Chapter 120
After making this call, Li Xiaohui finally had some practical understanding of Wu Hou's abilities.The description of being extremely intelligent and nearly demonic is at most a compliment to other people or AI, but when it comes to Wuhou, it seems to be the most unpretentious description of his abilities.

How did it know about Lu Chen and that he was in danger?
"The mountain man does have a clever plan." Faced with Li Xiaohui's question, Wu Hou did not answer directly. He just responded with a smile, "When you gain, you sing and lose, and when you lose, you will be sad and resentful."

I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all.Li Xiaohui rubbed her hair painfully.The origin of the Wuhou AI itself is a bit strange, although Li Xiaohui learned through several members of the Reasoning Club that there is such a magical super tactical AI in North America.But before entering the AI ​​operation room, she didn't expect that the computing unit used here was actually a biological brain.

Before the Great Collapse, it was a normal basic operation to put national interests above the interests of all mankind.There are even outrageous situations where nuclear wastewater is forcibly discharged, but surrounding countries are unable to do so due to "national autonomy."For their own benefit, some countries ignore basic humane rules and use biological brains as computing cores... Although it is despicable, it is not surprising.

The question is, how could the biological brain, an inefficient organ that is completely unsuitable for mechanical calculations and large-scale parallel work, be able to develop such a powerful tactical AI as Wuhou?

AI training requires resources. The resources here mainly refer to large-scale data, the computing equipment required to process the data, and the facilities and personnel used to summarize the feedback processing results.

This is how AI was formed in the early days when AI models still needed to be trained from scratch, and when a single training cost was still as high as millions of dollars.This model has not fundamentally changed until now - the only thing that can be called a change is that the processing power of personal devices is becoming more and more powerful.Training that once cost millions of dollars and took at least a month can now be completed in minutes on a handheld device.

But it's still of no use.

Training an AI model requires more than just super computing power. Without corresponding algorithms, accurate enough ideas, and superb AI algorithm adjustment and design capabilities, it is impossible to attempt to generate a super AI model through computing power and time. It's just a wishful thinking of trying to scoop out the ocean with a colander.

People after the Great Collapse still generally use the unified AI large model.Only a few units will build their own unique AI models for some special projects.

Tactical AI is undoubtedly the most special type of AI.Because their existence itself violates the basic principles of AI training-the mission of AI is to help mankind, serve mankind, and benefit mankind.Tactical AI is a special AI model that uses humans as its flag and imaginary enemy to achieve tactical goals in the shortest possible time at the lowest cost to its own side.

Although Li Xiaohui is not a professional herself, she still learned some basic science research concepts and attitudes during more than two months of living in the research group.

Li Xiaohui was very sure that the entire contact process between herself and Wu Hou was abnormal.

Everything was strange from the moment she entered the research base - she just pressed the controller twice, and the thick alloy door opened smoothly.The process went so smoothly that she didn't even know the password to open the door - she just pressed it a few times. Who could remember this?
After entering the research base, the process went smoother, and the lights in each room would slowly turn on just right.It can provide sufficient lighting without scaring the defenseless Li Xiaohui.

It was as if an invisible companion was slowly guiding Li Xiaohui into the most important core operation room.

In the core operation room, the physical interface directly connected to the host system is directly open and placed on the table, as if this device was still being used a few minutes ago.

Later, Li Xiaohui connected her mobile phone to this physical interface. Although the USC-U interface looks the same in appearance, there are at least [-] different specific models and names under this number - Li Xiaohui doesn't know which one she is connected to.

Anyway, five seconds later, Wu Hou, wearing a feather fan and scarf, appeared on the screen of her mobile phone, and then began to speak in classical Chinese that she could not understand or understand at all.

Lu Chen on the other end of the phone seemed to be in shock. He stammered for a long time without saying anything.Finally, a voice I had never heard before answered the phone.The other party claimed to be Teacher Tang Qinglong's bodyguard, and roughly explained the current situation.

The Secret Service under the coalition government launched a mutiny, and the main target of the attack was the Academic Committee.Due to communication interference, it is temporarily impossible to determine the current situation of the coalition government.

A fierce exchange of fire broke out outside the Academic Council, but the exchange quickly subsided.Since Tang Qinglong and others never received effective support, it was judged that the control of the area around the Academic Committee was taken by the rebels.

"Communication interference?" Li Xiaohui on the other end of the phone opened her eyes wide, "Then how are we talking now?"

"This is the Qishan Road." The two-headed Marquis Wu said with a wave of his feather fan, "The Qishan Road is a secret road. Those who do not know the key points will have difficulty walking on the road, but those who know the geography of yin and yang can move freely. However, the secret road can only No matter how difficult it is to communicate with others, we can connect here and there.”

"It means there is a confidential communication channel, but it can only be connected to Brother Lu's phone? Why would someone speak in classical Chinese?" Mu Zhiran, who was on the other end of the phone, was curious about the baby's nature, "Mr. Li, this person is speaking Your friend?"

"Do you understand?" Li Xiaohui on the phone was about to burst into tears. "I don't know what's wrong with my AI. I can't open it. I can't even translate this classical Chinese text - please help me. Ask him, what can we do next to quell the rebellion?”

The reason why classical Chinese is called "classical Chinese" is precisely because it is a written language - it is a brief and beautified branch of ancient Chinese with extremely strong stability.Even if he was as smart as Mu Zhiran, it would be difficult for him to speak in classical Chinese as fluently as Marquis Wu.

After stumbling for a while, Mu Zhiran said, "Mr. Wu Hou said that as long as Teacher Yang Weimin goes to the hotel lobby and waits for about half an hour, the commotion can be completely eliminated - Mr. Wu Hou, Is this how you understand the word “eliminating troops and eradicating disasters?”

"Of course." Wu Hou smiled and nodded, "A child can be taught, a child can be taught!"

Tang Qinglong expressed his opposition to this plan, "Not to mention how letting Teacher Yang sit in the lobby will affect the situation. Even if it works, there are armed rebels everywhere now. It is too dangerous to go to a completely unobstructed place! "

"Mountain people have their own reasons." Marquis Wu showed no dissatisfaction with Tang Qinglong's opposition at all. "The virtuous monarch speaks bluntly and is mature and prudent, but it is of no use to the current situation. If Yang Jun is silent, the army will be in chaos. It will last for three years, and millions of people will die. If Yang Jun does this, the troops will be eliminated and the disaster will be eliminated, and the world will be reorganized under the Nine Cauldrons."

After listening to Mu Zhiran finish translating Wu Hou's words, Li Xiaohui added, "Wu Hou asked me to call Lu Chen just now. He said that this could save Lu Chen from the fire and water. I think... although it sounds a bit incredible, but This really works.”

Everyone turned around and looked at Yang Weimin sitting in the shower room.What still plays a key role now is the opinions of the parties concerned. You can't force Yang Weimin, who doesn't want to go out, to take risks.

Yang Weimin didn't care at all about the glances he stole. He frowned and asked, "How do you know that Xiao Lu is in danger, and can you make a phone call to save him?"

"This is a chess game. Over the past twenty years, Liang was lucky enough to get a few free chess pieces." Wu Hou put down the feather fan in his hand and said seriously, "Three of them gained strength today and got a glimpse of the opportunity to kill the dragon - the opportunity cannot be missed." Come again."

(End of this chapter)

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