Chapter 151
Lu Chen's theory was indeed influenced by his half-sister, or at least inspired by her.Although it was a theory that he came up with in a flash of inspiration, Lu Chen himself was at least [-] to [-]% sure of this theory - the logic is actually very simple, but the previous research team focused on the more microscopic level and ignored it. this field.

Lu Chen deduced that quantum energy release syndrome occurs all the time in the human body, and at the same time, quantum energy release syndrome is also being cured by himself.By maintaining a balance between healing and damage, humans can survive normally.

If it doesn't work once, then twice, if it doesn't work twice, then ten times or eight times - quantum energy release syndrome actually existed a long time ago, but it has always been covered up by this self-healing function.

When the electrons outside the hydrogen atom fall from the excited state to the ground state, they will release ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 121.6nm.When the outer electrons of other hydrogen atoms are hit by photons of this wavelength, they will also show a tendency to transition to the excited state.

However, due to losses in energy conversion, a photon released by an electron energy level drop is not enough to allow another electron to directly enter the excited state.

Normally, this energy gap would be filled by radio bursts from the ubiquitous Crab Cloud pulsar.The energy released by an electron, coupled with the ubiquitous high-speed electrons from the Crab Nebula, stimulates those electrons that have fallen back to the ground state to enter the excited state again.

In this way, an equilibrium state can be maintained in the human body - falling from the excited state energy level of n=1 to the ground state, and then returning from the ground state to the excited state of n=1.

In this process, there is a loss in the energy conversion from the excited state to the ground state.In addition to releasing ultraviolet light, the energy level drop also releases heat.This heat is the root cause of fever in patients with quantum release syndrome and the reason why the Big Bang occurred.

High-speed electrons from the Crab Nebula can maintain the excited state of hydrogen and extraelectrons in the human body through collisions or other means.But when the density of the electron jet decreases, such maintenance will obviously become difficult.

When the human body is still able to maintain balance, a small amount of heat generated by the drop in energy levels will be taken away by the body normally and dissipated through the skin.

As the earth gradually enters the edge of space with a diameter of [-] light-years, "energy level drops" become more and more frequent when the Crab Cloud pulsar electron radio bursts are thin, and the heat generated by the energy level drops naturally becomes more and more frequent. many.Heat is not created or lost in a vacuum; it must be dissipated from the body in some form.

Looking back at medical records over the past hundreds or thousands of years, it is not difficult to find that human normal body temperature is slowly rising - the standard body temperature has been slowly revised from 36 degrees Celsius to the current 37.2 degrees Celsius.And this tendency to change has become one of the evidences that Lu Chen supports his theory.

When such a cycle is completely out of balance in an individual, the observed reaction is by no means a simple "thermal runaway explosion."It still has an imbalance - the process of development.The number of hydrogen atoms that have dropped in energy level begins to increase, and more and more photons escape and collide with electrons in other energy levels, releasing heat.

After the electrons of other elements receive energy that is not enough to elevate the original ground state electrons to the excited state, a very small part will still re-enter the excited state.But more electrons will be caught in a "dilemma".If there is new energy at this time, they will also re-enter the excited state.

But more often than not, these atomic systems will "bounce" the photon away.Strictly speaking, it is "isotropically" "spontaneously radiating" photons.Atoms emit photons at the same energy level as the photons they receive, but at opposite angles.In other words, these "sub-level photons" will be stored by other atoms and released at other angles.For the convenience of understanding, it can be approximately regarded as "the photon is emitted, stored briefly, emitted again at the opposite angle, and hits other atoms."

As the human body enters the "excited state decompensation period", more and more sub-energy photons are excited, more and more atoms absorb and release these photons, and the tissue area radiated by the light will rapidly increase.At first, there was just a little abnormal reaction in one cell or even one organelle, but then the abnormal reaction quickly began to spread.Spread from one cell to another, from one organ to another.

The time required for this spread is not yet clear, but Lu Chen can already guess what happened in the bodies of those patients at the last moment.All cell tissues are "soaked" in the ultraviolet light of the 121.6nm band, proteins are massively deteriorated, and biological reactions are completely eliminated.No atom can accept any more dump photons. Those photons and atoms collide with each other, and the energy carried by all the photons is converted into heat energy in a very short time, eventually triggering an earth-shattering explosion.
Late at night, Lu Chen stretched himself with difficulty while sitting in front of his desk.He knocked his aching waist with his clenched fist, and then rubbed his swollen eye sockets.

The other children had long been sent back to their rooms to rest by the Blue Swordsman. Even the other high school students who did not need to go to bed now could not escape the "driving" of the Blue Swordsman.Anyway, there's nothing wrong with going back to your room early to do your homework. If you finish your homework early, you might still have time to read a book and relax a little.

Although everyone really wanted to chat with Lu Chen again, seeing the way Lu Chen was busy writing with his head down, even the children with no eyesight knew that now was not a good time to disturb Brother Lu.

And Lu Chen has lived up to the precious "alone space" that Blue Swordsman has won for himself. He has basically completely recorded his inspiration, and he has really concluded a logical and complete idea that is consistent with existing theories and observation records. theory.

Although writing these theories in this place may be somewhat lacking in terms of "security" and "confidentiality," this does not affect the extreme importance of Lu Chen's theory.

After finishing writing the content, Lu Chen took out his mobile phone and asked Baozi to record and upload the data to Tang Qinglong's scientific research server.There is only one academician in the entire research group, and his server's confidentiality level is high enough to be able to store this information.

Lu Chen was thinking about whether to find a place later, learn the secret agent techniques in movies, and burn all the manuscripts for safety.Suddenly, there was a gentle knock on the door beside him. When he turned around, he saw the blue swordsman's red fill light flashing at the door. At the same time, it asked along the crack of the door, "Are you done?" ?Are you hungry? I cooked a bowl of instant noodles, take a bite."

Lu Chen blinked, and it seemed as if he was sitting in his room in a daze. The table was covered with papers he had just finished, reference books that had been read with curled edges, and refills that he had finished writing.

He seemed to have returned to that period of time when he had no time to see the light of day and night, except when he was doing his homework.But the anxiety and boredom of that day were gone, and he only felt nostalgia and warmth.

The high school student who once had a headache over test papers is now looking for a way to end the crisis of human extinction.From this point of view, his goal has never changed.

(End of this chapter)

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