covered with lights and festoons, and everyone laughs and laughs.

"I was captured by those Yin soldiers a few days ago. I thought I was going to die soon. Unexpectedly, Mr. Xingsou has great powers and accepted all the people of Winter City."

"That must be true. Don't look at who my lord is, just rely on the little ghost soldiers, dare to fight?"

"What kind of place is Winter City? Lu Bo is just an unknown person, and he doesn't have much resources around him. Since everyone has come to Luoxingchi, please follow Mr. Xingsao.

At the bottom of our pool we have a mid-level warm jade mine, which is famous in the entire snowfield, and we will enjoy the blessings with the adults in the future. "

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The new residents of Winter City, obviously submissive, stood in the corner wearing tattered clothes, echoing the words of the guards of Luoxingchi.

To say how excited I am to come here is not enough.After all, in the original city, everyone had their own houses and properties, but they were forced to move, their life savings were destroyed, and they had to live under someone else's roof.But after all, they survived, and the city of the same race was much more stable. At least for the time being, they felt like they were surviving a disaster.

Different from Winter City, Falling Star Pond is a city built on a frozen lake, not counting the traditional construction of the Snow Witch Tower. Because it has to adapt to the terrain, many city defense measures are not so strict, so the commercial traffic is more developed.

The rivers here are crisscrossed, boats are passing through, and people are chatting on the shore, introducing the history and culture of the new city.

Of course, there must be darkness beneath the light.Those shamans with low bloodline are just hard laborers in Winter City, and they will not be released when they come to the new land.He will only sign a new dark contract and become the lowest slave.

If you have the talent for Dao Qi, you may be able to serve as a reserve soldier for the Arcane Master, waiting for training and transformation in the barracks.If the talent is too poor, he can only be reduced to a lowly boatman, soaking in the icy pool water every day, dragging the boats, not even enough to eat, and in the cold winter, his body will freeze and sink to the bottom .

The prosperous and beautiful city of ice lakes, but countless skeletons are buried underneath.

In the dark corner of the dock, a few down-and-out boatmen were pushing the boat towards the deep water. The rich businessman on the boat was hugging a beautiful girl, doing some shameless things, and the voice was so loud that everyone could clearly hear it.

However, the boatmen have long been numb, and the coldness of their bodies makes it impossible for them to understand what warm joy is like.

"Huh? Is there something moving under the water?"

A boatman who was still sober seemed to catch a glimpse of something moving at the bottom of the lake, and he reminded the others to pay attention.

"Have you been frozen out of a phantom? There is no movement at the bottom of the lake, but it is just a group of skeletons and dead bodies. If you don't want to be with them, you should cheer up and finish this order and go ashore as soon as possible!"

The leader of the boatmen twisted his neck and said nonchalantly.

"No, there really is something! My God, it's the skeletons under the lake! They've come back from the netherworld, and they must be seeking revenge on those guys."

After speaking, the boatman let go of the rope and swam desperately towards the shore.

Seeing that their companions were so panicked, the others naturally paid attention to the movement under the lake.

Dozens of skeletons and rotting corpses floated up from the cold and dark night lake. Their eyes were filled with soul fire, filled with hatred and resentment, and they were floating rapidly.


Even the boatmen who are used to seeing sunken corpses have never seen resurrected skeletons. Only the new captives who have recently entered the city occasionally talk about the horror of the ghost soldiers.At that time, everyone didn't think so, thinking that the thin and white bones could not stop the attack of the Xue Wu Tower's troops. They were captured mainly because Lu Bo went to help the Blood Tower, leaving the lair empty and being taken advantage of by the enemy.

But only by truly facing the returning souls from the netherworld can we realize the deep-rooted fear.

The brightly lit painting boat stopped in place, and the rich businessman was tearing off the dancer's thin clothes, with a fat stomach and a big belly, happily wanting to go further.

Suddenly, the wealthy businessman's face suddenly changed. He lowered his head to look at his chest and found a bone sword pierced through his chest. He wanted to turn his head to look back, but his head fell to the deck after spinning for several weeks.The girl lying under him was still immersed in the warmth. Suddenly, a stream of blood was splashed on her face, and she was immediately frightened.


A shrill roar came from the ship's deck and resounded through the night sky.

A strange painted boat passed by and drifted into the star pool from the inland river. Countless bone soldiers jumped out of the cabin and wandered in the icy lake.

There was a scream, and flames burned in the stone house, waking up the statues hanging upside down on the eaves, and they all flew up to fight back.However, the picture scroll floated in the air and started to burn. Countless ashes fell and wrapped the statue inside.

Standing on the remote boat, Gao Hao looked at the painted skins on the crafty boat. Their exquisite and beautiful faces did not seem to be slaughtering creatures at all. Their elegant actions were like painting, but the enemy was wiped out.

