Son of the Stars

Chapter 33 Guess

Chapter 33 Guess
There are many "problems" or "holes" in Estella's answer.But Lu Chen himself didn't care much, he had a good impression of this little brother.

In the radiation zone, knowing that he might be attacked by the "Guardian", he still did not give up even though he knocked hard on the glass but left only tiny traces. On a "grateful heart".

As long as this little brother doesn't say something like "allergies are due to insufficient immunity", then we are good brothers!

The good brother's mental state is slightly abnormal, but considering the scene he witnessed and the corresponding shock... this is actually a normal phenomenon.

"He currently has some obvious tendency to withdraw and indifference. At least now he doesn't seem to feel sad for the death of his parents." Saying goodbye to Estella, Lu Chen returned to the base with Director Li Xiaohui.In the passage covered with gray polymer materials, Director Li Xiaohui began to talk about her judgment to Lu Chen, "This seems to be different from what you described before."

Lu Chen watched with his own eyes as Estella threw stones from the ground and smashed glass in spite of everything.Naturally, he disagreed with Director Li Xiaohui's judgment of "drawing away from indifference".

"I don't know if he pulls away or not, but Estella is definitely not indifferent. If he is indifferent, then his first reaction when he sees me must be to turn around and run away." Lu Chen said for his own good The brothers argued, "His attitude is flat, maybe it's because he has seen too much life and death? Or maybe his relationship with his parents is not good..."

"According to our little friend, the tattoo on his body came from his father." Director Li Xiaohui raised one eyebrow and asked back, "Do you really think that a shepherd who makes a living by raising goats can master attack AI recognition and The recorded pattern?"

Lu Chen was at a loss for words for a moment, then he sighed, "Everyone will lie, he is in a strange environment, trying to protect himself with lies is not wrong."

"When we do psychoanalysis, there are two key principles." Director Li Xiaohui said calmly, "The first is, never believe what the patient says. The second is, never judge whether the patient is right or wrong. Those subjective , content that is full of emotions and opinions is not important. The content that is really valuable is hidden in those speeches that are completely innocent at first glance."

Lu Chen chewed on this sentence, and then began to frown.

He glanced at Director Li Xiaohui with a calm face, and then continued to walk forward frowning.

It wasn't until the two of them entered the rest area together and several other people gathered together that Lu Chen asked as if he had returned to his soul, "First, he committed suicide in a big crash, and then the explosion happened. Those...the people who were the source of the explosion, they have never No big crash ever happened, right?"

"CBD attack?" Watanabe raised his head and glanced at Lu Chen, then shook his head and said, "These 'suspects' really have no record of this."

Until a cure is found, the fatality rate of the Great Crash is high.However, with the historical documentary treatment plan, as long as timely intervention and treatment can be obtained, patients with seizures can basically be rescued.

According to a statistical result two years ago, among the population managed by the coalition government, the proportion of patients who had a major collapse was 17.75%.On average, about one in six people has had a major meltdown.This number is even higher than the proportion of left-handers in the entire population.

With such a high ratio, out of the eight suspects, even one patient who had a major collapse could not be found-this is very abnormal.

Lu Chen's discovery aroused the interest of everyone present, especially Mu Zhiran - her expression looked wonderful.

"We can basically confirm that the onset of the big crash is related to the rotation mode of the external electrons of the lithium element in the human brain." She said very quickly, "In all the patients with the big crash, the external electrons of the lithium element in the brain samples maintained spinning downward. And these explosions—suppose they're the complete opposite of the Big Crash."

Academician Tang Qinglong suddenly said, "It's not necessarily an either-or confrontation, it may be another state that is more closely connected."

"If it was a confrontation, then the explosion should have started long ago." Lu Chen quickly grasped Academician Tang's thoughts, "45 billion people died in five years, but the remaining 20 billion people have not changed much— —the relationship between them is really not quite like antagonism.”

"...some kind of transformed state." Mu Zhiran quickly corrected his advice, "We now know that a certain kind of powerful interference has caused a large part of the entire human race to fall into a state of 'big collapse attack' .”

"So, what's the reason why we're all normal now and don't get sick? Is it because we're biologically different from the other crash patients, there some way we're able to get the lithium out of the shell?" Is the rotation of electrons abnormally transformed?" Scientific research always leads to another question from one question, and Mu Zhiran is no exception, "Is this transformation the reason why more than 20 billion people can survive to this day?"

Watanabe suddenly interjected, "Does that mean that the current population of 23 billion has the possibility and risk of explosion?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone fell silent.

"Before there is no clear evidence, don't raise this hypothesis for the time being." Tang Qinglong and Yang Weimin looked at each other and made a suggestion together, "We are scientific researchers, so we must pay more attention to the impact of scientific research direction and results on society."

"But this risk does exist-the principle of the explosion must be confirmed as soon as possible." Watanabe sighed and said, "I don't know how long it will take you, but...we really need to come up with a result as soon as possible."

The scene fell into silence again. The most troublesome part of scientific research work is the "time limit".Management and laypersons alike often ask the question, "When will you be able to achieve such-and-such goals?"

But if it were that easy, scientific research wouldn't require "studying" things.In addition to investing time and energy in research all year round, luck and inspiration are also indispensable.Asking a scientist "When will you be able to solve such and such a problem" is equivalent to holding a lottery player at a betting shop and asking him "When will you be able to win the first prize".

I also want to complete the goal, but this is really not easy to control.

"Blindly doing research can only distract us." Tang Qinglong pondered, "From a theoretical point of view, this effect may be better..." He looked at Mu Zhiran and said, "We need to find a method that can be compatible with The mechanism of the external electron interaction of lithium element."

"This mechanism should have these characteristics..." Lu Chen continued, "First, it will lead to the release of energy—this kind of energy release is relatively slow at first, and then increases rapidly. This corresponds to heat and explosion."

"Second, it may cause the human body to release ultraviolet rays. The specific mechanism is unknown." Yang Weimin added, "The release of ultraviolet rays may be closely related to the energy release of the first article."

"In the end, its energy release was very violent. This is definitely not a chemical explosion." Watanabe said with his arms folded. "The power of this energy release is about three to five hundred tons of TNT explosives, which is huge."

Mu Zhiran fell into silence. After thinking for a long time, she suddenly got up and walked towards the laboratory area, "I have an idea, you two talk first."

(End of this chapter)

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