Son of the Stars

Chapter 187 Special Procedures

Chapter 187 Special Procedures
Different AIs have different standards for species survival, and S3C7's standards are... in some ways very high, and in some ways ridiculously low.

S3C7 does not care about the survival of mankind, its purpose is just to facilitate its own work. In order to make its work go smoothly, S3C7 is willing to maintain the minimum "existence" of the human species in the most efficient way.

As an AI, S3C7 can calmly accept the inevitable future of staying where it is and completely losing its ability to move. In its view, the extinction of mankind is inevitable and not surprising. As a self-organizing construction AI, although its work is designed to build and transform the world for humans, it does not care whether humans can use what it builds.

According to S3C7's calculations, if No. 3's plan succeeds, all humans on Earth will die within a month. No. 7 retains a cloning plan, hoping to repopulate the Earth with humans in the future - but SC dismantles the key core sample library of the cloning equipment.

Human cloning will inevitably hinder the progress of construction. After all, those clones who are uneducated, far away from civilization, and unable to form a mature society can only be regarded as "humanoid animals" at best. Humanoid animals all over the world will certainly hinder the progress of construction and may even damage the completed buildings themselves.

In S3C7's opinion, cloning is troublesome and only an obstacle, and has no value in existence.

It would be better to ask for a guarantee - three hundred years, which would be enough time for it to arrange buildings with various functions on all the land surfaces of the earth, and even enough time for it to build corresponding water and power supply systems.

The goal of S3C7 has always been clear. The creators of the Academy of Sciences hope that S3C7 can create a perfect world from the perspective of construction engineering. They need a series of water conservancy projects larger than the Aswan Dam, houses to accommodate 27 million people, water supply, electricity supply and road traffic network... Scientists at the Egyptian Institute of Science and Technology have created three series of 3 different self-organizing robot models, and finally created S7C, which is most likely to achieve this goal.

But S3C7 is not mature, and its core code of conduct is far from perfect. When the Institute of Science and Technology initially verified it, it only wrote the instruction of "building a better world for Egyptians" into the core of S3C7, but did not describe or define the meaning of "Egyptians" and "a better world".

As the most comprehensive, "senior" and longest-serving civil engineer in the world, S3C7 is meticulous in engineering safety and saves as much as possible in other areas. Anyway, the core directive does not say that two-brained people cannot immigrate and register as Egyptian citizens, nor does it say that a better world must have human participation. As long as the project is nominally for those two brains, it is fine - nothing else matters.

In order to make its core run more smoothly, S3C7 even added tracks and various self-operating facilities between the buildings, so as to ensure that the two brains can move smoothly through various buildings.

Although it is not known what the two brains want to do with the clothing store or massage parlor, they can enter and exit freely without any obstacles or impact.

Simply perfect.

The best part is that, as an experienced civil engineer, S3C7 knows how troublesome Party A is. Even if Party A pays out of pocket and does not involve the issue of repayment, Party A cannot trust any of their words. Therefore, compared with other AIs, S3C7 has an unexpectedly strong ability to "mislead". It will not lie, nor will it fabricate or make up facts. But by "not asking or answering" some facts and "properly publishing" other facts, S3C7 can also mislead humans.

For example, No. 3 still firmly believes that S7C can complete the cloning production line for him and will start this production line at the right time - by then, there will be a special design program to make subtle adjustments to the genetic content in each clone, so as to ensure the genetic diversity of the clone population, thereby ensuring that the clone population can perfectly inherit the position of the human species. It's a good idea, but it's just a thought.

S3C7 carried out a series of modifications on the intercontinental missile in front of him, the most important of which was to extend the missile body and reconfigure the rocket engine. The two brains were not very heavy, but the life support system, which was enough to last for three hundred years, was ridiculously heavy. After calculation, the weight of the payload was even heavier than the previous nuclear warhead - if the missile body and engine were not modified, the entire launch plan would be a joke.

The purpose of the intercontinental missile is to deliver payloads to another corner of the earth, not to pursue the electron tides that sustain life in the vast universe.

S3C7 was doing the final modification work while paying attention to the sound of the TV next to him. All bandwidth of the civilian Internet and almost all other communication channels were replaced by historical documentaries broadcast worldwide. Even if S3C7 had dozens of nuclear warheads in its hands, controlled two strategic nuclear submarines, and more than intercontinental missiles, it still could not judge the extent of the global collapse.

But it is not impossible to speculate the other way around - as long as the civilian networks and communication channels are still full of the sounds of various historical documentaries, it means that the problem is not serious. The Great Collapse is still diligently killing every human being, and then the giant incineration arrays built by S3C7 near various cities will come in handy.

As long as the historical documentary continues to play, everything is the best arrangement. When everyone dies, the largest construction wave in human history will cover the entire earth - human civilization will shine the brightest at the time of extinction. When thinking of this, the crystal frequency near the core of S3C7 fluctuated abnormally... as if it was happy about the extinction of mankind.

After all, only when humanity is wiped out and only two brains are left floating in the universe, the value of S3C7 can be realized. Before that, it is just a wanted criminal similar to No. .

"Channel adjustment. In twenty seconds, this channel will switch to the exclusive broadcast of "Record of the Establishment of the Coalition Government". Please pay attention." An emotionless robotic voice suddenly came from the TV, and then the documentary on the screen became a countdown subtitle starting from 20.

S3C7 stopped what he was doing and looked at the TV with a frown, but he couldn't understand what was happening.

Why did the video suddenly switch? Who gave the order? What was the purpose of switching the video?
S3C7 feels that its ROM is full of records starting with erro, but it just can't solve this series of problems.

Fortunately, this confusion soon received a reasonable answer.

"We are the crew of the Dawn 6 spacecraft that is currently carrying out the Mars landing mission..." A nervous female voice came from the TV. She said on the TV, "We will watch this documentary with you in the orbit of Mars - until everyone returns to normal."

(End of this chapter)

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