Heroes of invincible immortal mod

Chapter 308 Reward based on merit 1

Chapter 308 Reward based on merit 1 (24)

The ghost town that has always been dark all year round looks a little special today. The stone table is covered with a long tablecloth, and delicacies from all over the world are placed on it. As we all know, the dead do not eat, so this is naturally a way to greet the living.

Standing outside the door were two stewards leading the way. One of them was smiling, chatting and laughing with the guests, introducing the place where Yuanyou started. A group of junior leaders with low positions listened attentively and responded with a few words from time to time. On the opposite side, there is an old man who is dressed in ancient clothes and exudes a sinister atmosphere. The people he receives are often dressed like this. He is silent and does not say too much politeness. He is led into the hall and sits quietly. OK.

But there were very few generals who could be received by the old man, only a few of them, and they all had seats on the stone table, which attracted everyone's attention.

This Dao tide is surging in the year of Jiachen, which only lasts for a decade. No matter which race, it attaches great importance to it, worshiping ancestors and Dao lineage, tracing its origin and seeking its currents.

People cannot forget their origins, otherwise they will drift with the tide and lose sight of their own path and become like duckweeds. This is especially true for ascetics. Once you determine your own power and path, you cannot change it easily, otherwise you will be haunted by inner demons and the road ahead will be bumpy.

The hall was already full before the banquet started. There were screams in the ghost palace during the day, but today there was no noise. Maybe it was because I had never seen so many strangers before, and I was a little timid.

There was an empty seat on the right side of the long table, and two Taoist priests from the Shengwu Palace sat there, none other than Mori Yi and Fu Ye.

Compared to Mori Yi who came from Araki Cave, Fuye was obviously more familiar with all the forces in Yuanyou and was introducing them one by one to Mori Yi.

"Looking at the people surrounding Li Bin, they are all local forces in Jiuhuang, including people from the east, wanderers from the central region, and many lords from the southern mountain towns.

Relatively speaking, after Meng Xuanji took charge of Jiuhuang, there was no restriction on status, and capable people from all over the place could live there. "

Moriyi looked to the back. The lords had different appearances and different races. They gathered together to talk about trade routes and transactions, not wanting to waste a moment. Among them are the barbaric tribes in the Zongheng Mountains, the demon cultists with blood-red eyes, and even a few creatures hiding in the shadows. Originally, the lords of the central region and the eastern region were composed of humans, and they were closer.

Fuye pointed at the lifeless generals across the table.

"My Lord is from the Netherworld. You also know that he has several ghosts who have been brought back to the world from the Netherworld. The strongest one is the Cunning Eye. The five ghost eyes condense the bright red ghost realm. No strangers are allowed to enter. He is I first gained some insights during the battle in the Wild Wood Cave, and practiced in seclusion, so I was unable to participate in this Taoist meeting.

Of the other two, one you have just met is Gusou, the housekeeper who guards Yuancheng. He is not good at fighting, but he is very good at the interaction of yin and yang. He is a rare being who retains human kindness among several corpses. It may be inaccurate to say that he is a human being, but he is indeed able to properly coordinate the conflict between life and death, and the living people living in Yuancheng rely on him very much.

The last one is very powerful. Master Muye, master of forging, mastering the method of refining treasures, as well as promotion of special treasures, and creation of army equipment and ordnance, are all his specialties. However, no one can order him except the Lord Lord. "

Mori Yi looked at Mu Ye with interest. It was difficult to find a forging master like this, even at the level of Araki Dongtian. If there are just blacksmiths with ordinary equipment, every city has one, but if you are proficient in a certain forging, such as the method of treasure promotion, it will be difficult to reach the sky. Unexpectedly, Gao Hao was so far-sighted that he secretly found a blacksmith at the beginning of his power's development and slowly cultivated it, and now it has become quite popular.

“You must be familiar with the generals here, so I don’t need to go into details.

