Chapter 108
From the first division of the fertilized egg, from the first beat of the fetal heart, from the first cry after childbirth, a step begins to slowly approach you.

No one knows when it will really come to you, but what we can be sure of is that it will never be absent from anyone's life.

No one can escape the approach of death.

This kind of law has become inevitable in the early Archean Eon. After more than ten years of hard thinking by Yang Weimin, and with the support of thousands of years of development of human civilization and science and technology, for the first time, some "debatable" aspects have appeared.

This is not a speculative assumption based on fantasy, but a major technological change that has been implemented and applied to ordinary people.

Although the doctor's usual job is to fight with the god of death, which is to tie the rope to the patient and engage in a real "tug of war" with the god of death.

In this tug-of-war, the best doctors can achieve is to bring their patients a little closer to themselves.More often than not, the best they can do is maintain the status quo, or allow the patient to be taken away a little slower.

But now, the situation has suddenly changed a little - as long as the god of death cannot snatch the person away at the first time, doctors who have mastered the brain-removing life-sustaining technology can rush forward and slap the god of death.

Then he snatched the person away, kicked the God of Death in the crotch, and spit in his face.

And the doctor who has given every doctor the right to give death two slaps in the face, now his main idea is to give himself two slaps.

Why should I think about writing a summary myself?Shouldn't this kind of work be done by one's own doctoral students for teachers?

Yang Weimin looked at the less than half-completed summary with tears in his eyes, and then looked at the [-]-word summary that Lu Chen had already written, feeling a little anxious in his heart.

It's 25:[-] in the morning. If Lu Chen gets a call and tells him that a certain part of the structure is inappropriate and needs to be modified... will this guy be impatient?

Refreshing himself with the thought of persecuting his only "disciple", Yang Weimin took two deep breaths and wrote down an outline of what he would continue to write tomorrow.In this way, even if you wake up and continue writing, it will be easier to pick up the previous ideas.Rather than having to read it all over again.

Not only does it take time to read through from the beginning, but Yang Weimin can always find something inappropriate about what he wrote.After revising it again, he came back to his senses and looked at the time. He wanted to wake Lu Chen up to go to the toilet before going to sleep.

This is really not good.

Pushing the things aside, Yang Weimin stood up and stretched with difficulty.Clothes and pants were piled on the stool. He pulled back the messy quilt and got into bed - sleep was the most important thing, and other things would come later.

I just fell asleep for a while, and it felt like not much time had passed.Yang Weimin suddenly heard a knock on the door while he was half asleep.

He turned over in bed and pressed a pillow to his head.In the dream, Yang Weimin was upset and agitated by the noise - which laboratory contractor was so wicked that he was doing renovations at night?

This thought was quickly shattered into a blur of smoke and dust by the continuous strong knocks on the door.Yang Weimin angrily opened his eyes from the bed. After waiting for two seconds to confirm that the knocking on the door had not stopped, he cursed, picked up the bathrobe and put it on himself, and then said angrily to the door, "You know there is a doorbell." Don’t know? Can’t you choose a gentler way to wake up?”

This is the reception hotel for the Academic Committee, and its security level is the same as that of the Union Government Concierge Hotel.Although the coalition government's security system is often jokingly called "a layer of window paper", at least they can ensure that drunkards and mischievous fools will not come in to disturb the rest of VIP guests.

Based on this common sense, it is not difficult to know that the person knocking at the door must be a staff member - either from the hotel or from the academic committee.

At around three o'clock in the morning, I knocked on the door as if breaking it down.In other words, there is nothing wrong with Yang Weimin's heart. If he had been a patient with three types of high blood pressure for many years, he might have started to have troubles by now.

Opening the door angrily, the first thing Yang Weimin saw was a very anxious face - this face was hiding behind a security robot, looking as if he needed a diazepam to calm him down.

"Commissioner Yang, you're finally awake!" The anxious staff member looked relieved, "I almost let the robot break down the door and get in!" "Then I'll thank you for being able to get up." Yang Weimin looked sleepy. The hormones were temporarily suppressed, and my mind became clearer. "What on earth is going on?"

"The control team has arrived at the Academic Review Center." The staff member said quickly, "Several other experts are already awake and waiting for you!"

Yang Weimin felt as if he was having a ridiculous dream.

"The coalition government's control team is four twelve in the morning, waiting for us in the review hall of the Academic Committee?" Yang Weimin rubbed his eyes, "Are you serious?"

This staff member was also smart. He pulled open his jacket, revealing a fluorescent yellow T-shirt hidden inside, with the two characters "Crazy Rat" written on it in dazzling fluorescent pink and green notes.

"I was supposed to have a day off today, but an hour and a half ago I was watching a live performance." The staff member complained half helplessly, "We didn't receive a notice, and the control team suddenly came, and there were no manpower at all. Not enough. I'm really sorry. Please come with me to the review hall as soon as possible."

Yang Weimin, who had hastily changed his clothes, followed the staff member and walked to the elevator. As soon as he entered the elevator, Yang Weimin felt as if his heart suddenly stopped beating.

With a cold sweat on his face, he remembered a big thing - he hadn't finished writing the report document!

After meeting up with other sleepy colleagues in the hotel lobby, the group got on the bus at the door and quickly headed towards the office of the Academic Committee.The ground is almost dry - you can't see the tail water emitted by hydrogen fuel cells or hydrogen internal combustion engines when other vehicles are driving.

It's already 04:30 in the morning.The bus stopped steadily at the door of the Academic Committee.In the darkest of times, there is something reassuring about the brightly lit facade of the Academic Council.

After everyone walked quickly into the review hall, Yang Weimin saw the three core members on the rostrum at a glance.The names and faces I often hear on TV news appear before my eyes, which makes it feel more or less unreal.

Three of the seven core committee members arrived, and they arrived at around four in the morning - there must be something very important.

After everyone took their seats near the rostrum, there was no greeting, no politeness, and no self-introduction.Andropov, the core member in charge of scientific and technological work, first asked Lu Chen, "Dr. Lu, do you have any backup of the data from the big crash caused by starting the magnetic accelerator before?"

"I personally don't have a backup." Lu Chen, who was holding Mu Zhiran's hand, replied vaguely, "I remember that the accelerator's data has an off-site backup function."

Mu Zhiran felt sorry for Lu Chen's sleepiness, and quickly added, "The magnetic accelerator server at Mount Argentario has a backup, and our Central University's magnetic accelerator also has a simultaneous backup."

Andrepov's already pale face turned even paler, even a little gray. He continued to ask, "I heard that you were attacked by other cultists in the North American Research Institute?"

Watanabe was put on a trolley and pushed over. He wrote on the screen, "A total of three clones of Winger Cheklavsky sneaked into the vicinity of the North American Research Institute. One of the clones was captured by us, and the other Two escaped."

Andrebov asked, "How likely is it that they could cause quantum release syndrome?"

Lu Chen and Mu Zhiran looked at each other, hesitant as to how to answer.Giuseppe replied bluntly, "Just like the probability that niggas like to eat fried chicken, the only answer is [-] percent. These cultists will definitely try to induce quantum release syndrome again. The only problem is , when, how, and how many people will become sick at the same time."

Andrepov's face turned a little grayer.

Sitting next to Andrepov, Maiev Newman, the commissioner in charge of health, suddenly interjected, "The Mount Argentario base has been invaded and the magnetic accelerator has been stolen. Dr. Lu, we heard that you As an expert in quantum energy release syndrome, can you explain to us how this disease occurs? As the No. 1 researcher in this field, can you suggest some control or treatment for quantum energy release syndrome? Methods?"

(End of this chapter)

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