Chapter 66

Compared with Lu Chen, Dr. Mu is much more normal.

The grand proposition of the destruction of the world used to be just an academic issue for Mu Zhiran - she did not see the ruins and corpses strewn all over the place with her own eyes.Naturally, it doesn't matter what style of language is used to describe "the end of the world".It is just a number, a tiny possibility, the saddest of countless streams leading to the future.

That's it.

However, a few minutes ago, Dr. Mu's research suddenly changed dramatically.

More than a dozen adults suddenly committed suicide together in various ways.That's scary enough in itself—even for people in the post-crash era, such mass seizures require everyone to be vigilant.

The outbreak of the big crash has a clustering of time and space. After a mass crash of more than three people occurs in an area, the early warning level of this area has to be raised.The National Mental Health Center will implement different intervention plans according to the increased warning level according to the plan.

For example, establishing larger-scale shelter centers in the community and deploying treatment and nursing resources.Conduct a thorough investigation of the residents in the community, conduct psychological surveys and appease the whole people in the area.

According to experience, once the number of deaths in a collective attack exceeds ten, it means that the possibility of a major collapse in the region has risen to an unacceptable level.According to the current plan, all residents in the area need to install and use AI monitoring. AI will monitor the behavior patterns of all residents, and once there is an abnormality, it will immediately paralyze the residents with electric shocks.And call the nearest containment staff to come and take in the crash patients who are trying to commit suicide.

This is one of the things that Mu Zhiran is nervous about—this time the "artificial collapse" caused 12 people to die, so will their deaths increase the possibility of people's collapse in the surrounding area?
At the same time, Mu Zhiran was still worried about whether his discovery would bring more deaths.

Her research project did not have a particularly lofty ideal and purpose from the beginning, she just wanted to find out what happened to those "abnormal electron rotation signals".

Just like an ordinary researcher, when studying a new substance extracted from asphalt that can emit night light, he accidentally discovered that this thing can actually create a super bomb that can destroy an entire city.

Although this metaphor may not be accurate, it fits Mu Zhiran's current state of mind very well.She never thought that it would be such a simple matter to induce a big crash.

Even scarier, the magnetic field doesn't look like a bullet, a bomb, or a brandishing, blood-stained machete.

It is invisible and intangible, it is difficult to be directly detected, and it cannot attract widespread attention.As long as there's been electricity, humans have been able to create magnetic fields, and electricity... they're literally everywhere.

This set of programs for controlling the direction and angle of the magnetic field is not complicated. It took Giuseppe just over an hour to complete the program writing and calibration under his own "guidance".

If this set of procedures is mastered by the cultists, who knows what they can do-hack a city's power supply system, and then create a magnetic field through the transmission lines and induce a major collapse?

Anything capable of causing massacres is highly watched and vigilant by the government.But something like a magnetic really has no basis for regulation.

Handing over to the coalition government, Mu Zhiran is not sure that they will be able to treat this program as a research project, put it in the warehouse and never use it again.

It is so convenient to use something like a big crash to kill people - there is no need to send armed personnel, no need to create explosions or flames, and no need to worry about losses and casualties on one's own side.Don't even worry that something might slip through the cracks.

As long as a large enough magnetic field is created to cover the entire area where the enemy is located, all human beings in the area can be killed.

Under the influence of this procedure, the killing of people cannot even be described as "massacre".It is simply "disinfecting" or "killing".It was like opening can after can of insecticide spray in a room with the doors and windows closed.

Mu Zhiran was under a lot of pressure. She wanted to destroy the research data she had several times. Although scientific discoveries are important, they are not as important as human lives.This kind of discovery is really too dangerous, whether it is the coalition government or the cult group... they should not have such a terrible method of killing.

But it is impossible for the program itself to be completely erased.In order to enhance disaster prevention and recovery capabilities, the magnetic accelerator setting server of the North American Research Institute and the servers of the Central University and the Argentario Mountain Base are set to be synchronized in different places.

Unless Mu Zhiran has the ability to manipulate meteorites, and is able to manipulate meteorites to destroy these two places right now - then there is a slight possibility of destroying the program.

By the way, I have to kill Giuseppe who is holding his nose, and the nosebleed has not completely stopped until now.

If there is no hope, then there is no need for headaches.Although rationally trying to make Mu Zhiran relax a bit, but based on morality and respect for life, Mu Zhiran just couldn't feel comfortable.

This resulted in a worried expression, a state of disorientation, and an "affected" look that any fool could see.

However, Director Li Xiaohui still insisted that Lu Chen's current problem was a bit bigger.

Giuseppe said that his nose hurts badly, and he hoped that Lu Chen, the only doctor at the scene, could provide him with some basic medical services.Like a word of comfort or something.

Lu Chen wanted to check on poor Giuseppe, but in the end he was stalked by director Li Xiaohui - she had to ask Lu Chen if he had any mental discomfort.After all, it was almost as if he had killed a dozen people with his own hands, and it was normal to feel uncomfortable in this situation.

Tang Qinglong wanted to defend Lu Chen and asked Li Xiaohui to go and see Mu Zhiran first.But the extremely stubborn Li Xiaohui refused.She just felt that Lu Chen was in an abnormal state and needed to be dealt with first.It is normal for Mu Zhiran to be depressed, even if he does not intervene, he will be able to adjust after a while.

The scene was chaotic, and everyone had their own thoughts and ideas, but they just couldn't cooperate—it was as if a machine was missing several important parts, and although other parts could still work, it was really difficult to cooperate.

Just when several people were in a mess, there was a heavy banging sound from outside the door.

Lu Chen and the others exchanged glances with each other, and the three men stood together at the door - just keeping Mu Zhiran and Li Xiaohui behind.

"Who is it?" Lu Chen asked boldly.It stands to reason that the operatives of the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau haven't completely left the research institute, so there probably won't be any fish who slipped through the net and would dare to slam the door like that.

But cultists...their brains certainly cannot be manipulated by the thinking of ordinary people.

Lu Chen didn't intend to open the door himself.He made the noise purely to delay time—with such a loud voice, coupled with the manual call for help to the security system, 101 and other security robots, as well as the officers of the Comprehensive Investigation Bureau in the research institute, will rush to the scene immediately .

It's a delay, it's safe to wait until someone arrives.

Then there was a voice outside the door that sounded close to death, "Lu? I'm Estella!"

Lu Chen jumped up, and after opening the door, he saw a large cart with bunk beds, two fully desensitized pigs that were starting to become skinny, and a bloody but unsullied pig with various tubes stuck all over his body. Many primitive people.

Estella pushed the two pigs and stood unsteadily in front of Lu Chen.He gave a very weak smile when he saw the door open.

"Doctor Lu, I have seen the village head."

(End of this chapter)

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