The only person I want to mention is this witch master Taoist. I heard that he has improved in witchcraft recently. He may have the opportunity to reach another level, which should not be underestimated. "

On the other side of the snowy field were all the surrendered generals of the Witch Spirit clan. They formed a circle and chatted with the Lord of Jiuhuang. They seemed to be gradually integrating into Yuanyou's political power, and no complaints could be seen. Moriyi heard that there was a rebellion by the Wu tribe some time ago and a large number of people were killed, even Taoist species in the academy, but now it seems that the impact is not big.

It was expected that the Wu clan did not have a strong confrontation. After all, everyone in the Wu clan looked like they were holding back. On the contrary, there were many young generals who looked high-spirited. Such a phenomenon can only show that the die-hard faction within the snowfield has been divided, and one has to admire Xiya's governance methods.

"By the way, there's another one who will be here soon!"

The door of the palace was pushed open, and a strong man held the door with one hand. He leaned half of his body in, glanced at everyone, and then dragged a huge savage beast into the hall with the other half of his body. "Ouch!"

The savage beast was so ferocious that it hurt when it was pulled. Suddenly, there was a bright light around it. It broke free from the opponent's hand and jumped into the temple.

[Three-eyed beast (neutral level 6 unit): attack power 14, defense power 13, lethality 12-20, health 100, speed 10

Three Eyes Gathering: The three eyes overlap together, which can release a terrifying deterrent. Creatures around it have a certain chance of falling into fear if its defense power is lower than its attack power.

The power of the turbid beast: exerts an influence on oneself, increases the lethality and speed, and increases the ability to dodge physics]

This beast looks like a liger, but is much more ferocious than them. Its three eyes move around, staring at the guests in the hall, without caring about their own situation.

There was a high-pitched roar, and several lords with deviated strength around them were immediately frightened and stayed in place, daring not to move.

Seeing this scene, several Taoists frowned slightly and were about to stand up when the wild man, Yuan Jing, jumped in front of the Zhuo Beast, locked its head with his arms, and struck hard at its three eyes with an iron fist.



How resistant is a level 100 unit with 13 health and 6 defense? Ordinary gold and iron rocks didn't even have a white mark when hit, but under Yuan Jing's bombardment, his face was covered with blood and changed beyond recognition. The angry roars gradually turned into wails and lamentations.

After dozens of punches, the three-eyed beast slumped to the ground. Seeing that it was about to die, Yuan Jing let go and threw it at the door.

"My colleagues are shocked. This beast was originally a gift from me to Master, but it is a bit unruly and wants to run away when there are many guests. I can only teach it a lesson first.

Sorry, sorry! "

Yuan Jing hugged her hands tightly, but could not see any sincerity of regret. Especially the group of lords who were so frightened that they could not stand up. They had to be carried out of the hall by their friends to avoid making a fool of themselves.

"Barbarian Ridge values ​​strength. This guy was subdued by the lord, but he is still so barbaric in his heart."

Fu Ye was a little unhappy and just snorted coldly. As a native of Jiuhuang, it is understandable that he is not interested in the Taoism of Manhuang Ridge. If anyone wants to say who is the most suitable person to rule Fu Ye, besides Gao Hao, it must be Xiya.

Xuanji enters the dream world, will Jiuhuang return to Xiya in the future? That might be interesting.

Looking around, there are already more than twenty lords of various sizes in Yuanyou. Some of them may not be Taoist, but they are also people who are specialized in certain aspects. Even Moriyi is impressed by them.

During this catastrophe in Yunhuang Mansion, the power vacuum left by the Immortal Dynasty's orthodoxy will soon be divided up, and the most outstanding one is naturally Yuan You. I had some doubts before, but after seeing a gathering of heroes in the Ghost Palace today, Moriyi felt that Gao Hao could grow from a white body to this day, and he was not a first-level warrior. If the enemy only looked at his fighting ability and ignored his governance ability, he would probably be killed. Big loss!

"My lord is here!"

All the generals stood up to greet the lord.

(End of this chapter)

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