Heroes of invincible immortal mod

Chapter 398: Dragon Transformation Technique

Chapter 398: Dragon Transformation Technique
On the Yanggu battlefield, the situation gradually became clear.

After the Evil Mother's defeat, the Shadow Prison had already thought about retreating, but the use of the Divine Forbidden Battle Prison temporarily restricted everyone's actions.

Gao Hao held on to the idea of ​​risking his life in the hope of survival, but after suffering the impact of the Heavenly Man and the Shadow Prison, the Divine Forbidden Battle Prison became broken into pieces, and the War God's Qi was consumed rapidly and was about to be wiped out.

This was the most serious loss for the Heavenly Man, except for the self-killing of the evil mother. Even with the background of the Heavenly Man, it was quite painful. He could not care about Gao Hao now. Chunqiu's body entered an abnormal state and started a crazy killing.

The remains of the body were clearly standing still, but the celestial beings surrounding it fell down one by one, their bodies turning into dust and drifting away with the wind.

Although this unit suffered some loss of life, it was still in normal condition. Moreover, with the bonus of Daoyi Immortal Formation, the gap between the attack and defense of the Heavenly Man was the smallest on the battlefield. If the remaining body launched an attack, the Heavenly Man would not be able to stop it, but at least it could activate the God's Domain.

The current situation is that even if Tianren has the skill times, he cannot use them.

"The power of time!"

With the knowledge and spirit of the man of destiny, he finally caught a glimpse of the traces of the remaining body.

[Sand of Time: When the species speed reaches 100, its attacks become unpredictable, unobservable, and unreturnable, and will not trigger the enemy's passive defense abilities. Each attack is launched in four directions, converging on the weak area, causing cumulative damage. The enemy falls into a natural death and cannot be resurrected or summoned.]

This is a truly powerful ability of a level 8 troop, worthy of the name of Spring and Autumn.

The speed of Chunqiu's remaining body is twice that of Tianren. From the perspective of quantity, there seems to be a comparison, but in fact, a speed exceeding 100 is a completely different realm. Coupled with Chunqiu's innate magical powers, the power of the remaining body is stimulated.

Four strikes in an instant, with the intensity of the attack, who can survive?

[God-Binding Chain (Level 4 Treasure): Imprisons the enemy's soul and body, making them unable to move for a period of time. The effect will be removed after being attacked.]

The Man of Destiny threw out a chain made of strange iron, which drilled into the earth and disappeared in an instant. When it reappeared, it had already rushed to the feet of Chunqiu's remaining body. The chain circled rapidly, instantly building a prison in the air, blocking the area and isolating all matter and Taoist power, making it impossible for the enemy to escape.

All the celestial beings raised their Tianji Swords together, aimed them at the direction of the crippled body, and slashed them across the air. The sword energy split the sky and the earth, destroying the chains along with them.

The attacked area seemed to have been hit by a thunderstorm, which blasted out a huge abyss, several hundred meters in radius, with no bottom in sight. Even a prehistoric giant beast would have difficulty surviving.

Just when the Chosen One was beginning to feel proud, another celestial being fell again, falling straight into the huge pit. He was completely weathered in the air, and not even a residue could be found.

Seeing this scene, the Destiny Man's expression became extremely complicated. The corners of his mouth that had not yet had time to curl up in pride, his eyes that were extremely angry, and a hint of fear that was hidden deep inside were completely mixed together.

With a speed exceeding 100, he was no longer able to trap the opponent using his time ability.

If he was killed by the remnant of Spring and Autumn like this, no matter how strong his Heavenly Man was, it would be useless. This was still an ownerless 8th level soldier. If there were corresponding Dao seeds to cooperate with, I'm afraid he would be defeated today.

Thinking of this, the Man of Destiny glanced at Gao Hao at the edge of the battlefield, thought carefully, and shook his head again.

"No way, it's not him."

The story of the Spring and Autumn Period may not be known to others, but the Mandate of Heaven still knows some inside information. This is a great shame for the ancient immortal dynasty, so the news was banned.

The dignified Immortal Emperor actually betrayed the Immortal Dynasty and defected to the Netherworld, causing the Divine Court to be laughed at by all forces.

The Immortal Dynasty would not give up easily, but the strength of the Spring and Autumn Period was there. Except for a few saints such as the Purple Star Saint or Haotian, no one dared to say that they could suppress the other side. Although some expeditionary troops were sent, they returned without success. In addition, the other side was relatively low-key and had been hiding after changing forces, so the matter was left unresolved.

