Chapter 74
Outside the North American Research Institute, a huge machine glowing with electric lights was spouting thick white smoke.Behind it is a "pothole" that can't be seen how far it has spread.In the pothole, there is still a faint flash of light-like the flickering of a fluorescent tube with a bad connection.

The machine generally looked like a giant metal box with tracks on it, and two reflecting antenna-like parts on the side of the box-they faced the North American Institute building.The air around the reflecting antennas was stirred back and forth by the heat from the antennas, and the changes in light made the two antennas look like the wriggling belly of some giant beast.

Two "Winger Chklavsky" who looked exactly the same poked their heads out from behind the square box. They looked at the iron railings of the North American Institute that had been burned to the point of being riddled with holes, and then glanced at each other. .

"I've said it all, we should remove the railing first." Wenger Cheklavsky on the left complained, "Microwaves will be shielded by metal and even bounce-it's too inefficient to do so."

Another Wenger Chekravsky pushed back without showing any weakness, "If you hadn't miscalculated the position by 12 meters, we would have bypassed this railing by now!"

Two Wenger Cheklavskis, wearing white suits with two different numbers emblazoned on the back of them - 14 and 33 - quarreled.

No. 14 jumped off the machine angrily, walked to the metal railing, and kicked the railing that was riddled with holes.

The railing shook a few times, and then fell to the ground with a tooth-piercing sound.

"Okay, drive again!" No. 14 turned to No. 33 and shouted loudly, "Check the location clearly this time, don't miss it!"

No. 33 said nothing. He kicked hard at the machine—as if urging the metal behemoth to get back to work.

Suddenly, dozens of security robots suddenly appeared in the fence.The number "102" is painted on the head of the robot.

"It is illegal to destroy the property of the coalition government. Using high-power microwave transmitters in areas where people are active may constitute a crime of endangering public safety in a dangerous way." The camera on 102's head switched a few times, and the X-ray camera locked the station On the 14th in the fence, the magnetic acceleration track on the shoulders also began to charge, "Please raise your hands immediately and lie face down on the ground - the law enforcement agencies have been notified by us, and they will arrive soon .”

"Oh, are you talking to me?" Number 14 stretched his body, "Number are too far from the truth."

102 fired a cannon towards the ground without hesitation.The tungsten alloy projectile flying out of the acceleration orbit at high speed easily smashed the thick stone brick in front of No. 14.The dust and gravel produced by the shattering of the stone bricks are like the prefabricated projectile fragments in the defensive grenade flying around - the face of No. 14 was cut with a long gash by the blasted stone fragments.

"This is the last warning. Immediately raise your hands and give up resistance." No. 102's voice was at least twice as high, and the speaker equipped on him had a power of 8000 watts.If it works at full strength, it can even perforate the eardrums of targets within ten meters in front of it.

Number 14 looked up at the huge security robot, and then shouted to Number 33 behind him, "Let's get started!"

"I will tell No. 12 that you have returned to the Lord." Wenger Chklavsky, standing on the top of the metal box, nodded, and then pressed the button on the machine despite the loud warnings from the security robots. of a button.

In an instant, intense sparks shot out from all the metal objects at the same time. 102 and the other security droids were no exception—blue sparks began to flash from their metal components.

The metal casing began to melt and even evaporate. 102 tried to take a step forward, and then protected No. 14 who was standing in front of him.

Although 102's reaction speed was already fast, it was still a little late.

The powerful microwave directly penetrated No. 14's body. With a scream, No. 14 quickly stopped breathing—every organ in his body was cooked by himself almost instantly.

It also includes his brain.

It's strange to say that after personally killing a "similar" who was exactly like himself, No. 33 didn't have any emotional fluctuations at all.He stood behind two huge hot reflecting antennas, with an indifferent expression, as if what died in front of him was just an ant.

"Didi, Didi, Didi." A few prompts came from the operating instrument of the machine. No. 33 looked down, then turned around and jumped off this strange machine that was nearly two stories high.

Standing under the machine, he took out a handheld communication device from the small metal box between the two tracks, and after pressing the switch, he quickly said, "Truth, the gift has been delivered."

Then, he threw away the handheld communicator, turned around and got into the tunnel behind the machine.

Everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.
The North American Research Institute has really become "a piece of" ruins.

Cement itself does not absorb microwaves, and glass and other polymer materials basically do not change much under the influence of microwaves.

But when these building materials are pieced together, things are a little different, something even wrong.