There is no doubt about the power of the painted skin. Even though the number is only a week, the long-range attack and coverage reflect its terrifying ability.

The town defense of Luoxingchi is not strict, and there are many loopholes. This is a defect of the Taoist self-built city. It is built according to the terrain, and there will be some defensive measures that do not conform to the characteristics of the power. They can only be covered on the surface. It looks like a paper tiger.

Gao Hao initially chose Luanfengang as the base of his original village, not only because of the strong ghost aura here, but also because the terrain surrounded by mountains is very suitable for the construction site of ghost towns.Generally speaking, ghost towns can adapt to a wide range of places. As long as there is enough ghost energy, the sea, abyss, and volcanic crater can be used as a city.

At present, with the burial pits in the original village, the charm of ghosts has been somewhat unable to keep up, so the ghost prison ghost castle must indeed be put on the agenda.

Luoxingchi Harbor was caught in the flames of war. Gao Hao looked towards the inner city. Xingsou must have noticed it. What was he going to do?Run or fight?
In the lake garden in the center of Star Pool, a witch priest hastily knocked on the door to report to the lord.

"Sir! It's not good! The ghost soldiers broke into the city and started killing. The number of enemies is close to 500. Their strength is terrifying. What should we do?"

The atmosphere in the hall was very depressing. Xingsou was pacing back and forth with an extremely serious expression.

After all, it is our own city. Although it was infiltrated by the enemy due to carelessness at the beginning, the traces and numbers of the enemy troops were quickly discovered.When discussing with Gao Hao before, there was not much pressure, but when the ghost soldiers came to press, it was a completely different concept.

Luoxingchi is considered an important town in the southwest of Ota, and it has accumulated a lot of troops. There are more than 400 troops, and there are even level 4 shamans guarding it.Although there is no barracks for the Witch Festival, Ota will still allocate some quotas to various towns on a regular basis.

Level 4 Barracks may not be considered too expensive, but with so many cities in the Twin Towers, adding up becomes a heavy burden.

Xingsou's face was gloomy, and everything was planned in the plot. He dug out the inner ghost who was not determined enough, and eradicated it with the help of the blood tower army, and then lured the ghost town army to help him.

No one would have guessed that, as the arrogant and domineering lord of Otta, he usually disrespects orders and is rebellious, but he is actually a loyal servant of Lanyao, the lord of Ota.

Before the death of the old city lord, there was still a constant war between the twin towers. As the daughter of the city lord and the heir to the strongest witch clan bloodline in the twin towers, Lan Yao was naturally the ironclad city lord.

However, Lanyao didn't want Yala Xueyuan to fall like this. She wanted to change the situation and make the twin towers shine again.Knowing that there are many internal crises, Xingsou is willing to be a lurker, even if he is misunderstood and scolded, he doesn't care.

He just kept helping Lanyao in secret, no matter before the reconciliation of the twin towers or the expedition of the blood tower, there was the shadow of Luoxingchi.It seems to be a verbal opposition, but it actually understands the movements of the lords and disintegrates the resistance team from within.Otherwise, how could Lanyao easily control Ota and lead the team to meet Di Wu with ease.

This time, Han Lu, an ambitious guy, happened to be the bridge to drive away tigers and devour wolves. After being captured, he was willing to be the lackey of the ghost town and wanted to contact Lord Ota to resist.

Previously, Xingsou was dissatisfied with the lord of Ota, but he was unwilling to compromise his own strength, and the various hatreds towards the Blood Tower were also a kind of balance.But attracting foreign enemies to enter the country would completely touch Ota's bottom line, so Xingsou decided to kill two birds with one stone and completely clean up these cancers.

But who would have thought that Gao Hao did not go to the Ice Witch Court to die, but sneaked into the city secretly, using the newly brought Wu people to confuse the public and make a surprise attack.

At this moment, he had realized clearly that it was probably not that simple for the Wu clan who died in large numbers due to fatigue after entering the city. Gao Hao had already planned it.This person is very scary, no one believes him, and if he observes subtle things, this battle will probably be difficult.

"Let's go! The witch priest army and I retreated towards Ota, and the remaining troops let them resist with all their might."

It's not that Xingsou never thought of resisting. If Gao Hao appeared outside the city at this moment, he would definitely lead the army to fight the enemy.But due to the structure of the ice lake and the defense of the city, the enemy's ghost ships have all entered the city, how can we fight?
In the courtyard of the government office, there is a secret road leading to the outside of the city. It is protected by a formation and cannot be detected by the spirit. It is the last way to escape.It is said that this is an inherited technology from Wild Ridge, but there are many restrictions, the number of troops led is limited, and they can only lead the most elite witch priests to leave.

