Son of the Stars

Chapter 164 Unnatural Person

Chapter 164 Unnatural Person

"What? What? What?!" Just after 12 noon, Lu Chen, who was about to go to the cafeteria to eat, asked Tang Qinglong three consecutive questions with complex connotations and multiple layers of meaning, "What did you say?!"

"You are too poor at learning Chinese dialect." Academician Tang Qinglong picked his ears, "You have to speak from the bottom of your heart, exert your strength from the Dantian, and use your throat to restrain the sound..."

Lu Chen glared at Tang Qinglong with great dissatisfaction and courage, "You already knew this, right?"

"I know." Tang Qinglong disdained lying about this kind of thing and said confidently, "But Advisor Tong asked me not to tell anyone."

"You won't tell anyone if you don't want others to tell you?" Lu Chen was furious, "I won't let you scare me!"

Just as Lu Chen estimated, Academician Tang Qinglong did not reveal the truth to him on purpose. The reason is also reasonable - the young man has been too smooth lately, and he and Dr. Mu are always messing around. This made Academician Tang a little annoyed, so he decided to give him a little shock.

Consultant Tongxinge’s initial request was, “Don’t notify the school and other units in advance, just follow normal standards.” As a result, when Tang Qinglong came here, the plan was to “keep it strictly confidential. Everyone, including the school leaders and Lu Chen, I don’t even know.”

Anyway, there won't be any loss. At most, Lu Chen was shocked. The plan was implemented very smoothly, and Lu Chen was indeed shocked.

Of course, it's hard to measure how much of the reason for being shocked is because of Tang Qinglong's confidentiality.

Tongxinge certainly did not bring Estella to Central University to engage in boring and useless administrative matters - even though this was his main work direction in the academic committee. The main purpose of his special flight to Dongyang Special City this time was actually to help Lu Chen solve his problems.

The academic community is really not very active in researching cloning technology. Whether it is cell processing before cloning, cell assembly during the cloning process, or even the specific culture process in the later stage, the academic community under the coalition government has done some research on this, but The results were very limited.

What's more, because of regulatory restrictions, many researchers are not even willing to admit that they have knowledge, skills and experience in this area.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to simply let the real experts handle it. With this idea in mind, Tong Xinge took the initiative to contact Tang Qinglong - and then proposed that she temporarily join Lu Chen's experimental team.

If you ask who is good at cloning technology under the coalition government, the three Tongxinge brothers are undoubtedly the only correct choice. After all, the three of them are probably the people in the world who have achieved the most human cloning, except for Wenger Czekrawski himself.

In fact, Lu Chen could still understand it at this point. After all, the task of providing qualified specimens for experiments is of great significance, and to some extent it can even determine whether humans can survive - of course there is no room for "making do".

Today's cloning can actually be streamlined, as long as there is an expert who is familiar with pipelined cloning to help streamline the process.

"So I brought Estela here." In the cramped office of the Institute of Immunology, Tong Xinge smiled and said to Lu Shen and Yang Weimin who hurried back to Dongyang Special City, "We are confident that we can do it in a short enough time. The construction of the assembly line was completed within a period of time.”

Master Yang Weimin and Lu Chen looked at each other and urged each other to ask questions with their eyes. His eyes flashed back and forth, creating countless invisible sparks in the air.

In the end, Yang Weimin's threat of "expelling him from the school" took effect, and Lu Chen reluctantly asked, "Then... what is Estella doing here?" The last Sicilian was undoubtedly a good person. From the beginning to the end, he never took any action that might threaten the safety of everyone in the experimental group - he would even risk his own life to save all the people he could see who needed help.

But no matter how nice Estela is, it doesn't mean that he can be useful in other ways. After all, this is a young man who herds sheep with his parents in the "missionary village" in the evacuation zone of the Mediterranean.

By asking Estella to come to Central University, does that mean that he will be blamed for some strange things?

Tang Qinglong had told Lu Chen before that the coalition government was planning to weaponize the Great Collapse. Considering that the only ones that can be regarded as enemies by the coalition government are No. 42 and his "churches". It’s not hard to see how hostile the coalition government has become to these enemies – risking a collapse and another pandemic to destroy them with super-effective weapons beyond bombs.

Under this kind of hostility, "illegal humanoids" like Estella who escaped from the church village were given preferential treatment if they still had the right to move freely within the area governed by the coalition government. If Tongxinge planned to do something wrong in the assembly line design process, Estella would really become the most suitable person to take the blame.

Lu Chen had no ill feelings towards Estella, and even liked this kind and simple Sicilian. Out of personal emotions, Lu Chen decided to ask first - at least to let consultant Tong Xinge know that this savage with strange tattoos on his face was being protected. If he wanted to bully him, he would definitely not agree.

Tong Xinge seemed very normal and comfortable when facing Lu Chen's questions, without any embarrassment or "hesitation" at all. He explained to Lu Shen, "It may be difficult to ask other people to help - I can't do all the work by myself, and the result of other researchers coming to help is that they will have to be monitored by the General Investigation Bureau for the rest of their lives. The most suitable The best way is to ask Estella to help - he has the relevant knowledge, is under the surveillance of the General Investigation Bureau, and doesn't care about it."

"Does he have relevant knowledge?" Lu Chen's concerns went further, "Where did he get the relevant knowledge?"

"You know they..." Tong Xinge's expression fluctuated a little. He coughed slightly and then continued to ask, "Where did the villagers living under Lao Liu's rule come from?"

"Selected from believers in various cities?" Of course Lu Chen didn't know the specific situation. He could only make a guess based on his "common sense".

"Those believers are all people who want to die as soon as possible. It is very difficult to move them from the cities ruled by the coalition government to the Mediterranean region, and the effect is not good - to live in the religious village, what they need is Live and produce seriously. Then die happily at the right time."

The first half of this sentence is quite normal, but the later it gets, the more "eerie and strange" it gets. Lu Chen looked at the childlike consultant with a calm face, and couldn't tell for a moment whether he was answering the question seriously or being arrogant.

"Therefore, there are very few villages in the sect that are all natural people." Tong Xinge continued, "In order to maintain production capacity and expand the resources of the sect, most of the time Lao Liu will choose to create his own clones - through the methods adopted by the sect. The targeted combination of genetic data creates unnatural people who are good at their jobs.”

"Estela is an unnatural person with enhanced precision operations and obedience to instructions. He also has the enhanced characteristics of reducing consumption and endurance exercise." Tong Xinge said, "He is capable of meeting the requirements during the experiment, and he himself is also Worked on the human cloning assembly line.”

"Fine operation...obedience...what?" Lu Chen muttered and frowned, "Why is the combination of these characteristics so...weird?"

"Because he is a naturally born unnatural person." Tong Xinge spread his hands, "His parents are unnatural persons, and Estella inherited some of their enhanced characteristics, that's all."

(End of this chapter)

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