Heroes of invincible immortal mod

Chapter 401: Two Wizards Compete for Glory

Chapter 401: Two Wizards Compete for Glory
The earth fell, the sacred tree fell, and on the broken tree disk, there were two great witches confronting each other.

One of them was the mysterious Wu clan leader who led Kuafu to this place. He was dressed in luxurious clothes, with a picture of the sun shining on his skin. The other was plain and simple, following the way of nature. He only wore a beast skirt around his waist, held a huge axe in his hand, and peered at the other.

"I am Gonggong, a wild man from the deep forest. I am a master of both forest and water. Who are you? Tell me your name!"

"I am a member of the Ao Wu tribe that follows the glory of the sun and inherits the splendor of the sun and the moon. I have no intention of coming to the Earth Abyss to be an enemy of you. I am only looking for the traces of my ancestors!"

Gonggong looked up at the big man in front of him, touched the axe blade, and showed a disdainful look: "Don't you want to be enemies? Unfortunately, I do. This group of gods have occupied the throne for too long, it's time for a change. If they don't want to move, I will help them and smash the throne to pieces!"

The branches of the giant tree were not completely broken, but they were in disarray due to the flood around Gonggong.

With thick smoke and fire all over the sky and a flood crater under his feet, Ao Wu's muscles gradually trembled and his eyes were filled with fighting intent: "Since you are the obstacle to Yuan Yang, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Before he could finish his words, a huge axe fell from the sky and chopped off the legs of a Kuafu standing next to Aowu. With a loud "boom", he fell into the tiankeng.

"Are you still a witch? You talk too much nonsense! Let's fight!"

As the giant axe attacked, a group of elemental creatures made of ice appeared behind Gonggong.

[Hanpo: Attack 8, Defense 10, Ammunition 23, Lethality 4-7, Health 30, Speed ​​7.

Elemental basis, cold soul ice arrow.

Flood (additional to the Dao Seed's magical power): Dao Seeds with this magical power can bring all water-based troops to stimulate their potential. The freezing effect can be stacked. When it exceeds 100%, the burst of freezing damage increases = speed reduction × 0.1. 】

[Ice Wizard (Level 6 special soldier): Attack power 28, Defense power 30, Ammunition 1, Lethality 20-28, Health 10, Speed ​​10.

Elemental basis: immunity to mental magic, immunity to basic water damage magic (levels 1-5), double damage of fire magic, and friendly forces around you enjoy water avoidance.

Giant Ice Soul: Condense itself into an ice arrow and launch a ranged attack. When the enemy is hit by the ice arrow, its speed will be slowed down by 40% (maximum value). When its speed reaches 0, it will be frozen.

Flood: After the giant ice spirit freezes the enemy, it cannot be dispelled for a period of time, and loses 2% of its maximum health every breath.

Evaluation: It seems that the strategic significance of restricting the enemy is relatively large, but in the hands of some people, it is completely different. 】

Logically speaking, the Kuafu army completely crushed the Ice Wizards, but with the cooperation of Hanpo and the Ice Wizards, under the rain of arrows, each Kuafu was frozen into an icicle and shattered.

Gonggong's talent is so powerful that he doesn't seem like a mortal at all.

Kuafu released the peach wood yang thunder, and whoever he chose would die, but there were countless ice wizards and strongmen, and facing the human wave tactics, Kuafu could not continue.

Seeing this scene, Aowu took a deep breath and did not choose to fight with the opponent. Instead, he urged a part of Kuafu to directly launch the Sun Chaser and rush towards the army of strongmen.

This talent ignores any slowdown and naturally restrains the opponent's freezing.

The giant crossed the mountains and rivers with just a few steps, smashed the ice wall, and crushed the group of strongmen with low health points. He could kill dozens of them with one kick.

The Ice Wizard's strength lies in his ability to combine, but his frontal melee is too poor, and he was immediately defeated.

However, Gonggong was not at all panicked. With a wave of his hand, the broken ice around him instantly liquefied, and groups of terrifying sorcerers made of dark water floated up slowly.

The best is like water, which overcomes hardness with softness.

[Weak Water Warlock (Level 7 Special Soldier): Attack 38, Defense 68, Damage 20-80, Ammo 50, HP 500, Speed ​​20-40.

Water and Ice: can transform the form of water attacks or Taoist magic, 1. Form a giant whirlpool on the battlefield, delaying or engulfing the enemy, causing direct damage output every breath (ignoring defense), which will be ineffective if the enemy walks out. 2. Form an ice path and ice wall to block the enemy. All enemies walking on this path will be attacked by the Weak Water Warlock every once in a while. The slower the enemy is, the faster the warlock will attack.