Of course, secretly, the Immortal Dynasty had been targeting the Spring and Autumn Dynasty, and had been trying to irreversibly split their destiny. There was even a time when rumors spread that the Spring and Autumn Dynasty had been destroyed.

The Chosen One had no news of the other party before reincarnation, but saw his remains in Yanggu. The first impression was that the other party was also reincarnated and was in Yanggu, and Gao Hao was the only one who met the requirements.

But after a careful perception, it is confirmed that there is no connection between the two. The signs of reincarnation or possession are very obvious. The Dao marks of becoming an immortal are indestructible, not to mention the Dao marks of the Immortal Emperor. Gao Hao's body is extremely clean, without any remaining Dao marks. Therefore, he still needs to go through tribulations to become an immortal, and the opportunity is also extremely difficult. This does not conform to the situation of reincarnation at all. In fact, there is a third body in Yang Valley, which should be the remains of the dragon clan who killed the three corpses, but it was occupied by someone else. Looking at the treasures and burial objects in the Netherworld ruins, you can know the identity of the original owner.

The Chosen One had intended to use this relic to carry out the transformation he had been planning for a long time, but now all his efforts had been in vain.

"No matter what your purpose is, you deserve to die for showing up here today!"

He pulled out a dark treasure from his sleeve. The upper half looked like a palace, and the lower half looked like a prison. It was both glorious and gloomy. He threw it into the air.
[Demon Suppression Tower (Level 5 Treasure): Targets heretics and launches direct attacks on their souls. The heretics cannot be exempted until they repent or die.

Note: If the enemy's spiritual power is higher than yours, a fatal backlash will occur; heretics refer to the three major forces of the Demon Cult, the Netherworld, and the Savage Ridge.

Evaluation: The ultimate treasure of the Demon Suppression Department, all sneaky people will be punished by law! 】

When seeing the Destiny Master take out this treasure, all the Level 7 soldiers of the Immortal Dynasty were greatly encouraged. The heirloom of the Demon Suppression Division, who would have thought that the Destiny Master would even borrow it. The most powerful aspect of this treasure is actually the interrogation. If the enemy is judged, it will produce human torture in the soul, which can change the enemy's thinking and make him repent and confident.

As for those who refuse to repent, what should we do? That’s a good question. Let them die.

The characteristics of the Demon Suppression Tower determine that it will be successful against military units. However, the conditions for its activation are very harsh, and ordinary people cannot even use it. Only a spiritual treasure with such a terrifying reincarnation soul can activate it.

Although the level 8 troops are powerful, they do not escape the category of troops. The uniqueness and advantages of the Tao type are reflected here.

Under attack from the Demon-Suppressing Tower, no matter how fast Chunqiu's body was, he could not escape. His body gradually became illusory and fell into pieces.

"I wonder where you can run to!"

It was no wonder that the Man of Heaven was so disgusted. Just the remains of Chunqiu killed dozens of Heavenly People and caused heavy damage to the army of the Immortal Dynasty. Although he was confident that he could wipe out these ants, the loss was so great that it was not good.

But now, everything will end. When they have destroyed the remnants of the Spring and Autumn Period, only minnows and crabs will be left.

Just as the remains of the body were about to dissipate, Chunqiu suddenly shook, and a small cicada emerged from its body, flapped its wings and flew towards the gathering place of the four mysterious beasts in the sky.

In an instant, the sky turned upside down, cracks appeared in the sky, and red clouds burned the heavens.

In a trance, the barrier formed by the four mysterious beasts produced a double image, which became clearer and clearer and gradually split.

The effect on the ground is that there are four roads of nothingness connecting to this place.

In the Xun position, the snow is white, the sky and the earth are vast, and the mountain is approached, but it is found to be just a leg of a giant.

In the Gen position, the grass is green and fragrant, and huge trees stretch to the sky. Countless jungle warriors compete for the throne. In the front, there is a man with a heroic and high spirit, holding an axe and waving it.

In the Dui position, swamps are everywhere, appearing and disappearing, rivers, lakes and seas run rampant, nine tripods fall from the sky, all oceans converge into one, and the weather is good.

Only the Zhen position is hidden in the darkness, and the soul is difficult to spy on. All thoughts are absorbed and swallowed up, and there is no light at all.

The four passages from ancient times also converge at this moment.

At this time, Mu Ye had repaired several damaged items, and Gao Hao had completely collected the 9 treasures that made up the Dragon Transformation Art.

He revealed his armor and weapons, which were exactly the several Dragon Transformation Art treasures he had obtained before. It turned out that he had prepared them in advance.

The only set of equipment that can really compete with Daoyi Immortal Formation is the Dragon Transformation Technique!
(End of this chapter)

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