Son of the Stars

Chapter 101 civet cat for prince

Chapter 101 civet cat for prince

The second work result of the joint meeting was a detailed post-event investigation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Aerospace Academy, led by the General Investigation Bureau.

It is said that it is a detailed post-investigation, and it certainly cannot be just done by mouth in a conference room.But since the members of the Academic Committee are all present, the credibility of what is being asked now is naturally higher.

Even the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Aerospace Academy must carefully consider the consequences of talking nonsense in front of thirteen academicians who are watching eagerly and in a bad mood.

"No. 14 said that the shielding material has been thickened by 150%, which means that the thickness has reached 250% of the original design. The material has undergone such a large dimensional change. Why didn't the quality inspection and quality control department of your National Aeronautics and Space Administration detect the material change? "

Ever since the officers of the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau learned that the materials for the Mars manned landing mission's aircraft had actually been swapped, this group of professionals was extremely convinced that there must be something wrong with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the processing companies affiliated with the General Administration.

What is still unclear is whether the problem is with one or two individuals in key positions, or whether there is a problem with an entire department or even the entire front.

Since you are not sure, ask first.

"This... none of our three quality inspection teams, manufacturing quality control department, and acceptance quality control department found this problem." After checking the notifications in the system, the staff of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration who came to participate in the joint meeting felt embarrassed. He replied helplessly, "However, we have retained a lot of samples, and some of them have already been sent to the academic committee. Also here is the staff member who inspected and accepted this part of the material. Let him explain what is going on. ."

Of course, the staff of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration also called the acceptance engineer directly from the General Administration under the leadership's instruction.Since the thirteen members and academicians of the Academic Committee are all here now, it is better to take the opportunity to ask the acceptance engineers to come over quickly.

Anyway, in the presence of Academician Strauss, deputy director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, even the officers of the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau have to restrain themselves a little - if you have questions, just ask them directly, why bother taking people away and keeping them in custody? The interrogation went back and forth for several days, right?

"The committee members and teachers present have very important missions and tasks. Saving their time and energy is ensuring the implementation of the coalition government's 'science and technology first' policy." The officers of the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau were not willing to give up. He had no choice but to ask.There is no way, you can't just sit there and say nothing when someone says "please wait", right?No matter how rich the resources and status of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are, they cannot ignore the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau. "Please answer my question directly and directly. If you don't know, just say you don't know - the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's supervision and acceptance system is independent of the General Investigation Bureau. How do you, this independent system, perform its responsibilities?"

Everyone who came to the meeting was a human being. Only a few idiots from the research team looked at me and I looked at you, feeling a little baffled.Academician Tang Qinglong narrowed his eyes slightly and watched with interest the staff of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau playing Tai Chi Push Hands.Yang Weimin seemed to sense that something was wrong, but he was not sure whether these back-and-forth conversations were blaming each other or fulfilling the normal inquiry process.

Lu Chen, Mu Zhiran and Li Xiaohui had no idea what the officers of the General Investigation Bureau were struggling with.

[Okay, let these poor engineers take a break.Don't do any fatigue interrogations - they're useless. ] Watanabe interrupted his colleague's inquiry with words that suddenly appeared on the screen, [I sorted through these inexplicable memories in my mind. There are two places where the memories are a bit strange, so I want to ask everyone here first. 】

[The first question is that there was no public bidding when purchasing these Mars manned landing spacecraft components.The National Aeronautics and Space Administration selected a group of companies for each project and conducted invitation-based bidding based on background checks conducted by the General Investigation Bureau. ] Watanabe's "typing" speed is much faster than before, and now it is almost as fast as normal dictation speed. [How did this problematic company bypass the background check of the General Investigation Bureau in the first place?Also, how did the cult organization accurately find this company and make arrangements in advance?Why don't we know anything about this? 】【Second question, NO.14 has met five "believers" hidden in our society in the past three years, and they are the kind of believers who can trust each other without reservation as soon as they meet. ] Watanabe put an emphasis under the words "unreserved trust" to express his emphasis, [The problem is that these believers all have wives and children, and their parents are alive or died of normal natural causes.So, why do these successful people suddenly choose to become cult believers, and why do they completely give up getting together with their families now in order to "reunite with their families at the feet of God"?I know there are crazy people in this world, but so many crazy people have their own successful industries, I think there is a problem. 】

As if to emphasize that his suspicions were well-founded, Watanabe directly displayed photos of six people on the screen.The people inside are both men and women, ranging in age from their 30s to their seventies or eighties.

"Can we ask No. 14 directly about this question?" Lu Chen still has the right to express his own opinions on a topic that does not involve the gods. "After all, Watanabe only communicated with No. 14 through a few wires. It’s only been connected for a while, maybe the memory obtained is still incomplete?”

After getting permission from the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau officers present, Lu Chen directly reopened the hearing signal channel of No. 14 and asked, "Do you know how the cult organization learned about the bidding invitation in advance? Do you remember it? Profiles of 'successful believers' - how did they become believers?"

"They do not need to obtain a bidding invitation in advance." NO.14 said, "When Zhen Li paid attention to the Mars manned landing mission, the coalition government had already announced the list of winning bidders in the media. He started based on the list we proactively announced. . The method of starting is probably the same as those of believers of successful people, but I don’t know the specific method used."

He paused and then said, "But one thing is for sure. Truth needs to observe the target for a long time before taking action. Other believers and clones will try their best to get all the information about the target, including them Relationship with family, daily living habits, etc.--in the end, these believers will avoid having any contact with family and friends, maybe because they are afraid of what they will see."

This kind of news and intelligence is really of little value.Just when the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau officer was about to ask another question from another angle, after finishing the question, Lu Chen, who had been frowning at the photos, suddenly asked, "Watanabe, these photos you found were all taken recently? "

【Yes. 】 Watanabe quickly gave an affirmative answer. Amidst a series of questions from No. 14, "Photos? What photos?", Watanabe continued to write, "These photos were captured by surveillance cameras around them in the past three days. picture record. 】

"Can you find their previous photos? That's... probably before you met them in your memory." Lu Chen asked, "Just the upper body photos."

Watanabe very quickly gave what Lu Chen wanted, and then asked, "What did you see?" 】

Lu Chen did not answer Watanabe directly. He pulled the picture and enlarged the two photos of one of them to half the size of his own body. He turned to Yang Weimin and said, "Do you think they look alike?"

"No need to look like it, it is indeed. This is a very typical full moon face and buffalo back." Yang Weimin opened his eyes wide, "You doubt..."

"Considering that they are a cult organization that completely ignores human rights, and was founded by Winger Cheklavsky." Lu Chen swallowed his saliva and said, "Using their own brains to replace the victims' brains, so as to achieve Controlling the body... isn’t it completely impossible?”

(End of this chapter)

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