Weak Water Three Thousand: When an enemy attacked by Weak Water takes more than 20% damage, a whirlpool will form around them. Physical resistance +50%, Taoist resistance +40%, speed slowed down by 50% (resistance and slowdown disappear after leaving the whirlpool), and they will be dragged into the whirlpool. If they cannot leave in time, they will sink to the bottom and die.

Flood: The remaining water abilities are converted into weak water in a certain proportion and are controlled by the weak water sorcerer.

This was a long-planned tactic. When the ice in the sky instantly turned into weak water, there was no need to slow down at all. Kuafu's heavy body was dragged into the whirlpool of weak water, never to see the light of day again.

Although the individual capabilities of these three types of soldiers are not very strong, they are extremely threatening when combined with each other. In Gonggong's hands, they are able to turn decay into magic, making it difficult for the level 7 ultimate soldiers to resist.

But soon, Gonggong discovered that Aowu's purpose was not to fight him. He and the most elite Kuafu army crashed into the roots of the broken wood, and unexpectedly a red fire gate was bred. All living creatures that approached it turned into a huge fireball, and everything in their bodies burned.

"The Gate of Yuanyang, I finally saw it! Great ancient sun, the ancestor of all living energy, you are still alive!"

"But why is my bloodline declining day by day, and the giant race heading towards extinction?"

Aowu roared and stepped into the fire gate, and the Kuafus were equally selfless and rushed in like moths to a flame.

The whole world began to tremble, and the roots of the giant tree seemed to lead to another place, with raging fire clearing the way and the void becoming ethereal.

Gong Gong looked at this scene with an amused look on his face: "The more ancient and sacred something is, the more people fear it, and the rules cannot be broken.

But I don’t believe it!”

As soon as he finished speaking, his sleeves rose into the dark clouds, and the endless black water turned into two giant dragons, crashing into the opened Yuanyang Gate. The momentum was even better than that of the 6th level Taoist magic, overwhelming the world.

When water and fire met, it was like the creation of heaven and earth. Whether it was the people fighting on the sacred tree or the various forces that had fallen into the new chaotic battlefield, they could all hear a loud "bang".

The fire gate expanded to its extreme in an instant, and the flames bared their fangs and claws, crushing the dragon into pieces.

Clearly, water is not enough to extinguish the flames of the sun.

Gonggong's two arms turned into powder in an instant, and his body gradually became nothingness.

He originally came from history, and naturally he would return to history. But those who experienced this battle today will remember that in ancient times there was a powerful witch who angrily chopped down the sacred tree and faced Yuan Yang directly.

Aowu and his people have disappeared into the fire gate. Only a few whispers are coming out of the flames. They are obviously extremely hot, but they reveal endless weirdness and are chilling.

From now on, the Ao clan will fall into a long period of decline, but who knows, maybe hope will be rekindled at some point in the future?

The sacred tree was burned to ashes, even Daomu couldn't bear it and returned to nothingness.

But a golden light fell from the sky and landed on the battlefield that had just formed.

Gonggong looked at the disappearing treasure without any regrets.

History is history. When Lingbao's decayed and weak soul looked at him, he knew what kind of world the Earth Abyss was. Since the later generations were still fighting for it, it was impossible for the ancient sages to get the so-called treasure.

Gonggong came here only to verify some things. Looking at the exploding Yuanyang Gate, he became more and more convinced of a secret.

"The Yuanyang Supreme, who was born in ancient times, has become a Dao Dead, corroded and alienated, and has become the enemy of the Dao Realm!"

This is a fact that no one dares to believe. Looking at the sun in the sky, they would probably think it is nonsense. Unfortunately, they will soon realize that this sun has died.

The tide of Tao is surging, and extreme Yin is growing. This will be the next course of the Tao world, and no one can change it.

As he thought of this, his figure became increasingly blurred, and the water droplets gradually evaporated into nothingness.

"Every generation has its own mission. Since I have no destiny with the Earth Abyss, there must be someone who has, but it can't be you!"

He looked towards the new territory below and seemed to see an old acquaintance, in charge of the Nine Provinces Divine Cauldron and governing the people of the world. He did not expect that the other party had also come. Could it be that the layout of the Immortal Dynasty had started since ancient times?

“Hahahaha, the strongest fortresses often crack from the inside. Let’s see if you can continue your ancient glory!”

After saying this, his body completely dissipated.

The battle in the sky directly took away two suspected powerful beings, but it also unlocked the secret of the abyss, and then fell to the human world.

It's time for Yuanyang's treasure and his heritage to be revealed to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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