Chapter 316 Kui Niu
Continuing to march south, the number of the army gradually increased. With the Taoist methods of summoning souls from the Prison Gate and the magical power of Yama's Death Book, he would not lose a single soldier.

The countless monsters around him are all materials for the resurrection of his bone soldiers.

[Low-level soul move (total): Kill 6880 cave beasts and convert 688 bone soldiers. 】

Based on Yama's current base of souls, the number of soul moves that can be achieved by 1000 bone soldiers is already very impressive. After all, with the combat effectiveness of this unit, even if it encounters an army of level 7 arms, it may not be incapable of fighting.

The road going south is getting narrower and narrower, and the road to the crypt is approaching the end, which is somewhat beyond Gao Hao's expectation. Logically speaking, the scope of a crypt area should not be so small, but after all, he was just hearing about it, and it was difficult to accurately grasp the specific location.

The cave is getting darker and darker, which does not have much impact on Gao Hao's Netherworld Legion, but it still attracts his attention.

The shadow energy is getting stronger and stronger, indicating that there are a large number of shadow prison creatures around, and they are very suitable for hiding.

Gao Hao looked forward and came to the mouth of a curved valley. The cliffs on both sides reached the top and were very steep. They were obscured by thick fog and couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

"There is also heavy fog underground? This ambush is too fake!"

Gao Hao frowned and was about to lead the team out when a dark shadow floated in the valley, covering the sky, followed by a terrifying roar.

The smoke and dust were billowing, and the boulders were falling, leaving no time for anyone to think.

When he could see the situation clearly again, Gao Hao found that the entire army had been separated. Dream Butterfly and a small number of Imperial Guards were near him, while Gui Mu and a large number of Bone Soldiers were trapped at the other end.

From time to time, thick shadow mist emerged from the gaps between the fallen rocks, which was able to isolate the soul from detection, making it difficult to transmit information even if it was close at hand.

After Gui Mu was promoted to Yama, his wisdom has also been improved enough. Even in the face of difficult and dangerous situations, Gao Hao believes that he has the ability to stand alone.

The important thing is to deal with the enemies on your side.

Several huge worms emerged from the earth and rocks. Their bodies were tightly connected and squirming layer by layer, attacking with lightning speed.

Before some of the chaotic Bone Soldiers could move, they encountered a deadly evil attack. It was like a dim light. When it shined on the Bone Soldier's body, it instantly corroded it, melted it into twisted darkness, and dissipated into nothingness.

[Earth Evil Worm (Rotten Shadow Prison Level 3, Level 1): Attack power 9, defense power 7, lethality 3-5, ammunition capacity 12, health value 22, speed 7.

Evil Eye: Its evil eye is both a long-range weapon and a melee weapon, and its lethality is not reduced in hand-to-hand combat]

This group of terrifying worms in the underground can emit deadly evil light through weird wriggling, killing enemies.

Any troops that are illuminated will be deprived of all light and turn into sticky darkness. Even troops like the Bone Soldiers cannot resist pure darkness.

Gao Hao will naturally not give the enemy too many opportunities. Although the worms have powerful melee combat capabilities, long-range output is their truly powerful means. As long as they get close to the enemy, the Bone Soldiers will let the opponent understand who is the king of melee combat.

When the first wave of bones rushed up, it was not as devastating as expected. There were other enemies lying in wait around the worm, and they had been waiting for a long time.

Beasts composed of bull heads and various strange species, holding sharp battle axes in their hands, were like a solid wall, blocking the earth evil worm with high fighting spirit.


Abyssal Ox Will: The morale is at least 1, and when the morale is weakened or the fear spell is applied, the attack power will be increased (the improvement effect is determined by the weakening value, up to 40%)

Evaluation: No one can understand why they are so brave. Perhaps the cruel competition in the underground world makes them fearless. In short, don’t expect them to be afraid]

This unit is somewhat aimed at the Netherworld. One of the most powerful magical powers of the Bone Dragon is to reduce the enemy's morale, but the Abyssal Ox Beast is not only unaffected, but can even profit from it. The Terror Skeleton Ghost Commander also has some influence. Facing enemies without fear, their special moves cannot be used.