Cement needs water to form, and water is a very susceptible substance to microwaves.Under the ultra-high-intensity microwave irradiation, the water molecules in the reinforced concrete began to vibrate rapidly and generated a lot of heat.

The water molecules vaporized and expanded rapidly, and under the combined action of high temperature and high pressure, the solid reinforced concrete shot out like fragments of a bomb.

The steel bars in the concrete also began to absorb the microwave energy.Microwaves are essentially electromagnetic waves, and these electromagnetic waves, which carry a lot of energy, can themselves be regarded as tiny alternating electric fields.

The combination of a variable electric field and a metal conductor creates heat.Wrapped in extraordinarily "warm" concrete, the temperature of the steel bars rose rapidly and their strength began to decline.

The entire east wing of the North American Institute was within the range of microwave radiation, and the powerful microwave radiation quickly weakened the strength of the entire building.After a few minutes, the building began to crumble slowly, like a sandcastle that had been stripped of its support.

But fortunately, Lu Chen and the others were hiding on the west side at this time - when 102 and other security robots went to meet the enemy, they had already moved them to a place away from the intruders.

More than 20 operatives from the North American Comprehensive Investigation Bureau are also guarding here.

According to 102's judgment, what attacked 101 and Lu Chenmu Zhiran on the east wing just now was some kind of extremely high-intensity microwave.In front of this kind of weapon, human beings whose body consists of 70% water are obviously not suitable for directly confronting them.

Therefore, after urgent communication with the officers of the Investigation Bureau, 102 decided to let them take charge of the guards.The robots went to eliminate the danger.

"Well, at least the security of the research institute has improved a little bit." Tang Qinglong, who had evacuated for the third time within two days, rolled his eyes and said, "The Kingdom of Light hasn't been invaded three times within two days, has it?"

Ever since he figured out the difference between Kamen Rider and Ultraman, Academician Tang seems to be keen on using the stalks in Ultraman.

The other officers of the Bureau of Investigation also looked very frustrated. They originally volunteered to participate in today's arrest.But as the explosion and earthquake hit, they quickly realized that something was wrong.

But... Apart from asking the headquarters for help, they really have no other way.Take a pistol to fight against the microwave weapon, let alone if you can't beat it, there is no way for the microwave to be shot.

After a while, the sound of the building collapsing outside completely disappeared, and everything returned to silence.Lu Chen stood up and said to the operator beside him, "It should be safe now, I have to go to the medical area - please help me."

Lu Chen didn't want to be a hero, he just wanted to fulfill his duties.

Estella, who has not been separated from the pig, and Watanabe's body are all in the medical area.It's really not that Lu Chen and the others were greedy for life and afraid of death, and refused to take them to evacuate before evacuating.The vascular connection between Estella and the pig is already very poor, and it will have to be resected and separated in two days.Move him now, and he may bleed profusely along the way.

Cutting off the blood vessels early is also unrealistic.After all, this is a very large operation. After the artificial blood vessel is severed, Estella still needs to undergo further surgery to close the opened circulatory system.As for this level of surgery, Lu Chen and Yang Weimin couldn't handle it anyway.

As for Watanabe's body, the situation is similar to Estella's.The only thing that is stronger is that Watanabe's brain was transferred to the safe zone by Lu Chen and the jar together.

It is actually much easier to supply blood and oxygen to a brain than to supply blood and oxygen to the whole body.In fact, the current blood supply effect is even better than that in the natural state of the human body-although the heart is a powerful biological pump, it is after all a "single-cylinder machine" that pumps blood "one at a time".

Compared with a centrifugal pump, the heart is almost useless except that it does not damage red blood cells very much.

Lu Chen's request was approved, and he arrived in the medical room very smoothly and safely.

But in the medical room, Lu Chen didn't know what he should do for a moment.

Estella's brows were tightly closed, and the monitoring equipment on her body was alarming.His body temperature suddenly soared to a high temperature of 41.5 degrees Celsius - and the two pigs attached to him began to breathe rapidly.

Watanabe's condition was even more serious. In addition to his high fever, he also suddenly appeared opisthotonous.

"Doctor Lu, what should we do next?" The confidentiality level of the operators who followed Lu Chen into the medical area was high enough, and they knew very well what it was like before the onset of Quantum Energy Syndrome.

"I...I don't know either." Lu Chen's face was solemn, and after thinking for a moment, he gave instructions to the medical robot, "Collect Watanabe's sample, and then dispose of his body - burn it and discharge it into the atmosphere Go. Here Estella...grow those two pigs and put ice blankets on them."

(End of this chapter)

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