When Xingsou left from the underground waterway, he avoided the central water gate. He found that the most critical water valve gate in the city had been controlled by ghost soldiers.

The whole city was burning in flames, wooden puppets came out of the factory, statues flew down from the roof, and the Arcanists picked up chains and threw them at the enemy, but it was all to no avail.

In front of the Nether army, lacking high-level soldiers and Dao seeds, they were completely unable to fight against ghost soldiers with high-level soul control bonuses.Often when a wooden puppet confronts a spirit bone, they can only barely contend.There are also flying units such as impermanent ghosts and paper figurines shuttling through the streets and alleys, ignoring the barriers of the river, they are almost elusive.

Xingsou also saw several beautiful women standing on the boat with beautiful faces. Their movements were so charming that both wooden puppets and clay statues were instantly reduced to ashes.

However, what Xingsou couldn't understand the most was the Youzhou boat traveling in the river. Nearly half of the ghost soldiers inside had not left the cabin.

"Where did the terrifying ghost ship come from? The Snow River Basin never crossed the snow field at all, and I didn't hear that he brought a ship when he was in Winter City. Why did he suddenly drive into the Falling Star Pond?"

This is what Xingsou can't understand. Although the water of the Snow River flows down from the mountains, in fact, due to the influence of the environment, the river channel is often frozen and sealed.The Falling Star Pond and the Ice Witch Court in the southwest are slightly better, with many tributaries, but they are also rivers in the area.How did such a majestic ghost ship Gao Hao transport it?

Looking at the huge boat tens of meters long on the river, the dim lights flickered on the boat, the terrifying and oppressive atmosphere enveloped the entire river, and all the cargo ships around were eroded by ghost soldiers.

This is definitely not an ordinary warship, not even a spiritual weapon. When Xingsao faced the You Zhou, he felt like he was facing a building.This is probably a special creation unique to Ghost City, otherwise it would not be so shocking.

As Xingsou went away, the wailing sound gradually disappeared.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the Xingsou people escaped from the secret passage and arrived at a hidden fortress outside the city.There are not only food and weapons here, but also simple boats for Taoists to leave on the river.

However, after seeing Youzhou in the ghost town, Xingsou completely put an end to the idea of ​​leaving in a boat.Can this simple boat outrun the mysterious ghost ship?I was afraid that I would be captured as soon as I appeared in the river.

Taking advantage of the chaos in Luoxingchi, Gao Hao concentrates on conquest in the city, it is best to change clothes and leave secretly from the land.

They hurriedly walked out, but before they had gone a hundred meters, they saw that the night around them became thicker and thicker, and a cold atmosphere enveloped them.

"Be careful! There is an enemy attack!"

Just as Xingsou shouted, a giant white bone sword cut through the darkness and slashed straight at him.Before the shaman priests could react, they were cut in half and could no longer die.

At the same time, a large number of dark mist flew in and rushed into the Wu Ji's formation. There were dozens of impermanent ghosts, entangled Wu Ji with their terrifying chains, and dragged him into the darkness.

Although Wuji's melee melee lethality remains undiminished, it's not a bit worse than the impermanent ghost who specializes in melee and has recovery.

Seeing that Xingsou was surrounded by the army, he didn't know what went wrong. It was the most secret secret way, but he was overtaken by the ghost city army.

Knowing that he couldn't run away, Xingsou no longer held back. He began to use powerful Taoist techniques. He first bombarded the ghost soldiers with Tao Punishment, and then used the Xuanbing Magic Spear to attack in a wide range, causing horrific damage to the ghost soldiers.

However, to no avail, after the impermanent ghost messenger died, he seduced the soul and killed the witch sacrifice, and then he would be resurrected in the black mist, reincarnated and unable to die at all.

Xingsou still wanted to continue casting spells, but was cut horizontally by the new bone giant sword. He could barely resist with his staff, but he couldn't resist the powerful blow from below. rice.


Spitting out a big mouthful of blood, Xingsou looked around, only to find that all the witch priests had died, no wonder they suffered such heavy injuries.In the absence of arms to share the damage, the dao species needs to bear a huge part of the direct damage, no less than a destructive dao technique.

At this moment, a terrifying ghost whose face was covered under a hood slowly walked out from the army of spirit bones, the bone sword was dyed with flames, dragged on the ground by him, and walked towards Xingsou.

Fear, the bone-deep cold, shrouded Xingsou.

Sue Mu raised the giant sword and thrust it fiercely at Xingsou's chest, showing no mercy at all.

Before Xingsou even had time to beg for mercy, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then the sky became dark and he lost consciousness.

At the moment when he was about to fall into a coma, in Xingsou's eyes, the city had become a sea of ​​flames, like a frozen lake completely burning up when stars fell.

(End of this chapter)

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