Bone soldiers surged up like a sea, and the abyssal beast raised its ax and struck, not showing mercy at all because the enemy was a group of terrifying corpses. But the moment they retracted their axes, countless white bone swords came towards them. Perhaps fighting one against many was what the Abyssal Beast was good at. But the Bone Soldiers naturally have their own special skills, the bone sea tactics!
After a while, dozens of Abyssal Ox beasts were submerged in the endless white bones. Gao Hao first let the Bone Soldiers consume them, and the Ghost Emperor Guards were interspersed among them. When the opponent's old strength was about to cease and the new strength was not born, he launched a siege. No matter how thick the opponent's health was, they could not stop him from being torn apart with swords.

Just when Gao Hao thought that the battle situation was stable, there was a violent shaking under the endless mounds, and even the earth became unstable. The originally dark underground world suddenly shone with the light of the sun and the moon, the sky was red and blue, there was the sound of thunder, and the wind and rain were about to fall. A giant bull, about dozens of feet tall, appeared in front of him. It had one leg, no horns on its head, and eyes like a god.

When this beast appeared, all soldiers immediately felt a fatal oppression.


Kui Drum Sound Transmission: The sound of wind and thunder is emitted during battle, which can be transmitted dozens of miles away. Your own troops gain +2 morale, and the morale is at least 1 within a certain period of time.

Hardened body: When Taoist spells or magical powers are buffed by defense, the effect can be increased by an additional 30%. This part of the bonus cannot be dispelled.

Unyielding strength: Every time you kill an enemy, you will be bathed in the enemy's blood and have a certain chance to continue attacking (determined by the level difference between the defeated enemy and yourself, the smaller the value, the higher the chance)]

Kui Niu Feng Lei crushed a dozen bone soldiers to death with one strike. Then, as if a shadow was pulled out of his body, he continued to attack and killed a dozen bone soldiers again. This round of attacks did not end Kui Niu's attack until he met the Ghost Emperor Guards. Since he still had one life after death, it was not counted as a kill.

Kui Niu!

One of the third-level troops in the Decaying Shadow Prison, a natural enemy of human sea tactics, Gao Hao did not expect to encounter him in the dungeon in front of him.

Every time he saw Kui Niu, Gao Hao would think of Fei, a level 5 and third-level soldier of the Strange Monster Kingdom with the same name. One is the nemesis of the super unit, which does not kill nameless people; the opposite is the natural enemy of the endless sea of ​​soldiers, who specializes in killing ants.

It's hard to say which one of the two is more powerful, it still depends on the combat scene. Obviously, Kui Niu is a more deadly enemy to the Netherworld army.


The sound of the Kui drum can be heard for several miles, and the listeners are shocked by it.

There were at least 5 Kui Niu. If they were to be killed like this, no matter how many bone soldiers he had, they wouldn't be enough to kill them. As a last resort, Gao Hao could only use Taoism to solve the battle.

Suddenly the earth swelled and the sound penetrated the sky, even the sound of the Kui drum was suppressed.

A huge earth ball formed within the field of vision, sealing Kui Niu inside, making no sound again. Affected by the Kunxu Xuansha, the originally blocked tunnel was gradually opened up, and Gao Hao could faintly feel the ghost energy of the mysterious eyes.

The condition doesn't seem to be very good, but I can still hold on.

Gao Hao could understand. Looking at the battlefield in front of Kui Niu, it was probably not easy for Gui Mu.

As the battle continues, the power of the shadows weakens, and the balance of victory tilts towards Netherworld. But Gao Hao did not relax. In the valley he could see, darkness was gathering thicker and thicker. If he could not break away from the battle as soon as possible, something might happen.

What he is thinking about now is not how to win this victory, but another key thing.

Who leaked his whereabouts? As a result, the army of the Decaying Shadow Prison lurked in the valley, waiting for work to eat the big fish.

But the opponent didn't expect that his delicious fish jumped over the dragon gate and turned into a dragon in the fish pond, making the enemy gnash his teeth!

It seems that only one team in the entire dungeon knows his location! Just like he knows the location of the other party.

Gao Hao couldn't help but turn his head to the north.

Could it be them? Then the hatred will be deep!
(End of this chapter)

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