Son of the Stars

Chapter 178 Theoretical Progress

Chapter 178 Theoretical Progress
Human beings are very efficient creatures - just like other naturally evolved creatures on earth, efficiency is the first guarantee of survival. Only with high efficiency can organisms obtain maximum benefits based on minimum consumption.

This kind of efficiency will not only be reflected in the various physiological structures and characteristics that humans have evolved, but will also be reflected in human behavior patterns - if one thing is expected to be completed smoothly, no matter how idle people are, they will not automatically He muttered to himself, "I hope it goes well."

The entire process of verifying quantum release syndrome has proven to be fraught with hardships and difficulties. Whether it is the identification of the disease, diagnosis, or even observation and research, every step is still full of uncertainty. Even though he has reached the stage of creating clones and conducting reproduction experiments, Tang Qinglong still dare not say that quantum energy release syndrome really exists.

They observed individuals experiencing abnormal heat, their bodies emitting ultraviolet rays, and violent explosions occurring. Based on the degree of energy released and the estimated duration of the fever, and inspired by "The Great Collapse is an infectious disease based on quantum state anomalies," Lu Chencai proposed that "this kind of explosion that emanates from the human body is also a disease caused by quantum state anomalies." "Assumptions.

The entire research team has been trying to verify Lu Chen's theory, and based on the energy release level and the ultraviolet light released by the human body, the "suspect" was locked on the hydrogen atoms and the only electrons of the hydrogen atoms in the human body. Theoretical calculations generally match up, with some slight changes likely due to differences in estimates of the number of hydrogen atoms in the human body. The hypothesis of Tianguan guest star and dense electron field charging provides a very convincing mechanism for this theory.

But even at this point, Tang Qinglong still cannot conclude that "quantum energy release syndrome" does exist. Because there are still very significant and serious loopholes in the current theory, so serious that if they are not solved, the entire theory will not be tenable at all.

Lu Chen's theory cannot explain why quantum energy release syndrome occurs and only occurs in humans, and the dense electron field charging theory cannot explain why the electrons outside hydrogen in nature are always in the ground state.

From an atomic level analysis, regardless of the difference in quantity, there should not be any fundamental difference between the atoms in the bodies of humans and mice. Since humans will explode due to quantum energy release syndrome, there is no reason why other organisms and even plants will not suffer from the disease.

If a dense electron field has indeed enveloped the entire Earth since AD ​​1054, there is no reason why the electrons outside hydrogen atoms in nature would naturally remain in the ground state. Human beings should try to stay away from water bodies since 1054, and even if they have to drink water, they must close their eyes - water will constantly radiate ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 121.6nm and kill all microorganisms in the water body.

There are flaws that are slightly weaker than this fundamental flaw, but those are not very important. In fact, Tang Qinglong didn't even use these things to deny Lu Chen. He just recorded his confusion and then looked for a solution that could link and accommodate the existing theory with these two key flaws.

Regarding the explanation that only humans suffer from quantum energy release syndrome, Tang Qinglong has currently found two directions - starting from the "characteristics" of humans, or starting from the existing evidence.

The difference between humans and other animals and plants is not just about height, weight and practical tools. Just take the simplest discovery as an example - only humans will collapse.

Legend has it that some animals can also commit suicide, such as lemmings that jump into the sea, or goats that jump off a cliff when they sense there is not enough food, or even gorals that leap off a cliff just to serve as a stepping stone for their younger peers.

But those are just legends and rumors. Lemmings do not change the color of their bodies, let alone jump into the sea in groups. Disk-horned goats can walk on flat ground on nearly vertical cliffs. What looks like jumping off a cliff to humans is actually just a flat path for them to go to the canteen. As for the goral's flight... Regardless of whether they have the mathematical ability to calculate parabolas, even if the goral is a natural classical physicist hidden in nature, the two sheep took off at exactly the same time, accurately connected in the air and completed the double jump relay. The possibility is infinitely close to zero.

In nature, except for humans, no animal will take the initiative to commit suicide. Likewise, no animal in nature, other than humans, suffers from the Great Collapse.

The Big Collapse is a disease of abnormal quantum states, and Quantum Energy Release Syndrome may be the same type of disease. Then these two diseases produced by the same mechanism are likely to have certain similar characteristics - for example, they are only targeting humans.

Based on the abnormal quantum state disease, based on historical records and the long-term evolution of human civilization, as well as the important role of the element lithium in the field of human consciousness and thinking, Director Li Xiaohui believes that the Great Collapse is "the destruction of lithium atoms in the human brain." The three outer electrons all spin downward, causing collective insanity.” This theory has more evidence than Quantum Energy Release Syndrome. After all, Mu Zhiran has determined that in the brain tissue samples of all patients who died in the collapse, the three electrons outside the lithium atom nucleus rotate downward.

The Great Collapse and Quantum Energy Release Syndrome are likely to have a deeper connection and have deeper "common ground", but this is not something that Tang Qinglong can solve alone. His job is to help Lu Chen complete the verification of his conjecture as soon as possible - whether it is right or wrong. If the verification is correct, then there is no need to rush to further research on the mechanism. As long as a method can be found to delay the onset of disease or delay the explosion, the coalition government can accept it, society can continue to function, and the human species can still be saved.

As long as we can maintain the continuity, everything else can give way to it.

Tang Qinglong lay on his bed and turned over again. The body is exhausted to the extreme, and the mind is not so clear and sharp. But he just couldn't sleep - thinking about it, it was probably because of the coffee.

Thinking about the problem over and over in his mind, Tang Qinglong, who felt increasingly sleepy, suddenly sat up.

He fetched his glasses from the top of the bedside table and placed them firmly on the bridge of his nose. Tang Qinglong slowly got up and left the bed, heading towards his desk.

According to Tang Qinglong's request, the AI ​​assistant retrieved the files of all individuals who were determined to have died due to quantum release syndrome. Tang Qinglong turned off all other contents and only asked the AI ​​to mark one item in red.

The assistant quickly completed Tang Qinglong's instructions. Among the 14 known explosions, 8 people suffered from severe collapse before the explosion. At the time of the explosion, they were all in a normal state - all the clinical effects of the collapse on them had disappeared.

Tang Qinglong looked at the label above and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The external electron rotation direction of the lithium atom is all downward, which seems to directly violate the Pauli exclusion principle - that is, in a system composed of fermions, no two or more particles can be in exactly the same state.

However, the Pauli Exclusion Principle has been confirmed in almost all experimental processes, with the only "exception" appearing in the lithium atoms of the brain tissue of the deceased in the collapse. Thinking about it this way, the problem should be those lithium atoms, not the Pauli exclusion principle itself.

Tang Qinglong's current main work direction is quantum communication systems. Due to his personal work habits, he quickly wrote the three words "entangled state" on the draft paper in front of him.

In a system composed of fermions, there cannot be two or more particles in exactly the same state. The electron is a fermion, and the electron outside the nucleus is a system. In the unlikely event that something goes wrong with the Pauli exclusion principle, either the electrons outside the lithium atom are no longer fermions, or the orbitals outside the nucleus are no longer a system under certain circumstances.

If an electron is no longer a fermion, then it doesn't matter if it spins up or down. In Mu Zhiran's experiment, the result should be that the electrons are scattered everywhere, instead of being concentrated below regularly. It is not difficult to infer that the problem may be the definition of this "system".

Tang Qinglong suspected that the three electrons outside the lithium atom may be entangled with some other fermions. These three electrons formed systems with the distant and missing fermion respectively - this seems to be able to explain their discovery without violating the Pauli exclusion theory.

(End of this chapter)

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